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Najid traducir francés

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What are you going to do about Najid?
Qu'allez-vous faire à propos de Najid?
Najid's tired.
Najid est fatigué.
Those are for you, Najid.
C'est pour toi, Najid.
You take Najid out later and you show him the ropes.
Tu prendras Najid avec toi pour lui montrer comment ça marche.
Even Najid did better than that.
Même Najid a fait mieux que ça.
You did well, Najid.
Tu t'es bien débrouillé, Najid.
I mean Najid.
Najid, je veux dire.
Najid needs us.
Najid a besoin de nous.
I'm not losing Najid.
Je ne perdrai pas Najid.
Come on, let's go and find Najid.
Allez, partons trouver Najid.
You wouldn't be lying to me, Najid, would you?
Tu ne me mentirais pas, n'est-ce pas, Najid?
Keep up, Najid.
Accélère, Najid.
Al, Anya and Najid, you look for the smaller shops.
Al, Anya et Najid, occupez-vous des petits magasins.
If there's someone out there, Najid, we'll find them one day, I promise.
Si certains sont en vie, Najid, on finira par les trouver, je te le promets.
Where the hell is Najid?
Où est Najid?
There's this kid, Najid.
Cet enfant, Najid.
- We'd like Najid to stay.
- On aimerait que Najid reste.
It's in Najid's best interests to remain here, in a secure environment.
C'est dans l'intérêt de Najid de rester en sécurité ici.
- Najid. - On n'a aucun objet de valeur.
Do you believe in God, Najid?
- Tu crois en Dieu, Najid?
Najid said that you were some kind of preacher.
Najid a dit que vous étiez un genre de prêcheur.
My name's Najid.
Je suis Najid.
You tell Najid to be careful.
Dis à Naj d'être prudent.
Najid, I'm sorry, but you're just a kid.
Najid, désolé, mais t'es qu'un gamin.
Excuse me. Najid!
S'il te plaît, Nadj.
Najid and I will wait.
Je vais rester avec Najid.
I promised Najid I would be careful.
J'ai promis à Najid d'être prudent.
Reverse into the bay, Najid.
Retourne dans la cour Najid.
There's too many of them to fight, Najid.
Ils sont trop pour se battre. Suis-moi!
- Where's Najid?
- Où est Najid?
All right, but I wouldn't have told him, would I? - Najid!
Mais je ne lui aurais quand même pas dit ça.
How's Najid?
Comment va Najid?
I need you to look after Najid.
J'ai besoin que tu veilles sur Najid.
And we just received word that President Najid Shiraz's motorcade is now arriving at the White House.
Nous avons reçu l'information que le cortège du Président Shiraz vient d'arriver à la Maison Blanche.
Najid, cut the horses loose!
Najid! Libère les chevaux!
Abby, Najid... me.
Et moi.
Go, Najid!
Najid! You didn't find Abby!
Vous n'avez pas trouvé Abby.

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