Mcgarry traducir francés
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Ma is sending Caroline over to McGarry's place.
Ma envoie Caroline chez McGarry.
Mrs. McGarry's come to her time.
Mme McGarry arrive à terme.
You stay at McGarry's tonight, Caroline.
Reste chez les McGarry ce soir, Caroline.
A journey into a wondrous land... whose boundaries are only that of the imagination.
Va lui lancer quelques balles. Merci beaucoup, M. McGarry. Mets ta casquette, Casey.
He claims that his virus came from this stupid book. I'm calling County psych ward. I'm having him transferred.
M. McGarry, contre quelle équipe joue Casey?
I'm not going to lie to you, Harry. That is a possibility.
Écoutez, M. McGarry.
Thank God. That's strange.
M. McGarry, je ne pouvais pas éliminer ces pauvres batteurs.
Leo filled me in about your mother.
Leo McGarry m'a dit pour votre mère.
Got my shoes shined too.
- M. McGarry...
- Call the guy. Perhaps Mrs. McGarry would enjoy you in a nice smoking jacket.
Mme McGarry aimerait peut-être vous voir en smoking.
Excuse me, sir? Leo McGarry's here.
Leo McGarry est ici.
Something I can help you with, Mr. McGarry?
Je peux vous aider, M. McGarry?
- Nice morning, Mr. McGarry.
Belle journée, M. McGarry.
Mr. McGarry, have they done an x-ray?
M. McGarry, ils ont fait une radio?
- You want to tell her that?
Dis-le à Mme McGarry.
Can you tell me which one of those kids is Leo McGarry's daughter?
Un instant. Pouvez-vous me dire qui est la fille de Leo McGarry?
Mr. McGarry, would you mind?
Pouvez-vous fermer? Merci.
You're Leo McGarry.
Tu es Leo McGarry.
is that Leo McGarry or is that Fred Astaire?
Est-ce Leo McGarry ou Fred Astaire?
Leo McGarry's office.
Bureau de Leo McGarry.
The president appreciates your laying off Leo McGarry.
Le Président vous remercie d'avoir épargné McGarry.
Would you like me to inform Mr. McGarry and the advisors...?
Voulez-vous que j'informe M. McGarry et les conseillers?
McGarry, chief of staff.
Leo McGarry...
McGarry's chief of staff.
Leo McGarry est secrétaire général.
- She'll meet McGarry.
- Elle verra Leo McGarry.
Secretary O'Leary was told that Leo McGarry wanted to see her.
Mme O'Leary a été informée que Leo McGarry voulait la voir.
- Am I a hooker? - Which kid is Leo McGarry's daughter?
- Laquelle est la fille de mon patron?
- Since when? Mr. McGarry's office put it on your schedule.
M. McGarry a bloqué votre soirée.
Mr. McGarry will be here in a moment.
M. McGarry ne va pas tarder à arriver.
Mr. McGarry's outside. Yeah.
M. McGarry est dehors.
- Mr. McGarry.
- M. McGarry.
Yes, well, Mr. McGarry...
M. McGarry...
- Well, Mr. McGarry...
- M. McGarry...
- Mr. McGarry, I loathe...
- M. McGarry, j'ai en horreur...
- Mr. McGarry...
- M. McGarry...
I was going to see Leo McGarry.
Je viens voir Léo McGarry.
- How did McGarry's face look?
- McGarry a dû faire une tête.
- I need to speak to Leo McGarry.
- Je dois parler à Léo McGarry.
- Good evening, Mr. McGarry.
- Bonsoir, M. McGarry.
- T oby.... - l'm here on behalf of Leo McGarry.
Je suis là sur les directives de Léo McGarry.
- McGarry wants me?
- McGarry veut m'employer?
I came at the request of Leo McGarry.
Je suis ici à la demande de Leo McGarry.
Mr. Ambassador, you know Leo McGarry.
M. l'ambassadeur... Vous connaissez Leo?
Is Leo McGarry an alcoholic?
Leo McGarry est-il alcoolique?
It says Leo McGarry spent 28 days in a substance abuse facility.
Il dit que McGarry a passé 28 jours... en cure de désintoxication au centre Sierra Tucson.
Unfortunately, my eye is only the tip of the iceberg.
M. McGarry?
Excuse me, Mr. McGarry?
- M. McGarry?
-... say, "I've got a friend...."
Vous devez contacter... votre député et lui dire : "J'ai un ami..." McGarry, j'écoute.
- Leo McGarry.
Leo McGarry.
Yes, Mr. McGarry?
Oui, M. McGarry?
- Including Leo McGarry's?
Dont celui de McGarry?