Quota traducir francés
667 traducción paralela
He "ll get his quota of killing, if you" re lucky to win.
Il en aura, des morts, si tu as la chance de l " emporter.
You're going over your quota.
Tu dépasses ton quota.
I've had definite information from the Board of Trade that there's to be a Quota law for British shipping before the month's out.
Je tiens de source sûre que le gouvernement va légiférer d'ici la fin du mois.
That Quota bill for British Shipping.
La loi sur la construction navale.
Before we begin building we must either wait for the Quota bill to be passed or for a revival of trade.
Avant de commencer à produire, attendons cette loi - ou un sursaut du marché.
You told us that you had definite information that the Quota bill would go through.
D'après vos informations, la loi devait passer.
This Quota bill doesn't matter one way or the other.
Au diable, cette loi.
And as a consequence, the House of Commons, this evening, passed the first reading of a Quota bill to assist British shipping.
Nous apprenons que le Parlement vient de passer une loi pour aider le secteur.
You know, some of the girls have gone over their quota three times.
Certaines des filles ont déjà recueilli énormément d'argent.
She's breaking my heart, but she's reaching her quota.
Elle me brise le cœur, mais elle est en train de rafler la mise.
You've had your fill of peace and quiet.
Tu as eu ton quota de repos et de silence.
Don't forget it's only two days to the policemen's ball, and you're way behind on your quota. Bradley.
N'oubliez pas le bal des policiers dans deux jours, vous êtes très en dessous de votre quota, Bradley.
Thirty gals a month is your quota.
Votre quota est de trente par mois.
But if you got married to an American citizen - Not that I got anybody in particular in mind - Why, then you could get a quota number, and you could stay here.
Si vous vous mariez à un citoyen américain je n'ai personne en tête de particulier, alors vous rentrerez dans le quota d'immigration, et vous pourrez rester ici.
Oh. Well, she can have my quota number because I'll have to get out of the country.
Dans ce cas, elle peut avoir mon quota.
I say you've committed us to too great a quota.
Vous nous avez engagés à fournir un trop grand quota.
When his quota is exceeded that haughty aristocrat of the Andes... calmly sits down and refuses to budge.
Lorsque son quota est dépassé, cet aristocrate hautain des Andes s'assoit calmement et refuse de bouger.
The previously announced emergency production quota increase will begin on the first of next month.
L'augmentation de la production précédemment annoncée commencera le mois prochain.
During this emergency production period, I want all of you to meet your quotas without fail, and at the same time to hone your fighting spirit.
En cette période de production de crise, je veux que chacun respecte son quota sans faute, et en même temps aiguise son esprit de combat.
The quota increases will be as follows : 1000 / 0 for the men, 500 / 0 for the women.
Les augmentations de quota seront de 100 % pour les hommes, et 50 % pour les femmes.
It's about the production quota increases.
C'est à cause des augmentations de quota.
Your quota increase is only half theirs.
Votre quota n'est augmenté que de moitié.
You women seem unhappy about the quota increase.
Vous semblez malheureuses de l'augmentation des quotas.
We insisted on this quota.
Nous avons insisté sur ce quota.
I considered asking you to come home to look after her, but with your production quota increase underway and in light of your responsibilities as group leader, I can't ask you to do that.
Vous devriez revenir à la maison pour vous occuper d'elle, mais avec l'augmentation de votre quota de production et vu vos responsabilités de chef de groupe, je ne peux pas vous le demander.
Please, until the quota increase ends or Suzumura and Yamazaki come back, don't tell anyone.
Jusqu'à la fin de la période de crise ou du retour de Suzumura et Yamazaki, ne dites rien à personne.
They insisted on the quota.
Elles ont insisté sur le quota.
Promise not to tell until the emergency quota period ends.
Jusqu'à la fin de la période de crise.
The emergency quota will end soon, won't it?
La période de crise devrait se terminer bientôt?
She did her quota for today and still plans to check all the lenses made in the last two days.
Elle a fait son quota journalier et envisage de vérifier toutes les lentilles faites les deux derniers jours.
I have a quota of them tucked in my back pocket.
J'en ai tout un lot en poche.
Every outfit around about here is sending in a quota.
Tous les ranchs de la région fournissent un quota.
All this territory is controlled by King Farrod. He's given us a quota.
Ces terres appartiennent au roi Farrod, qui impose un quota.
We'd be very happy to pay you a bonus for all you'd allow us over the quota.
Nous paierions pour chaque bête supplémentaire.
In other words, no quota, no restrictions?
Donc, ni quotas ni restrictions?
- No quota, no restrictions.
- Ni quotas ni restrictions.
This is my quota.
C'est mon contingent.
Why haven't you phoned me? Or is there a quota on telephone calls up there?
Mais pourquoi ne m'as tu pas appelée?
How long I have to wait this time? Hungarian quota?
Et je vais attendre combien de temps cette fois?
This is Malou, an Aleutian seal hunter who failed to turn in his quota for the Tzar.
Voici Malu, un pêcheur de phoques aléoutien qui n'a pas remis au tsar son quota de phoques cette année.
- I'll just quickly deal my quota of punches.
- J'ai encore quelques gifles à donner.
I'm in the mood where you can make more than your usual quota of mistakes.
Je suis d'humeur à laisser passer vos fautes.
Same for you, Cary? - Yes. - Nothing for me, George.
Rien pour moi, j'ai déjà mon quota.
I've had my quota. You'll need more than one to see you through this party ─ all my fault too.
Il faudra des forces pour tenir la soirée.
Every customer has a quota.
Chaque client a un quota.
I've had my quota.
- J'ai atteint ma limite.
I've decided to alter the daily work quota of our men.
J'ai décidé de modifier le quota de travail.
We must fix the daily work quota for your men.
Il faut fixer le quota de travail de vos hommes.
The Quota bill has been thrown out.
La loi est rejetée.
What about the French quota?
Et les quotas Français?