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Selma traducir francés

607 traducción paralela
Number eight, Selma Bobby.
Nº8, Selma Bobby.
Based on the novel by Selma Lagerlöf
D'après la nouvelle éponyme de Selma Lagerlöf
Hello, Selma.
Bonjour, Selma.
You ought to know Selma well enough not to pay any attention to that.
Tu connais Selma. Ne fais pas attention à elle.
Selma's in trouble.
Selma a des ennuis.
You like Selma, don't you?
Tu aimes bien Selma, non?
Selma, what's the trouble?
Qu'y a-t-il?
Come on, Selma.
Viens, Selma.
Selma, go on playing.
Selma, joue.
- Selma, you know nothing of the sort!
- Sottises!
Selma, you know Robert worships you.
Robert t'adore.
- Selma, don't, please don't.
- Selma, je t'en prie.
Selma, how are you, dear?
Comment te sens-tu?
How about it, Selma?
Qu'en dis-tu, Selma?
- I was thinking of Selma.
- Je parlais de Selma.
- Come on, Selma.
- Allez, Selma.
- Very Happy New Year, Selma.
- Excellente année, Selma.
- Now, Selma.
- Voyons.
- Selma sent me away, wanted to be alone.
- Selma voulait être seule.
He called me several days ago... and told me if I gave him $ 25,000... he'd clear out and leave Selma for me.
L'autre jour, il m'a appelé et m'a proposé, contre 25 000 $, de me laisser Selma.
Selma was a fool not to have married him instead of Robert.
Selma aurait dû accepter de l'épouser plutôt que Robert.
Why haven't you sent any word to Selma?
Pourquoi n'as-tu rien dit à Selma?
Why don't you call Selma and tell her you're all right?
Appelle Selma et dis-lui que tu vas bien.
Selma does decide to get a divorce, how do I know you won't fight it?
Si Selma demande le divorce, tu pourrais refuser.
Selma will be tickled to death to see me.
Selma sera enchantée de me voir.
- Don't worry... I won't see your precious Selma.
- Ne t'en fais pas, pas pour voir ta Selma adorée.
Hello, Selma.
Bonsoir, Selma.
Selma, what's happened?
Selma, qu'est-il arrivé?
Now, Selma, listen to me. Now listen.
Écoute-moi bien.
Still trying to call Selma.
J'essaie d'appeler Selma.
- You better go. Selma may need you.
- Selma a peut-être besoin de toi.
- No, Selma, they don't think that at all.
- Mais non, pas du tout.
- All right, I will.
Vite! - Entendu, Selma.
Why, Selma had a silly idea that David thought she killed Robert.
Selma pensait bêtement que David la croyait coupable.
Selma, forgive me.
- Selma, I thought you were guilty.
- Je te croyais coupable.
Poor Selma, poor David.
Pauvre Selma. Pauvre David.
I'm thinking of poor Selma down in that jail.
Je pensais à la pauvre Selma qui dort en prison.
Tomorrow they'll find the gun... and it won't have been fired and Selma will be set free.
Demain, ils retrouveront l'arme ils verront qu'elle n'a pas servi, et elle sera libre.
Another good guess would be that Selma Landis didn't do this.
À mon avis, Selma Landis n'a pas pu faire ça.
- Selma.
- Selma.
- Selma's upstairs.
- Selma est là-haut.
Yes, you remember him, Selma.
Mais oui, Selma.
Selma, did you deposit that check for $ 20,000 to his account a few days ago?
Selma, as-tu déposé un chèque de 20 000 $ pour Robert l'autre jour?
- Yes, you did, Selma.
- Oh que si, Selma.
Did you, Selma?
Selma, is that the vanity case they sent you?
C'est le vanity-case qu'ils t'ont envoyé?
- Selma, how are you?
- Selma.
- Where's Selma?
- Où est Selma? - Elle dort.

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