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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ S ] / So don't worry about it

So don't worry about it traducir francés

201 traducción paralela
We're also preparing the explanation press release, so you don't have to worry about it.
donc vous n'avez pas à vous inquiéter pour ça.
We're currently looking into new investors so please don't worry about it. The broadcasting license fee of 300 million per episode, we'll pay the first episode's in advance.
donc ne vous inquiétez pas pour ça.
Not a prayer, so don't worry about it.
Aucune, ne t'en fais pas.
So you don't worry about it.
Vous préférez n'y plus penser.
Don't worry about it, honey. We've held our own so far.
Ne t'inquiète pas, nous y arriverons.
Don't worry about it so much.
Ne t'inquiète pas comme ça.
It so happens you don't have a thing in the world to worry about. She didn't like me worth a bit.
Et tu n'as pas à t'en faire, elle me déteste cordialement.
I'm so humiliated, having this happen to you your first day here. Don't worry about it.
J'ai honte que cela soit arrivé ton premier jour ici.
You're no hero, so don't worry about it.
Vous n'en êtes pas un, rassurez-vous :
well, there's one comfort. There's been no kidnapping here so we don't have to worry about it.
Heureusement pour nous, personne n'a êtê enIevê ici, inutile donc de s'inquiéter.
I'll make it collect, so don't worry about that.
Je ferai un dossier.
So don't worry your head about it, you dear, sweet little man.
Ne vous en faites donc pas, mon petit chéri.
And you know this is one of the beautiful moments, so don ´ t worry about it.
Tu es seule. C'est un beau moment.
Oryu, I'll take care of our territory, so don't worry about it.
Oryu, je vais m'occuper du territoire de ton père. Ne t'inquiète pas.
You could eat and live here for a week without any money, - so don't worry about it.
Personne n'en a, on peut s'en passer.
I thought so, yes. It sounded like it to me. You don't have to worry about Polly forgetting anything important.
Il devait penser "Il est fou", et il a décidé "Non je ne crois pas, c'est une idée mais non, je ne crois pas."
Don't worry about it, Sandy. If she screws up, she can always fix your hair so your ears don't show.
Si elle te rate, elle cachera les plaies sous tes cheveux.
- Sorry we're late. - Don't worry about it. So glad you're here.
Désolée d'être en retard.
I came so close. Don't worry about it.
J'y étais presque, mais rassurez-vous.
I'm very sorry. It probably doesn't mean anything, so don't worry about it.
C'est probablement sans intérêt.
So I said to myself, "Don't worry about it."
Je me suis donc dit : " T'inquiète pas.
- We stopped it, so don't worry about it.
On l'a stoppé, alors ne te traquasse plus avec ça.
You know, sooner or later, he's goin'down, so don't worry about it.
Il se fera choper tôt ou tard. T'en fais pas.
I didn't intend to pay anyway so don't worry about it.
En plus, je ne compte pas payer.
So, don't worry about it.
Ne t'en fais pas.
Of course, that's falling apart now, so we don't have to worry about it.
Comme tout ça s'écroule, plus besoin de s'inquiéter.
I don't think so. Don't worry about it.
- Je pense pas être là, mais c'est pas la peine.
I mean, it's like a movie, it's so real. And you don't have to worry about me screwing up.
On se croirait dans un film, c'est si réaliste!
So don't worry about it.
En attendant, on bouge pas.
Son, you wouldn't know what to do with it even if you had gotten there. So don't worry about it.
T'aurais pas su quoi faire même si tu étais arrivé.
So don't worry about it.
Ne t'inquiète pas.
And the author's a pussycat, so don't worry about it.
Et l'auteur est un chou, ne t'en fais pas.
So you don't worry about it? There's nothing to worry about?
Ça ne vous inquiète pas?
- Don't worry about it. - So who's gonna worry about it?
- Ne t'inquiète pas!
- Sorry it took so long. - Don't worry about it.
Pardon pour le détour.
We'll take care of any killing so don't you worry about it.
On s'occupera des meurtres, ne vous inquiétez pas.
Don't worry about it. Last year was so slow, we broke out a bottle of Christmas cheer.
Mais l'an dernier, c'était si calme qu'on a ouvert une bouteille.
Don't worry so much about it.
Ne t'inquiète pas.
Don't worry about it. So what.
Qu'est-ce que ça peut faire?
Then again, it's the sort of condition that could be made worse by worrying about it, so don't worry about it.
Mais c'est aussi une condition qui peut empirer si on s'en inquiète trop. Donc, ne t'inquiète pas.
You are, so don't worry about it.
Bien sûr, t'en fais pas pour ça.
I didn't mean to call you so late. No, it's fine, it's fine. Don't worry about it.
- Désolée d'appeler si tard.
Because I've forgotten about it so don't worry about it.
En ce qui me concerne, j'ai oublié. Ne t'en fais pas.
So I said, "Don't worry about it. I'm eating my plants."
Alors j'ai dit : "Pas de problìme, je mangerai mes plantes."
Anyway, I didn't do anything. So don't worry about it.
Je n'ai rien fait, alors ne t'inquiète pas.
so don't worry about it.
Tu viens d'arriver, ne t'en fais pas tant.
You already gave me plenty of time, so don't worry about it.
Vous m'avez consacré beaucoup de temps.
You know what? Don't worry about it, I wasn't having a great morning either, so...
Ne vous en faites pas pour ça, ma matinée n'était pas géniale non plus...
You're not going anywhere, so don't worry about it.
Tu ne vas nulle part, donc ne t'inquiète pas.
So listen, don't worry about it.
Ne t'inquiète pas.
Even so, we don't have to worry him about it now, right?
Même si c'était sur le point d'arriver, cela ne servirait à rien qu'il se mette à s'inquiéter maintenant.

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