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Krishna traducir francés

493 traducción paralela
General Sir Krishna Rai.
Le général Sir Kundra Rai,
I'll write a song in praise of the Lord Krishna.
J'écrirai un chant de louanges à Krishna.
You don't know anything about Krishna.
Tu ne sais rien de Krishna.
He was so beautiful she thought he was the Lord Krishna come down to Earth.
Il était si beau qu'elle crut que c'était Krishna.
He was transformed into the Lord Krishna.
Il se métamorphosa en Krishna.
" O Krishna...
"Ô Krishna..."
" O Krishna.
"Ô Krishna."
I want to be always in your presence, O Krishna. "
"Je désire ta présence."
The Lord Krishna again became the bridegroom.
Et le Seigneur Krishna redevint son fiancé.
I thought you said it was about Krishna.
Je croyais que ça parlait de Krishna.
She weeps with her head on Krishna's breast. Wait till I tell my brother. "
" Elle pleure avec sa tête sur la poitrine de Krishna.
See what your wife Radha is up to.
" Elle pleure avec sa tête sur la poitrine de Krishna.
She weeps with her head on Krishna's breast. Wait! Where did they go? "
"Tu vois ce qui est arrivé entre-temps?"
For in the meantime Krishna had told Radha,
Khishna dit à Radha :
Yes, I saw a picture of Lord Krishna looking just like him
Je sais. Il ressemble en tous points à une représentation de Krishna.
Lord Krishna...
rien que ça!
"While Krishna has his knot of hair and flute there'll be women to serve him"
Tant que Krishna il y aura des femmes pour le servir.
We bestow the title of Anarkali on her
Demain, nous célébrons l'anniversaire du seigneur Krishna... Anarkali fera une Radha idéale. Mon fils!
"Krishna teased me at the well"
Il a saisi mon poignet délicat
"With his glance, he pierced my veil"
Ses yeux enjôleurs ont percé mon voile L'autre jour, Krishna m'a taquinée au puits - Qu'y a-t-il?
"You are in Krishna's flute and the Muezzin's call"
Tu surgis de la flûte de Krishna et de l'appel du muezzin
She was Lord Krishna's beloved
Elle était la bien-aimée du seigneur Krishna
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna, Krishna Hare, Hare
Krishna, Krishna Hare, Hare
Are Krishna.
Are Krishna.
Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna
Have you tried Hare Krishna?
As-tu essayé les Hare Krishna?
Maybe he should try Hare Krishna.
Il devrait peut-être essayer les Hare Krishna.
The only difference between Christianity and Hare Krishna is... Hare Krishna is real.
La différence entre le christianisme et Hare Krishna est que Hare Krishna, c'est réel.
If Jesus was alive today, he'd be very much into Hare Krishna. - Chrissie!
Si Jésus vivait aujourd'hui, il serait Hare Krishna.
"Dear Krishna.."
Jusqu'à nous. Cher Krishna...
The pain in my voice.. Has reached my heart from hers.
Elle attends Krishna pour l'avenir.
I would if it weren't for Krishna's birth prayers.
Mère venez.
Yes, the one who is so interested in the Hare Krishna movement.
"Ah oui! Celui qui s'intéressait aux Hare Krishna."
Krishna says to him...
Un jour, Krishna lui dit...
Krishna says to him...
Krishna lui dit...
"Hare Krishna"
Hare Krishna...
If you don't bring your brother home, I'll commit Hare Krishna!
Si tu ne retrouves pas ton frère, je fais hara-krishna!
Did you just see a little Hare Krishna midget in a tree, floating?
T'as pas vu un petit nain Hare Krishna flotter en l'air?
You`d like to become a Hare Krishna?
Vous voulez devenir un Hare Krishna?
Hare Krishna.
Hare Krishna.
You`re gonna be a Krishna?
Tu vas devenir un Krishna?
What'd you do, win a Hare Krishna-family publisher sweepstakes?
Qu'est-ce que t'as fait, gagné à la loterie des bouquins Hare Krishna?
Krishna, the boss is coming.
Krishna, le patron arrive.
" They call me Chaipau here, not Krishna.
On m'appelle Chaipau ici, pas Krishna.
Tomorrow, when we celebrate Lord Krishna's birthday, Anarkali... will be a suitable Radha
Vous m'ôtez les mots de la bouche!
You have taken the words out of my mouth
L'autre jour, Krishna m'a taquinée au puits
- Uh-huh.
She waited for the Krishna of my future in her eyes.
Pour 18 années...
- You go on. - Mother, you..
Je dois prier pour Krishna.

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