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Sandro traducir francés

248 traducción paralela
Sandro, where are you going?
Sandro! Où allez-vous?
It's Sandro, I suppose.
Tu fais ça pour Sandro?
I'm staying with Sandro.
Je reste avec Sandro.
Sandro really astonishes me. - He seems so self-possessed.
Sandro est étonnant, il est si calme!
Sandro, I don't want you with me, I don't want to see you.
Je ne veux plus te revoir. Comment faut-il te le dire?
Sandro, why don't you help me?
Sandro, aide-moi!
- No, Claudia, listen. - Sandro please... do it for me... promise you won't look for me...
Sandro, je t'en prie...
- Sandro?
- À Sandro?
I don't know this Sandro.
Je ne connais pas ce Sandro.
Sandro, perhaps it's better if you were to go alone.
Il vaut mieux que tu y ailles seul.
Oh, Sandro, I'm so ashamed... so ashamed. Did you see that?
Sandro, j'ai honte.
Sandro, what's wrong? Nothing, forgive me.
- Qu'as-tu, Sandro?
- No Sandro, please.
Non... Je t'en prie...
Here's Sandro.
Voilà Sandro.
Would you see if Sandro is with him? He's not in his room... Forgive me, but -
Sandro doit être avec lui, sa chambre est vide.
I was looking for Sandro.
Je cherche Sandro.
Sandro must be in the garden getting some fresh air, watching the sun rise.
Sandro est au jardin, il contemple l'aube.
Sandro, you tell him.
Sandro, dis-lui.
- Sandro.
- Sandro. - Sandro.
- Sandro. Tell him.
Sandro, let's go swim naked.
Sandro, on va se baigner à poil.
Sandro also believed in the libel, the only one who had showed him some friendship.
Sandro croyait aussi à cette diffamation, le seul qui lui ait montré une certaine amitié.
The other day, the fruit seller's son was there with other 3 boys.
L'autre jour Sandro était là. avec 3 autres garçons.
Sandro, what's wrong?
Sandro, qu'est-ce qu'il y a?
Mr. Sandro, what happened to your face?
M. Sandro, votre visage...
Sandro, please close the door.
Sandro, tu peux fermer la porte?
Mama, Sandro passed his driving test.
Sandro a passé son permis.
- It's Sandro, from the villa.
- C'est Sandro de la villa.
- Come on, Sandro.
- Arrête, Sandro.
Sandro didn't want it.
C'est Sandro qui n'a pas voulu.
Sandro, I beg you, don't do anything silly, and remember to wish Lucia a happy birthday.
Alors, tu te tiens tranquille. Pas de scandale. N'oublie pas de souhaiter un bon anniversaire à Lucia.
Look, there's Sandro.
Regarde Sandro.
Sandro, I'm not a magician.
Je ne suis pas devin.
I'm leaving.
Sandro, je m'en vais.
- Hello, Sandro.
Bonjour, Sandro.
No, no, Sandro.
- Non, non, Sandro.
Poor Sandro.
Pauvre Sandro.
Answer, Sandro.
Repondez, Sandro.
I happen to be treated like a whore, but it's weird, dear Sandro :
Il m'arrive de me faire traiter de putain, mais c'est bizarre, cher Sandro :
Yes, that's right. But I don't know in advance whom I might meet. And trust I only you, Sandro.
- Oui, mais je ne sais pas sur qui je vais tomber à l'avance, et il n'y a qu'en vous que j'ai confiance.
" Sandro Maldoni.
" Sandro Maldoni.
Sandro Lorrani, 31 years old, exhibitionist, eight convictions.
Sandro Lorrani, 31 ans, exhibitionniste, 12 condamnations.
We're recording.
- Moteur demandé. T'es prêt, Sandro?
Ready Sandro?
- Quand tu veux.
Sandro thinks so too but he must wear that dark one at the moment. I had to send his grey coat to the cleaners. It was splattered with mud.
Sandro n'a pas vraiment le choix de porter le noir, j'ai envoyé le beige chez le teinturier, il était couvert de boue.
Sandro, this is the moment to say where you were that afternoon.
Sandro, c'est le moment de dire ce que vous faisiez ce jour-là.
Don't say that, I can't believe that Sandro...
Ne dis pas ça, je ne peux toujours pas croire que Sandro...
Mister Sandro!
Sandro, Sandro, open up!
Sandro, Sandro, ouvre! Sandro, ouvre, Sandro!
... Sandro? - Hum?

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