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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ P ] / Put the gun down now

Put the gun down now traducir francés

178 traducción paralela
Posez cette arme.
I said put the gun down now!
J'ai dit, pose ce flingue!
Lar, why don't you put the gun down now? No.
- Si tu laissais ton fusil?
Put the gun down now!
Range cette arme! Vous, tirez-vous!
I'm tired of fuckin'around, so either put the gun down now or kiss your ass goodbye, boy.
J'en ai marre d'attendre. Alors, soit tu poses ton flingue, soit tu fais ta prière, mon petit.
Put the gun down now!
Put the gun down now!
Jette ton arme!
- Put the gun down now!
- Posez votre flingue tout de suite!
Put the gun down now.
Pose ton arme.
Dom, put the gun down now!
Pose ton arme!
Put the gun down NOW.
Baissez votre arme!
Put the gun down now!
Pose ton flingue, tout de suite!
Put the gun down now. You're under arrest.
Posez votre arme, je vous arrête!
- Audrey, put the gun down now.
- Il a essayé de me tuer!
- Put the gun down now.
- Posez votre arme maintenant!
If you love her, you will put the gun down now.
Si vous l'aimez, vous allez jeter votre arme maintenant.
Put the gun down now!
- Baisse ton arme maintenant!
Put the gun down now!
Mettez le pistolet à terre maintenant!
Put the gun down now.
Posez cette arme.
Now, hey, come on, put the gun down. Please, man.
Baisse ton flingue.
Put the gun down now!
Range cette arme!
In the name of God, Johnny... now you put that gun down.
Au nom de Dieu. Pose ton arme.
Now, put the gun down.
Pose cette arme.
Now, why don't you put down the gun, and let's talk?
Pose ça et discutons.
We can fix this now if you put the gun down.
Si tu poses ce pistolet...
Put that fuckin'gun down! Put the fuckin'gun down now!
Lâche ton putain de flingue!
- Put down the gun now! - Put the gun down, Tom!
Lâchez le pistolet Tom!
Now, don't move! Put the gun down.
Lâchez le pistolet!
- This is Major Baxter. - Now you're being given your last chance by a man with a gun. Put the phone down.
C'est la dernière chance que vous accorde un homme armé.
Now, put the gun down.
Alors pose tout de suite ton arme.
Put the gun down, now!
Pose-la tout de suite, tu entends?
Put the damn gun down, now.
Pose-le, bordel.
Now put it on the ground! - Put the gun down!
Posez-la par terre!
Now, just put the gun down.
Baissez vos armes. Bougez plus!
Come on now, put the gun down.
Allez, baisse ce revolver.
Now put the gun down, John.
Baissez votre arme.
Police! Put the gun down right now!
Jetez votre arme!
Put that shit down. Put the gun down right now.
Pose ce flingue!
Now, put the gun down.
Maintenant, baisse cette arme.
Put the gun down right now.
Posez-la tout de suite!
Put the gun down. Put it down, now!
Pose ton arme tout de suite!
So why don't you put the gun down and you and me are gonna walk out that door right now, okay?
Alors, baissez votre arme, d'accord? Vous et moi allons sortir ensemble.
Now, put the gun down.
Pose ton flingue.
Sam, put the gun down right now, and we'll talk about it.
Sam, pose le flingue maintenant, et on va en parler.
Put the gun down right now!
Il m'a agressée en premier.
Now put down the gun.
Maintenant baissez votre arme!
Now put the goddamn gun down. You're caught.
Tu es pris, alors tu laisses tomber tout doucement ton arme.
Now put the gun down.
Posez votre arme.
- Put the gun down, now!
Put the damn gun down now, Trumpy.
Range ton arme immédiatement, Trumpy.
Right now! Put the gun down!
Déposez votre arme immédiatement!

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