Shit like that traducir francés
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It was probably their own fucking fault. Strange shit like that.
Ils ne reconnaissent aucun pape après Vatican II.
Because in the Bible, it's all beatitudes and miracles and shit like that.
Il dit toujours quelque chose de gentil ou juste, exactement quand il faut.
Suddenly he was back to like, you know, blessed are the cheese makers and shit like that.
Ils ont même poussé le bouchon : "Foutons-lui une putain de branlée!" Et ils n'arrêtent pas de le tabasser.
At least you go in and see fucking like, any- - any- - of course, evil usually gets triumphed by good and shit like that.
Empire Strikes Back termine mal. Tout le monde dit :
So they're all going, so they're expecting the fucking same old, same old and shit like that.
Moi, j'aurais fait quelque chose de différent.
And, um- - and right away, it's just- - and he's getting nailed up and shit like that.
"Mort au roi des Juifs." II dit : " Bon sang.
At least we're going to fucking do it. At least I'm going to save these fucking people and shit like that.
Les gens pensent que l'histoire sera racontée à l'aide de flash-back.
And now he's just lashing out at his friends and shit like that.
II a dit que j'étais homo?
I was like, dude, I fucking know you're kidding. But it's been exerted places and people are trying to run it as a real item and shit like that.
Dorénavant, je dis que j'ai pas lu l'article parce que j'étais occupé à éviter une étoile filante.
And it's announced and shit like that, that you have no interest in doing it whatsoever. Like, I love watching comic book movies.
Un de ces trucs qu'on est heureux d'avoir, sans même y réfléchir, et quand la poussière est retombée, que c'est annoncé, on se rend compte que ça nous intéresse pas.
I thought that was an insanely well-made comic book movie and balanced a lot of story lines and shit like that.
J'adore X - Men 2. C'est un film super bien fait, avec des intrigues bien faites, et tout.
Because they just require too much effort and shit like that.
Trop paresseux. Bien trop paresseux.
Like, this dude's real like Joe college cute and shit like that. Like, real good-looking dude.
Il est vraiment mignon, le style étudiant, vous voyez?
And then later on, he met him years later and shit like that.
Pas Bruno. " Puis il le rencontre des années plus tard.
And he's kind of holding you sexily from behind. And your skirt's blowing up and shit like that.
Si tu étais Lois Lane, Superman serait sur la photo et il te tiendrait par derrière, avec ta jupe qui s'envolerait? "
But the thing is these dudes who work at "Playboy," the guys who like do the scenery, and run the smoke machine and shit like that, and set up the camera, they see naked women every fucking day.
Mais ces types qui bossent à Playboy, ceux qui font le décor, la machine à fumée, qui préparent les caméras, ils voient des femmes nues tous les jours.
So you know, for her movie world and reality kind of blend and shit like that.
Donc, pour elle, le cinéma et la réalité se mélangent.
The girls flip down the hallway- - one, two- - trying to avoid the lasers. And to be quiet and shit like that.
Les filles passent dans le couloir, en évitant les lasers sans faire de bruit.
That's how Ben wound up getting cast in "Armageddon." And Jason Lee got cast in "Enemy of the State" and shit like that.
C'est comme ça que Ben a été pris dans Armageddon et que Jason Lee a été pris dans Enemy of the State.
So turned in my draft and shit like that. And they're like, you want to direct this?
J'ai rendu mon travail, on m'a dit :
But I said, but I love this because like, it's all about Jersey and shit like that. But I'm going to go off and do my own thing.
"J'adore, c'est sur le Jersey et tout ça, mais j'ai mes propres trucs à faire."
So I went to the movie to watch it and there's a subplot involving like a dude who loves comic books and shit like that. And wants a Punisher- - you know, the first appearance of the Punisher.
J'ai vu le film, il y a une sous-intrigue, avec un type qui aime les B.D. Et veut un Punisher...
Essentially, he was the guy that when the "Lord of the Rings" won for sound mixing, sound design, shit like that, he would have been the guy.
C'est lui qui, quand The Lord of the Rings a gagné pour le mixage, la conception du son, c'est ce niveau-là.
And we worked every outfit she wore. And each panel was different, but it was based on real clothing and shit like that.
Toutes les tenues étaient différentes, et c'était basé sur de vraies fringues.
It's no "New York Times" magazine. You know, shit like that.
