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Regrettable traducir francés

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The pious gave themselves up to many a regrettable self-punishment.
Le dévot se donnait à de terribles autopunitions.
Was there, as the newspapers indicated, any connection between his death and the death of the man Thursby?
Y a-t-il, comme la presse le suggère, un quelconque lien entre ce regrettable événement et la mort d'un dénommé Thursby?
Just a little mistake.
Une erreur regrettable.
" But, sadly, we've not stopped on our way here,
" Mais on ne s'est pas arrêtés en route, ce qui est regrettable.
It is unfortunate you are no longer able to speak.
Il est regrettable que vous ne soyez plus en mesure de parler.
Miss Powers, we understand that one of the newspapers has offered you a sum of money for a story by you touching on this unfortunate affair.
Nous savons qu'un journal vous a offert une somme d'argent pour avoir votre version de cette regrettable histoire.
- This regrettable occurrence may plunge our countries into war.
Touché. - Ce regrettable incident pourrait conduire à la guerre.
Oh, well, I'm sorry to hear that, Mr. Gargan.
Comme c'est regrettable, M. Gargan.
" Please don't mention this unfortunate night to a soul.
" Ne parlez à personne de cette nuit regrettable.
It's too bad when you get started off on the wrong foot first.
C'est toujours regrettable quand on part du mauvais pied.
- Regrettable.
- Regrettable?
- Yes, regrettable.
- Oui, regrettable.
It's a shame you're quitting the DA's office with the Manny Arnold case unsolved.
Il est regrettable que vous partiez sans avoir résolu le meurtre de Manny Arnold.
That is sad, very sad.
C'est très regrettable.
Most regretful.
Infiniment regrettable.
Now, isn't that just too bad. Oh, that's terrible.
Quel dommage, c'est vraiment regrettable.
Now listen, Gypo. Now listen, Gypo, be very careful. Don't do anything you'll regret.
Ne fais pas quelque chose de regrettable.
I know it was used for the common good, but the loss of 30,000 rubles is quite regrettable.
Cependant, la disparition de ces trente mille roubles est regrettable, comprenez-vous.
While it is regrettable, we must remember that the treaty by which your foster father received annually a sum of money from my government for his extraordinary services ceased automatically to exist on the occasion of his death.
C'est très regrettable. N'oublions pas, le traité selon lequel le gouvernement finançait votre père pour ses excellents services s'annule après la mort de celui-ci.
I'm sorry for what happened.
Ce qui vient d'arriver est regrettable.
- That's unfortunate!
- C'est regrettable!
After this very unfortunate incident, let's now play March of the Giants.
- Après ce regrettable et pénible incident nous allons jouer "La Marche des Géants".
Well, that's too bad.
C'est regrettable.
Poor Beaumont, what an embarrassing moment for a primary citizen.
Pauvre M. Beau mont. Pour le 1er citoyen du pays,.. ... un accident de cet ordre est regrettable.
It's regrettable that we have to meet under these circumstances, Mrs. Irving.
Il est malheureux de se rencontrer à un tel moment...
That would have been terrible.
Ça aurait été regrettable...
But this isn't right, and you know it. Bad enough to be a businesswoman...
Une femme commerçante, c'est déjà regrettable, mais ça!
It's most regrettable.
C'est regrettable!
It seems such a shame not to continue with him.
II est si regrettable que vous y mettiez fin.
It is most regrettable that so lovely a person must leave our country.
C'est regrettable qu'une femme aussi charmante quitte le pays.
Don Alvarez, you may convey my regrets to His Majesty King Phillip... and assure him that this unhappy incident will have no recurrence.
Transmettez mes regrets au Roi Philippe. Ce regrettable incident ne se reproduira pas.
I know it's regrettable, this loss of time, gentlemen, but it must be done.
Cette perte de temps est regrettable, mais c'est indispensable.
Why, I agree that it's a pity anything beautiful has to be destroyed.
C'est regrettable de détruire quelque chose de beau.
Well, from the evidence we've heard today we seem to have a regrettable instance of a young man who wasn't able to handle his own success.
De ce que j'ai pu entendre aujourd'hui, il s'agit d'un cas regrettable où un jeune homme n'a pas su gérer sa propre réussite.
Oh, that's too bad.
- Oh, c'est regrettable.
And isn't it a pity?
N'est-ce pas regrettable?
It is a pity.
C'est regrettable, en effet.
It might turn out to be most unfortunate.
Ce serait très regrettable.
Can't do that nowadays, more's the pity.
C'est regrettable mais ça ne se fait plus aujourd'hui.
It's unfortunate when you let yourself get out of practice on the triangle.
C'est regrettable de ne plus pratiquer le triangle.
Most regrettable.
C'est très regrettable.
That would be a pity for you, but that's a narrow viewpoint.
- C'est regrettable pour vous. Mais votre point de vue me paraît bien étroit...
It's a great pity.
C'est regrettable.
- I do not know, but I would like to.
- Je l'ignore, et c'est regrettable.
That is bad.
C'est regrettable.
She's the daughter of my late husband's sister. By an unfortunate union, which we in the family prefer to forget.
C'est la nièce de mon défunt mari, le fruit d'une regrettable union que notre famille préfère oublier.
It is indeed regrettable that Mr. Sherlock Holmes...
Il est regrettable que M. Sherlock Holmes...
They get into a uniform and it's bang-bang right away
Deviennent des polissons en uniforme, c'est regrettable
Have you ever been so bored, you'd do something you'd regret.
Avez-vous déjà ressenti un tel ennui que vous avez fait une chose regrettable?
They don't happen to fit this case. That is regrettable.
Ce qui n'est pas le cas aujourd'hui.

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