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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ S ] / Stay focused

Stay focused traducir francés

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Oh... ok... I got it... Lee Go Eun, stay focused.
Oh... ok... je l'ai eu... restez concentrée.
Stay focused!
Restez alerte!
Best we stay focused.
- Mieux vaut rester concentrés.
Stay focused, eh?
Reste concentré, hein?
-... and I really have to stay focused.
- et je dois me concentrer sur ça.
You stay focused.
Reste concentré.
Stay focused! Come on, Jack.
Reste concentré!
I just can't seem to stay focused.
Je n'arrive pas à me concentrer.
Can you stay focused?
Tu peux pas rester concentré?
Stay focused on what you need to do... destroy the warp core.
Concentrez-vous sur votre tâche. Détruisez le réacteur de distorsion.
Bob, please don't interrupt me, man,'cause I'm trying to stay focused.
Bob, m'interromps pas, j'essaye de rester concentré.
You must clear your mind of everything else and stay focused.
Ne pense à rien d'autre, concentre-toi.
Stay focused.
Okay, Apu. Stay awake and stay focused.
J'ai oublié tout ce que M. Homer m'a appris!
* Don't try to change my ways, I'm hopeless, victims to the games we play. * Stay focused, watch for the crazy ride, don't lie Hard to the day we die is my life
N'essayez pas de me changer, cherchez l'adrénaline, à fond jusqu'au bout.
You gotta stay focused, and... you...
Reste concentré, et tu...
We have to stay focused on the goal :
Il faut rester fixés sur notre objectif :
Can we please try and stay focused on my problem here?
On peut rester un peu sur mon problème?
We're going to get out of here, you can count on that. But we've got to stay focused.
Nous allons sortir d'ici, mais nous devons rester concentrés.
- Let's try to stay focused, all right?
- Nous devons rester concentrés.
Let's stay focused.
- Relevez la trajectoire.
Pepper started taking up a lot of my time... but I tried to stay focused on the casino.
Pepper me prenait tout mon temps. Mais il fallait pas négliger le casino.
Stay focused!
I sure did kid, but let's just stay focused on not puking.
C'est bien vrai ça mais fais gaffe de ne pas gerber.
You stay focused on the fibular transfer.
Concentrez-vous sur la greffe tibiale.
We'd be moving a lot faster if Alvah could just stay focused on the big picture.
On irait beaucoup plus vite si Alvah restait concentré.
Just stay focused now.
- A toi, Pip.
For the last eight months I've told you to stay focused on one thing.
Jusque-là, je vous ai demandé de vous concentrer sur une chose.
You have to stay focused.
Reste concentré.
Stay focused.
Reste concentré.
Stay clean. Stay focused.
Restez dans le bon chemin.
- Try to stay focused. - What was that?
Restons concentrés.
Stay focused.
Restez concentrée.
You might want to stay focused.
Reste concentrée. Sa femme est ta patiente.
Good, Go to the goddess of sex, but if you stay focused,
OK, va retrouver la déesse. Mais n'oublie pas ta mission.
I've just got to stay focused a little while longer.
Je dois m'y consacrer encore quelque temps.
Stay focused!
Ne te déconcentre pas!
- Stay focused. - I'm with you, man.
Mais sois avec moi.
Stay focused.
Rester concentré.
Figure we give the kids a couple of extra practices this week, make sure they stay focused.
Rajoutez des séances d'entraînement pour les motiver.
Stay focused.
Stay focused, lieutenant.
Restez concentré, lieutenant.
No whining, stay focused.
Non, faisons le point :
Try to stay focused.
Essaye de rester concentré.
Stay focused.
Allons soyez avec nous!
Stay focused, man.
Concentre-toi, mec... Saint Gerard, ici Global 71.
We have got to stay fired up and focused, all right?
II faut garder Ia pêche et rester concentrés.
Just like that, stay focused.
C'était magnifique.
Let's stay focused.
On se concentre.
We have to stay focused.
N'oublions pas.
Rememberto stay calm and focused.
Pensez à rester calme et concentré.

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