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Sherwood traducir francés

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Oh, nothing less than killing a royal deer in Sherwood Forest today.
Rien moins qu'avoir tué un cerf royal, aujourd'hui.
Find Crippen the arrow-maker and his friends to pass the word to every man who's been beaten or tortured :
Va voir Crippen et ses amis. Dis-leur de rameuter tous ceux qui ont été torturés demain au gibet de Sherwood.
- The Gallows Oaks in Sherwood tomorrow.
Ils comprendront.
- Meet Robin in Sherwood at Gallows Oaks.
Rejoins Robin au gibet de Sherwood.
Meet Robin in Sherwood at Gallows Oaks.
Rejoins Robin au gibet de Sherwood.
Robin in Sherwood.
Robin, à Sherwood...
- When does he enter Sherwood?
- Il passe ici?
- What for? Well, this is Sherwood, you know, and Robin Hood...
Nous voici à Sherwood.
Welcome to Sherwood, my lady.
Bienvenue à Sherwood, madame.
Your Highness, sir, I could muster an army and surround Sherwood.
Je pourrais lever une armée et encercler Sherwood.
- Godfrey of Sherwood, Your Highness.
Godefroy de Sherwood.
- To Sherwood?
A Sherwood?
You remember that day in Sherwood Forest? I realized then for the first time that what you were doing was right and that we were wrong.
Dans la forêt de Sherwood, j'ai enfin compris que vous aviez raison et nous, tort...
- King Richard's in England. In Sherwood!
- Le roi Richard est à Sherwood.
Rise, men of Sherwood.
Debout, gens de Sherwood.
Yes, Your Majesty, a pardon for the men of Sherwood.
L'amnistie des hommes de Sherwood.
Arise, Robin, Baron of Locksley, Earl of Sherwood and Nottingham and lord of all the lands and manors appertaining thereto.
Debout, baron de Locksley, marquis de Sherwood et Nottingham, avec terres et manoirs.
- I'm from Miss Sherwood's Agency.
- Je suis de l'agence Sherwood. - Oui.
Miss Sherwood spoke to you about salary?
Vous connaissez le salaire?
You think Miller or Sherwood would stand for the nonsense I take from you?
Tu crois que Miller ou Sherwood te supporteraient?
You never have. Do you think I wanna go on living in a make-believe world fighting in Sherwood Forest on stage six?
Tu crois que je veux continuer à vivre dans un monde imaginaire à me battre dans la forêt de Sherwood sur un plateau de cinéma?
- Hello, Mr. Sherwood.
- Bonjour, M. Sherwood.
Thanks, Mr. Sherwood.
Merci, M. Sherwood.
Oh, Mr. Sherwood!
Oh, M. Sherwood!
Am I permitted also to greet the Hero of Sherwood?
Tu permets que je salue le héro de Sherwood?
Sir Osborne, this is the road that goes to Sherwood, come evening, make your way behind Richard's army.
Sire Osborne, ce chemin mène à Sherwood. Ce soir, vous emmènerez vos hommes derrière les troupes de Richard.
Oh, I know a lot about you, Miss Sherwood.
Je vous connais bien, Miss Sherwood.
We'll phone all the Sherwoods in the book.
Nous allons appeler tous les Sherwood.
Tell them we were talking to a Miss Sherwood and we got cut off.
Qu'on parlait à Miss Sherwood et que nous avons été coupés.
Miss Sherwood? My name's Ripley. I'm the agent who spoke to you on the phone last night.
C'est moi qui vous ai parlé au téléphone.
I said the F.B.I.'s an efficient organization, not Kelly Sherwood.
Tu sais, moi je ne suis pas le F.B.I.
This got anything to do with the Sherwood case?
Pas de rapport avec l'affaire Sherwood?
And in this case, I think it would be better for Miss Sherwood if we kept the faith.
Dans l'intérêt... de Miss Sherwood, il faut jouer selon les règles.
Miss Sherwood, I wish there was something I could do to make things easy.
J'aimerais vous aider.
Obviously, what has happened is he's involved Nancy Ashton in the Sherwood case. She got frightened, and then he killed her just like that.
Quand il a vu que Nancy Ashton prenait peur, il l'a tuée.
Miss Sherwood. I was just telling Mr. Ripley,
J'ai parlé au conseil d'administration.
Thank you very much. If there's anything, Miss Sherwood.
Vous pouvez compter sur moi.
Yes, sir. Well, that's Kelly Sherwood. That girl with her, that's her younger sister, Toby.
C'est Kelly Sherwood... et sa sœur Toby.
Kelly Sherwood may be dead.
Kelly sera peut-être morte.
It's the, uh, Sherwood matter.
II s'agit de l'affaire Sherwood.
She's being threatened.
Menaces de mort. Miss Kelly Sherwood.
Miss Kelly Sherwood. I don't think I know anything about it.
Je ne suis pas au courant.
It's stopping in front of the victim's house now.
Elle s'arrête devant la maison de Miss Sherwood.
That's about it. What about Miss Sherwood?
Où en est Miss Sherwood?
It would take half the deer in Sherwood Forest to fill that cavern.
Quelle caverne!
Knows Sherwood's hidden paths well.
You mean he knows about the Sherwood case?
- Il est au courant?
Near as I could get the name, the victim was Sherwood.
Le nom de la victime est...
Miss Sherwood, the friend called her.
Sherwood... si j'ai bien compris.
He's working this alone. Toby Sherwood found safe.
Toby Sherwood a été retrouvée saine et sauve.

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