Quilty traducir francés
44 traducción paralela
Are you Quilty?
Vous êtes Quilty?
Are you Quilty?
Etes-vous Quilty?
Yeah. I'm Quilty, yeah, sure.
Ouais, j'suis Quilty bien sûr.
You're dying anyway, Quilty.
Vous crevez tout court.
Quilty, I want you to concentrate.
Concentrez-vous Quilty.
Think of what you did, Quilty, and think of what is happening to you now.
Pensez à ce que vous avez fait et à ce qui va vous arriver.
Do you have any last words before you die, Quilty?
Rien à dire avant de mourir?
As a matter of fact, you know one of the speakers that I had last season was Clare Quilty.
En fait, vous savez... un de nos conférenciers a été Clare Quilty.
Clare Quilty? The writer, TV?
It's Clare Quilty.
C'est Clare Quilty!
Did you have a good time dancing with Clare Quilty?
Ça t'a plu de danser avec Clare Quilty?
Well, Edusa Gold, the drama teacher, Clare Quilty and Vivian Darkbloom.
Clare Quilty et Vivian Darkbloom.
It was Clare Quilty.
C'était Clare Quilty.
You mean, Dr. Zemph, he was Clare Quilty?
Le Doktor Zemph, c'était Quilty?
I'd had a crush on him ever since the times that he used to come and visit Mother.
J'étais amoureuse de Quilty avant ta venue.
I felt somewhat quilty about having a TV. So I gradually became unwilling to watch it.
Alors, ça l'aurait fichu mal qu'un pauvre en ait une.
Yeah, well, you know, I hear certain... And it's not just the streets. The Quilty sisters were killed in their own home because they didn't lock the door.
Et les sœurs Quilty ont été tuées chez elles parce qu'elles n'avaient pas fermé leur porte.
They are all quilty.
Ils sont tous coupable.
Don't you think that guy looks exactly like Quilty?
Tu ne trouves pas qu'il ressemble à Quilty?
The writer Quilty.
L'écrivain, Quilty.
That's the actual playwright, Clare Quilty.
C'est l'écrivain, Clare Quilty.
Hi. I'm Clare Quilty.
Salut, je suis Clare Quilty...
Quilty can't be here in our studio because he's in Wace, Texas tonight..... working on the premiere of his brand-new play.
Quilty ne peut pas être avec nous aujourd'hui car il est à Wade, au Texas ce soir... c'est la première de sa nouvelle pièce.
My God, Dad, it was Quilty.
Mon Dieu, papa. C'était Quilty, Clare Quilty.
Quilty, I want you to concentrate.
Quilty, je veux que vous vous concentriez.
Try to understand what is happening.
Quilty, essayez de comprendre ce qui se passe.
When Humbert gets that urgent phone call he returns to find Lolita doing what with the likes of Clare Quilty?
Le jeu continu et, bien sûr, culmine l'explication du papier cryptogrammique. Arrêter!
Here we go, Herbert Quilty, service tech for Vertech wireless.
Ca y est, Herbert Quilty, technicien de service chez Vertech wireless.
Same time as Quilty was in jail a guy named Thomas Maynard was serving weekends on a DUI conviction
Au même moment que Quilty était en prison un gars nommé Thomas Maynard a été condamné pour conduite en état d'ivresse.
Herbert Quilty, you're under arrest for murder.
Herbert Quilty, je vous arrête pour meurtre.
Quilty rigged the phones.
Quilty a truqué leurs portables.
What I don't understand is how did Quilty's phone let the robbers know where track victims were?
Ce que je ne comprend pas c'est comment le téléphone de Quilty communique aux voleurs où traquer leurs victimes?
Quilty must have put a sniffer on a node.
Quilty a dû mettre un renifleur dans un noeud.
And you think Quilty's phone could do that?
Et tu penses que le téléphone de Quilty peut faire ça?
All right, so Maynard gave Quilty phone numbers of people who owned valuable things.
D'accord, donc Maynard a donné à Quilty les numéros de portables des gens qui possédaient des objets de valeur.
Right, and Quilty had his sniffer search for those numbers.
Exact, et Quilty avait son renifleur qui cherchait ces numéros.
Okay, so Maynard and Quilty set up Gordon with phone numbers of potential victims.
Ok, donc Maynard et Quilty ont équipé Gordon du numéro des victimes potentielles.
We, the jury, find the defendant, Nelson Biederman, quilty.
Nous déclarons l'accusé, Nelson Biederman, capable.
Who was Clare Quilty?
Lequel était Quilty?
Good tennis?
Faisant quoi avec les désirs de Clare Quilty? En jouant au tennis.