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Matera traducir francés

30 traducción paralela
They say General Gomez will be here tonight, he'll put them in their place.
Le général Gomez arrive. Il les matera.
In Matera, in Potenza.
A Matera, à Potenza.
That'll keep'em down.
Voilà qui les matera.
- At the 57 th km of the Matera - Battipaglia highway!
- Lors de la 57ème km de la Matera - autoroute Battipaglia
And it's during that time that the Battistoni company was building the highway between Battipaglia-Matera.
Et c'est pendant ce temps que la société Battistoni... C'était... la construction de la route entre Battipaglia-Matera.
I thought it was a bargain. Instead, all I manage to do is a couple of trips a week, to take the Podest to the prefecture in Matera.
Je pensais que c'était une affaire mais je m'en sers seulement deux fois par semaine pour amener le podestat à la préfecture de Matera.
It's only a formality, but the people in Matera want us to be scrupulous. So, we follow the rules.
Une simple formalité mais ceux de Matera sont pointilleux.
You must take him to Matera and have them taken out.
Vous devez l'amener à Matera où ils s'occuperont de lui.
In Matera's pharmacy, they've never even seen a stethoscope.
Oui, mais à la pharmacie de Matera ils n'ont jamais vu un stéthoscope.
They're lucky to have a pharmacy in Matera, here we don't have one.
Ils ont la chance d'avoir une pharmacie, pas comme ici.
After what I saw in Matera, I can't really blame them.
Après avoir vu Matera, impossible de les blâmer.
If this letter you wrote to your sister in Turin should be read by the people in Matera you'd be interned here not for 3 years, but 5, 7 maybe more.
Si cette lettre adressée à votre sœur de Turin tombait entre les mains des gens de Matera vous seriez exilé non pas trois ans mais cinq ou sept ans, voir plus.
They sent orders from Matera saying that I can't practice.
J'ai reçu des ordres de Matera m'interdisant de pratiquer.
Even attempting to take him to Matera would be useless. He wouldn't get there.
Même si on l'amenait à Matera ça ne servirait à rien, il mourrait avant.
- We can handle him.
On le matera.
Maybe you'll actually find somebody who can whip you at poker.
Peut-être que sur ce continent quelqu'un vous matera au poker.
Your friend comes in like a knight in shining armor. Puts his life on the line, so you think. Next thing you know, drop your drawers, or he'll throw you to the gang.
Votre ami joue les sauveurs, risque sa vie - c'est ce que vous croyez - puis vous dit de vous désaper sinon le gang vous matera.
When we're finished. we can go through Bill Clinton's porno stash.
Quand on aura fini, on matera les films pornos de Bill Clinton.
Listen, the next time you in L.A., I want you to come by my house, and we'll shoot some pool, watch my big screen and climb my rock wall.
Ecoute, la prochaine fois que tu viens à L.A., je veux que tu passes à la maison on fera trempette dans la piscine, on matera ma télé géante et on grimpera sur mon mur d'escalade.
Why don't you come to the house this weekend, we'll watch De La Hoya?
Passe à la maison ce week-end, on matera De La Hoya.
If we want that maniac on his knees, You should know that we will not hesitate to unleash the wrath of the army US on him.
On ne matera ce fou furieux qu'en lui montrant qu'on n'hésitera pas à user de le force contre lui.
So one day we might both be watching this on TV?
Alors un jour on matera ça tous les deux à la TV?
It meant the world to her. She wanted to go to the prom. I was like, no, we're not going to the fucking prom.
On glandera, on matera de nouveau The Breakfast Club.
I'll come by, hang out. - We'll watch 227 and shit. - Definitely.
Je passe, on matera "Le mot le plus con".
Put on Toy Story.
On matera Toy Story.
That is why he will never mate me.
C'est pourquoi il ne me matera jamais.
No, come over to my house, we'll watch a movie.
Non, viens chez moi on se matera un film
Next thing you know, he's looking at a bunch of photos of me and her, just like, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh.
Et après, il matera des photos de sa femme et moi faisant...
It is very dangerous, but it will be damaged.
Il est très dangereux, mais on le matera.
We'll watch a movie.
- on matera un film.

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