C'est pas le New York Times Magazine. "
You know, that's when you're like- - but you know, I'm smart enough to avoid that and shit like that.
Je suis assez malin pour éviter ça.
But we made it all the way to Jersey. And she didn't wind up having the baby for another week and shit like that.
On est arrivés jusqu'au New Jersey et on a encore attendu une semaine.
But, um, apparently during the "Passion" shit, like announced that his old man is like a- - a Holocaust denier.
Pardon? Ton père, c'est le type qui dit : " C'était pas six millions, peut-être deux.
And they come to a campground and shit like that.
Ils vont voir ce que c'est, à travers des buissons.
Like he's that fascinating. Like, I love Ben. I think he's really funny and shit.
Ça ne mérite pas d'article hebdomadaire dans US Weekly, qui est devenu Ben Weekly.
The thing that I really couldn't stand was the insider thing, because it's just so vague, right? Anybody- - you could just make shit up and be like, insider told the.
Mais ce qui m'a vraiment énervé, c'est le truc de la source, c'est vraiment trop vague.
And they're saying the dialog you wrote. And I'm kind of in love with my own shit, so it's just fun. I'm like, that's great.
Alors que pour un dialogue, on filme la scène avec le dialogue qu'on a écrit, et comme j'adore mes conneries, c'est marrant.
And then at the end of the day, when you cut them together, it's like maybe 10 seconds of screen time. So that kind of shit's boring to me.
Les scènes d'action prennent une journée, et quand on a fini le montage, ça fait 10 secondes à l'écran.
Like, I'm the villain and shit? I hadn't thought about it like that.
Pour jouer les méchants?
Because at that point, Dimension existed as this kind of genre offshoot of Miramax, but they didn't do comedy. They only did shit like "The Crow."
Dimension existait, une espèce de satellite de Miramax, mais ils faisaient plutôt des trucs comme The Crow.
Shit's going thin already. Like, I'm not going to speed the plow on that one.
J'ai plus beaucoup de cheveux, déjà.
Because that movie- - like he opens in movies and just fucking boom, boom. They fucking explode and shit.
Quand il est dans un film, normalement, ils explosent.
I was like talk to him, talk that famous person talk to him and shit. Start talking like in the millions.
" Fais ton speech pour les célébrités, et tout ça.
So I feel bad for the women who have to clean the shit that, like slides on the side. But I was-
Je suis désolé pour la femme qui nettoie la merde qui glisse sur les côtés.
It's gross, though. Like the woman have to clean that shit.
C'est dégueulasse, pour les femmes qui doivent nettoyer cette merde.
And suddenly I'm like, well, anybody could that shit.
Là, je me dis : "N'importe qui peut faire ça."
Shit, why aren't they all like that?
Pourquoi c'est pas toujours comme ça?
They built us a rooftop and shit like that.
Je traînais, je regardais le décor.
So like every man, I'm kind of a- - I, you know, early morning riser and shit. And, you know, I learned very quickly that Jen is not.
Comme tous les gars, je suis du matin, et j'ai vite appris que ce n'était pas le cas pour Jen.
We're just kind of ourselves and shit like that.
On reste nous-mêmes.
And then sometimes he's like clean that shit up, you know?
Parfois, c'est : "Nettoie-moi cette merde."
Like this move that was all about grandeur and fucking amazing creatures and shit, ends with a dude going- - and then they all got on a boat, which is something we just showed you, and went someplace
Ce film, plein de trucs grandioses, de créatures étonnantes, finit sur un mec qui dit : " Puis ils montent tous sur un bateau, qu'on vient de vous montrer, et ils vont quelque part, où, apparemment,
C'est le genre de truc que j'aime bien entendre.
For the 1st time since that Ice-Truck Killer shit, I feel like I'm back.
Depuis le Tueur de Glace, je me retrouve enfin.
The lady said they're building a Whole Foods just up the block, so you can get all that good gourmet shit you like.
La dame a dit qu'ils ont fait un centre de restauration où on trouve de tout.
Since there's no longer a conflict of interest, I would like to nominate Mitch Kamin to contract all requisite landscaping that will accompany shit highway.
Comme il n'y a plus de conflits d'intérêts, j'aimerais nominer Mitch Keman pour s'occuper de tous les travaux paysagers nécessaires pour l'Autoroute de la Merde.
like that 1389
like that one 32
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
like that one 32
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19