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Payne traducir francés

442 traducción paralela
- Good morning, Mr Payne.
Qui est malade?
- Nothing to be alarmed about, Mrs Payne.
Rien de grave...
Mrs Payne, for myself I don't care.
Pour moi, ça ne fait rien.
You'd better tell him, Payne.
- Expliquez-lui, Payne.
How much rent would it be, Payne?
A combien s'élèverait le loyer?
Hey, it's Mr. Payne.
Hé, c'est M. Payne.
How are you, Mr. Payne?
Comment allez-vous, M. Payne?
How are you, Mr. Payne?
Comment allez-vous?
Ada, Ada, get Mr. Payne a glass of water.
Ada, amène un verre d'eau.
You know, Mr. Payne, why, it looks like the good Lord don't want us to grow things in the earth anymore.
Vous savez, M. Payne, on dirait que le bon Dieu ne veut plus qu'on fasse pousser quoi que ce soit ici.
Mr. Payne don't care nothing about what you think about that.
M. Payne s'en fiche de ce que tu penses.
Payne, your radio'll be on Company frequency. Coleman, you're on Battalion.
Payne et Coleman, vous aurez chacun une fréquence.
Payne, see if you can get me O'Hashi this time.
Payne, réessayez de joindre O'Hashi.
Payne, you stay here.
Payne, restez ici.
Payne'll call me if they stop jamming.
Payne m'appellera s'ils libèrent la fréquence.
Oh, this is Payne, Kincaid, Jenkins, O'Daniel, and I'm Talbot. Oh, and that...
Voilà Payne, Kincaid, Jenkins, O'Daniel, et je suis Talbot.
I said, " That's the sound, Mr. Payne.
J'ai répondu : " C'est mon son, M. Payne.
Our program goes on with John Payne
Le jeune homme est mort sur le coup.
" "Now appearing, Miss Tiffany Payne." "
"Miss Tiffany Payne"!
We return to the program now in progress, starring Alice Faye and John Payne in Musical Holiday.
Revenons maintenant au programme en cours, avec Alice Faye et John Payne dans "Musical Holiday".
We're talking this evening with Gregory and Caroline Payne Whitney Smith, close friends of the Carter family.
Nos invités ce soir sont Gregory et Caroline Payne Whitney Smith, amis proches de la famille Carter.
Except that Mrs Payne Whitney Smith is a catatonic.
À part que Mme Payne Whitney Smith est catatonique.
The American biologist Roger Payne has calculated that there's a deep sound channel in the ocean at these frequencies through which two whales could communicate anywhere in the world.
Le biologiste Roger Payne a calculé... qu'il existe un canal de transmission pour ces fréquences... à travers lequel les baleines communiquent... où qu'elles soient.
He says you're doing some work with him and Alan Hobart at Payne-Whitney.
Vous faites équipe avec lui et Hobart.
Thanking you in advance, Wendell Payne. "
"Merci d'avance, Wendell Payne."
You, Payne, will kill him.
Toi, Payne, tu le tueras.
- What about you, Payne?
- Et toi, Payne?
Come on, Payne, it must be done.
Allez, Payne, au boulot.
- Payne.
- Payne.
Payne, if we are being followed, deal with them.
Payne, si nous sommes suivis, occupe-toi d'eux.
Payne's taking his time.
Payne prend son temps.
- Still no sign of Payne?
- Toujours aucun signe de Payne?
It's not Payne.
Ce n'est pas Payne.
He will not go into court without a witness and without Capone's bookkeeper, Walter Payne.
Laissez tomber! II n'a pas de témoin II n'ira pas devant le jury sans Payne, le comptable
Tell him I know where Payne is and to meet me at my place.
Dis-lui que je sais où est Payne. Qu'il vienne chez moi immédiatement
Sorry, Mr Payne, I can't hear you.
Je vous entends mal, Monsieur Payne
Rick Payne, and of course Rick is in car number 15, and newcomer Todd Nicol in number 20.
Rick Payne, bien sûr dans l'auto numéro 15. Le nouveau venu, Todd Nicol, dans la 20.
Now MacGyver, running eighth overall, will try to reel in Rick Payne.
MacGyver est en huitième position et s'attaque à Rick Payne.
Already up into seventh as he looks at Carl Harr, and just behind that action, Payne almost put- -
Déjà en septième position, il vise Carl Harr, et juste derrière, Payne met presque...
Payne, Jefferson.They'd be executed.
Payne, Jefferson. Exécutés.
What did Payne find here?
Payne a trouvé quoi, ici?
Uh, Mr. Payne, sir... you know, every second that you could let us out early... would really increase our chances of survival.
- M. Payne? Monsieur? Si vous pouviez nous laisser sortir plus tôt, chaque seconde augmenterait nos chances de survie.
If you mean the American poet John Howard Payne, sir, he compared it, to its advantage, with pleasures and palaces.
Si vous voulez parler du poète américain John Howard Payne, monsieur, Il l'a comparé, à son avantage, des plaisirs et des palais.
- Lewis Payne.
- Lewis Payne
Howard Payne, Atlanta PD Bomb Squad.
" Howard Payne, police d'Atlanta. Artificier.
It seemed a little hammy to me to build the bomb out of my precious retirement gift, but, you know, I figured a sign that said "Howard Payne" would be pushing it.
C'était un peu cabotin de régler la bombe sur mon magnifique cadeau de départ en retraite... Mais je me suis dit que signer "Howard Payne", ç aurait été trop facile.
Lewis Payne.
Lewis Payne.
Alan Payne, maintopman.
Adam Payne, gabier.
Where's Payne? Where's Payne?
Où est Payne?

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