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Ricketts traducir francés

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How are you, Miss Ricketts? Ladies?
Mme Ricketts, mesdames...
There go the Ricketts.
Les Rickett.
- Yes. - General Ricketts'compliments, sir. He would like to see you at once.
- Le général Rickett voudrait vous voir immédiatement.
Billy said to come see you.
Ricketts m'a donné ton nom.
J.B. Ricketts investment.
J.B. Ricketts Investissements.
The sec has no record Of j.B. Ricketts investments.
L'AMF * n'a aucun dossier ( * Organisme de Règlementation et de Contrôle des Marchés Financiers ) sur J.B. Ricketts Investissements.
J.B. Ricketts founded The american circus.
J.B. Ricketts a créé le premier cirque d'Amérique.
- It's Johnny Ricketts.
Johnny Ricketts. Johnny Ricketts.
- Johnny Ricketts. Lassie. Get an APB out.
Lassie, lancez la recherche.
Your suspect's name is Jonathan Ricketts.
Le suspect s'appelle Jonathan Ricketts.
This man was killed... By the ghost of John Ricketts.
Cet homme a été tué... par le fantôme de John Ricketts...
Oh, my God, thank God you think it's Ricketts too.
Merci de croire aussi que c'est Ricketts.
Who is this Johnny Ricketts person?
Qui était Johnny Ricketts?
Johnny Ricketts was a 15-year-old kid who fell from the ferris wheel in 1995.
Un ado de 15 ans tombé de la grande roue en 1995.
- Ricketts!
- Ricketts!
Till he saw Ricketts.
- Qu'il voie Ricketts?
Ricketts has been here i-in the park, in this office!
Ricketts était ici, dans le parc, dans ce bureau!
Holloway is hiding behind the ghost of Johnny Ricketts, but we all know ghosts are transparent.
Holloway se cache derrière le fantôme de Ricketts, mais les fantômes sont transparents.
I checked on Johnny Ricketts for you.
J'ai vérifié pour Ricketts.
Johnny Ricketts did kill Wayland.
Johnny Ricketts a tué Wayland.
It wasn't Ricketts. It was Holloway posing as Ricketts.
C'était pas Ricketts, mais Holloway se faisant passer pour lui.
Holloway wanted to take over, so he killed Wayland and pinned it on the ghost of Johnny Ricketts.
Holloway voulait le remplacer, donc il l'a tué et a accusé le fantôme de Ricketts.
That's Johnny Ricketts.
C'est Johnny Ricketts.
Can you tell us anything about this nasty Johnny Ricketts business?
- Avant... Que peux-tu nous dire sur l'affaire Johnny Ricketts?
- Johnny Ricketts.
- Johnny Ricketts.
We think that Ricketts is connected to both Wayland's and Holloway's deaths.
On pense que Ricketts est impliqué dans les morts de Wayland et Holloway.
Doesn't it strike you as odd that there appear to be no state investigation into Rickett's death? It was ruled an accident.
Ce n'est pas bizarre qu'il n'y ait pas eu d'enquête de la police de l'état sur la mort de Ricketts?
Uh, all right. We're looking for any kind of documentation from the night Ricketts died.
On cherche des documents de la nuit de la mort de Ricketts.
Check it out. Eve was here the night Ricketts died.
Regarde, Eve était ici la nuit où Ricketts est mort.
Johnny Ricketts'family.
La famille de Johnny Ricketts.
The payouts after Ricketts died on the ferris wheel.
Après la mort de Ricketts sur la grande roue.
Jaime Emerson is the ghost, not Johnny Ricketts.
Jaime Emerson est le fantôme, pas Johnny Ricketts.
- Johnny Ricketts.
- Johnny.
It's supposed to look like Johnny Ricketts.
Ça doit lui ressembler.
Dad, Johnny Ricketts was not alone on the ferris wheel that night that he died.
- Johnny Ricketts était pas seul sur la grande roue le soir de sa mort.
You didn't see Johnny Ricketts.
- C'était pas lui.
I know it looks like him, but you're not actually seeing Ricketts.
On dirait, mais ce n'est pas Ricketts.
Eve and Holloway kept thinking they were seeing Johnny Ricketts.
Eve et Holloway pensaient voir Johnny Ricketts. En fait, c'était vous avec une casquette.
You dressed up as Ricketts too?
- Il se faisait passer pour Ricketts?
To keep the memory of Johnny Ricketts alive to the people they blamed for his death.
Pour que les responsables se souviennent de Johnny.
Now let's get back to more of your favorite "Sound Souvenir Oldies" with "The Steve Ricketts Program" on KDSK, 92.7 FM.
Revenons aux bonnes vieilles musiques que vous aimez, avec l'émission de Steve Ricketts sur KDSK, 92.7 FM.
- Morning, Dr. Ricketts.
- Bonjour.

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