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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ R ] / Ration

Ration traducir francés

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On the day of the show, Natasha received a food ration at the club.
Le jour du spectacle, Natacha a reçu un kit alimentaire.
- Everyone gets two issues.
Double ration pour tous.
You had your bar already today.
Tu as déjà eu ta ration.
I'm telling him, "No, you had one already today."
Je lui dis : "Tu as déjà eu ta ration."
One bar ain't enough. It goes to prove it.
Notre ration de chocolat est insuffisante.
Ten days on half rations. What's your name?
10 jours de demi-ration.
Half rations.
I put the order in myself and I see that you get enough.
Je vais placer la commande pour une bonne ration.
You get it from now on every day. " "Every day, 20 gallons of milk?"
Ce sera ta ration quotidienne. " Vingt gallons de lait par jour?
Look, on this trip we've only sold five tickets. That doesn't even cover the beast's food, you hear?
Regardez, pour ce voyage il n'y a que cinq passagers, ça suffit à peine pour payer la ration des bêtes, vous m'entendez?
I had a ration of vodka in the army, and now champagne.
Dans l'armée, je buvais de la vodka. Et maintenant, du champagne.
Aren't you living a little above your ration?
Tu vis au-dessus de ta ration.
You are taking one day's rations with you, not more.
Un jour de ration, pas plus.
Somebody's fond of potatoes round here.
La ration de patates.
Saves us another week's ration.
Ca nous économise la ration d'une autre semaine.
This is our meat ration!
Ceci est notre ration de viande!
I intend to walk across the street and buy myself a double portion of creamed Bermuda onions.
Je vais traverser, m'offrir une double ration de velouté d'oignon.
And tonight, double portions of grub for everybody!
Et ce soir, double ration pour tout le monde!
Give them a double ration of sweets and leave it at that.
Doublez leur ration de bonbons, ça suffira.
They're liable to ration that. - How are you, darling?
Ça va peut-être être rationné.
And we won't need this ration book anymore, will we?
Et on n'aura plus besoin de la carte de rationnement.
Jimmy, throw down a ration.
Jimmy, une ration.
Three days'rations and forage.
3 jours de ration et fourrage.
So long as they don't ration
Tant qu'ils ne rationnent pas
So long as they don't ration My passion
Tant qu'ils ne rationnent pas Mon amour
- She wants another carrot.
- Elle veut une carotte. - Elle a eu sa ration.
I don't care what they do as long as they don't ration pickles.
Tant qu'ils ne rationnent pas les pickles, je m'en moque.
" But I'm worried about your ration points.
" Mais je m'inquiète pour vos tickets de rationnement.
Well, I'd like some lobster with mayonnaise and a little bit of steak with potato souffle.
Un demi-ration ou une double ration? Peu importe.
You gave him the last of that K ration, remember?
Il a mangé ce qui restait.
That was no sacrifice. Have you ever tasted K ration?
Vous parlez d'un sacrifice!
Hollis, I'll bet you a K ration dinner we get there first.
Je parie une ration K qu'on sera les premiers!
This is your food ration book, clothes ration, tobacco... automobile license, bus tickets, your travel permit... and this is your certificate of demobilization.
Tickets de rationnement de nourriture, de vêtements, de tabac... permis de conduire, tickets ïautobus, ausweiss. Certificat de démobilisation.
Ralph is going to take her to the Ration Board.
Non. Ralph l'emmène au comité de rationnement.
That's nice! And a cup of tea for both of us.
La ration du travailleur acharné!
Joe, you take care of his feed, huh?
- Joe, tu donnes sa ration?
That's two days rations there, and you're washing your hair in it.
Une ration de deux jours, et vous vous lavez les cheveux.
They've cancelled my ration book, and I want to ask them why.
Ils m'ont sucré ma ration d'alcool. Je veux savoir pourquoi.
I forgot the cheese ration.
J'ai oublié le fromage.
You didn't even register and get a ration card.
Que fais-tu? Tu vis caché.
There are four of us and just three ration cards.
On n'a que 3 cartes de denrées pour quatre!
You'll give me new courage to live. You'll work. You'll get a ration card like everyone else.
Tu me rendras le courage de vivre, tu travailleras, tu auras une carte,
We got to write Congress to boost our PX ration.
Il va falloir demander au congrès d'augmenter nos rations.
To you for your K ration
A vous pour votre ration
Here's your identity card, security pass and ration card.
Vos cartes d'identité, vos laissez-passer et vos cartes de restriction.
That's your ration till lunch.
C'est votre ration jusqu'au déjeuner.
And eat a little bit more for once!
Double ration!
C'est la dernière ration d'eau, une demi-bouteille par personne.
- And with ration coupons.
Avec ticket, par-dessus le marché.
- What about your ration?
Et les rations?
They may not pay us, but they have to at least feed us.
mais la ration.

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