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Since i was a child traducir francés

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But I've... I've acted ever since I was a child.
Mais je joue depuis toute petite.
Not since I was a child. 0h, it's changed a lot in the last two or three years.
- Pas depuis l'enfance.
Tonight, I find the country I have looked for on the map ever since I was a child.
Ce soir, je vois le pays que j'ai cherché sur la carte depuis ma tendre enfance.
- I've been haunted by it since I was a child
- Ce rêve me hanté depuis l'enfance.
For the first time since I was a child, I listened to the voices... of women.
Pour la première fois depuis l'enfance, j'ai écouté la voix des femmes.
The two are unfortunately irreconcilable. I've seen that in my mother's eyes since I was a child.
- On ne peut concilier les deux, maman le sait bien.
I knew each one of them well, ever since I was a child.
Je les connais tous. Depuis ma plus tendre enfance.
I've lived with the family ever since I was a child.
Je vis avec eux depuis mon enfance.
I have been a professional ever since I was a child, Mrs. Condomine.
Je suis une professionnelle, depuis toujours.
Since I was a child, I've been hemmed-in by women wanting to live it for me.
Depuis mon enfance, des femmes ont voulu la vivre pour moi.
I've scribbled ever since I was a child.
Je griffonne depuis l'enfance.
I hadn't done that since I was a child... But now, nothing means more than he does!
Je ne l'avais pas fait depuis l'enfance... maintenant il n'y a plus que lui!
Ogata... Ever since I was a child, I've always thought of him as an older brother.
Ogata... depuis mon enfance, je l'ai toujours vu comme un grand frère.
Since I was a child.
- Depuis mon enfance.
Ever since I was a child.
Depuis mon enfance.
Listen, ever since I was a child, the boyars showed their hatred of the Grand Duke of Moscow.
Dès mon enfance, les boyards ont témoigné de l'hostilité envers le grand prince de Moscou.
But you're asking me to give up something I've wanted all my life, ever since I was a child, and I can't do it!
Vous. Vous me demandez de renoncer à une chose que j'ai désirée... toute ma vie, depuis l'enfance, et je ne peux pas faire ça!
I've known Professor Jordan since I was a child.
Je connais le Prof. Jordan depuis mon enfance.
Thinking of all the efforts I've always made,... since I was a child,... to finally have my sheep!
Tous les efforts que j'ai fait... depuis que j'étais un enfant... pour avoir mes brebis.
Peppone, I'm not going to lay a hand on that Madonna. She's been there since I was a child!
Mon révérend... si vous ne voulez pas de révolution, libérez cette terre.
Since I was a child...
Depuis mon enfance.
Since I was a child.
Quand j'étais petite.
Everything I've most hated since I was a child - rudeness, violence, filth - are now our inseparable companions.
Ce que j'ai toujours détesté, la grossièreté, la violence, la saleté, sont devenues nos compagnes inséparables.
Jinbei has been kind to me since I was a child.
Jinbei a été bon pour moi depuis que je suis enfant.
I've had him since I was a child.
Je l'ai depuis que je suis enfant.
I've looked after you since I was a child.
Je veille sur toi depuis mon enfance.
I've been a student of military strategy since I was a child
J'ai étudié longuement les stratégies et tactiques militaires.
I have served you ever since I was a child.
Je vous ai servi depuis l'enfance...
It's funny, I had this dream that I've had since I was a child.
C'est marrant. Je fais un rêve depuis mon enfance.
Very good, I like spicy food since I was a child
Parfait. J'adore manger épicé.
Ever since I was a child I dreamt about London.
Depuis toute petite, je rêve d'y être.
Je n'ai jamais frappé personne comme ça depuis mon enfance.
Ossiat has guarded me since I was a child.
Ossiat me garde depuis mon enfance.
- I've had it since I was a child.
- Enfant, je l'avais déjà.
I have had this way since I was a child.
Mais je l'ai depuis que je suis petit.
Ever since I was a child.
Depuis que je suis tout petit.
He's so egotistical, I've always been scared of him. ... Since I was a child.
C'est un égocentrique, j'ai toujours eu peur de lui... depuis mon enfance.
These sounds have been giving me a shudder since I was a child.
Depuis l'enfance cette musique me crispe.
Ever since I was a child I've worked in this garden.
Depuis que je suis petit, je travaille dans ce jardin.
The truth is... please forgive me, sir, but since I was a little child... I've always disliked sharing my room with anyone.
En fait... Veuillez m'excuser, mais depuis tout petit, je n'aime point partager ma chambre.
Ever since I was a little child they done it.
Ils le font depuis que je suis toute petite.
I've loved her since she was a child.
Toute petite, déjà, je l'aimais.
I've known her since she was a child.
Je l'ai connue tout môme.
I thieved for you when I was a child not half his age, and I've thieved for you ever since!
A son âge, je volais déjà pour toi. Ça fait douze ans que ça dure!
You must say : Since I was given the privilege of bearing the child.
Que le maître a daigné vous le permettre.
Since I was given the privilege of bearing the child, I feel it is my home.
Que le maître a daigné me le permettre... je me sens chez moi.
Aron I've understood since he was a child.
Je comprends Aron depuis toujours.
Ever since I first set eyes on West Point... ever since I first saw the young men of the corps... Sure you told me I was a silly woman for talking about it, but... if our son should be born here... where you've worked so hard... After the time we've waited, after what the doctor told you... it's enough for me that we're having a child at all.
Depuis que j'ai vu West Point... dès que j'ai vu ces hommes jeunes... tu m'as dit que c'était idiot d'en parler, mais... si notre fils naît ici... où tu as travaillé si dur... après avoir tant patienté, après ce qu'a dit le docteur... attendre cet enfant me suffit.
For you, my Lord, who has taken care of me, since I was orphaned as a child, and graciously kept me in your employ. I'm prepared to sacrifice my life.
Pour vous, Maître, qui avez pris soin de moi, une orpheline, pendant toutes ces années, et qui m'avez prise à votre service, je suis prête à sacrifier ma vie.
I have worn this ring since I was a foundling child.
Déjà enfant trouvé, je portais cette bague.
... but I haven't laid eyes on him since he was a child.
Je ne l'ai pas vu depuis son enfance.

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