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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ P ] / Put out your hand

Put out your hand traducir francés

121 traducción paralela
Shut your eyes and put out your hand.
Fermez les yeux et tendez la main.
Put out your hand.
Tends la main.
Put out your hand
... avance ta main
Put out your hand with your palm up.
Ouvre ta main et tends-lui ta paume.
Put out your hand. When facing the enemy, never take the advantage.
Quand tu affrontes un ennemi, observe-le bien.
Alan, put out your hand.
Alan, donnez-moi votre main.
Just put out your hand like this.
Tends la main comme ça.
Put out your hand.
C'est quoi? Ouvre la main.
But if you put out your hand in true friendship, here is mine.
Si vous prolongez votre main seulement pour l'amitié... ma main est toujours disponible.
Put out your hand.
Tends ta main.
The storm has put the lights out and you can't see your hand before your face.
- L'orage a coupé le courant... et on ne peut pas voir sa main devant son visage.
Now, put your hand out there and hold up - No, don't cover up the site.
Mettez votre main gauche ici et tenez la bien.
"go out into the darkness " and put your hand into the hand of God.
" Marche dans l'obscurité et mets ta main dans celle de Dieu.
Put out your hand, feel it.
Posez la main, sentez-le.
Lay a hand on me, and I'll put your lights out.
Frappe-moi, et tu ne verras plus la lumière du jour.
Put your hand out.
Tends la main.
You put your left hand out like this and your right...
Votre main gauche ici et la droi...
Put your hand out.
Sortez votre main.
Put out your hand.
Montrez-moi votre main.
You just put your hand in his mouth and pull his teeth out.
Vous mettez la main dans sa gueule et lui arrachez les dents.
He's against you. But the Lord is on your side. So reach out your hand and put your hand in his hand...
Mais le Seigneur veille sur vous et vous tend la main, alors, ne le laissez pas partir.
I just took him by the hand and led him out... and put him in my little car. And drove him to your grandfather's secret studio?
Je l'ai pris par la main, et l'ai conduit à l'atelier secret de votre grand-père?
Here, put your hand out.
Tendez votre main.
Put your hand out.
You better not put your hand water... snakes come out at night to hunt the turtles.
Laisse pas ta main trop longtemps. Il y a des serpents d'eau la nuit, et des tortues carnivores.
This morning, right here in this very room... and I asked you to please put it on my dresser... and you said, "I will," and went out holding it in your hand.
Ce matin, dans cette pièce, et je vous ai demandé de la mettre sur la commode, vous avez dit : "D'accord" avant de quitter la pièce avec le papier.
Take your left hand and very slowly... pull it out of the holster and put it on the floor.
Avec la main gauche, très lentement, tu vas poser ton flingue par terre.
Put your hand out.
Pose la main là.
Put out your hand.
Si vous avez réussi à ce qu'ils convolent ensemble vous avez accompli plus que ce qui est humainement possible je n'aurai pas à redescendre pour l'implorer de l'épouser
Here, put your hand out.
Donnez-moi votre main.
Slip me some skin. " Here's how you do it," Slip me some skin. " Put your hand out there.
On fait ça comme ça.
If you put masking tape around your hand sticky side out it's useful for removing that unsightly lint from jacket or sweater.
Si tu mets du ruban adhésif autour de ta main, côté collant à l'extérieur, c'est utile pour enlever les peluches des vestes et pantalons.
Put your right hand out to the side.
Mets ta main droite sur le côté.
Put your left hand out to that side... and close your right eye.
Bien, à présent, mets ta main gauche de ce côté. Ferme l'oeil droit.
Wait, put your hand out a little.
Attends, avance ta main.
Put that down and come and put your hand out.
Pose ça et viens tendre la main.
Put out your hand.
Ta main.
The lights went out. MAN : Hey, bozo, put your hand back in.
Andouille, remets ta main.
Simran, put your hand out.
Simran, donne ta main
Put your hand on the Bible. Cut it out.
Put your hand over your heart, with the other hand reach out and touch somebody.
Placez une main sur votre coeur et de l'autre, touchez quelqu'un.
- Put your right hand out, please.
To put your hand out and want someone at the end of your reach.
Tendre sa main et vouloir qu'il y ait quelqu'un au bout.
Head up. Now put your right hand out in front of you.
Tendez la main droite devant vous.
Put your hand out like you're holding a gun.
Faites semblant de tenir une arme.
I'll give you my word that the second you put your hand on your zipper, I'm out the door.
Je te donne ma parole que si tu mets la main sur la braguette, je file.
We need your help to put a stop to it before it gets out of hand.
Aidez-nous à y mettre un terme avant que ça se dégrade.
Put out your worries and just hand over your money.
Donnez! - Attends un peu!
Take your hand put in into your pocket, take out your ID and give it to me.
Mettez votre main dans votre poche, sortez vos papiers et donnez-les-moi. Point.
You're gonna go out there, you're gonna put your helmets on, buckle your chinstrap, and hand out 38 ass-whoopin's! You understand?
Vous allez mettre vos casques, vos jugulaires et leur foutre 38 raclйes.
Leroy, just put your hand out.
Leroy, mets ta main en avant.

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