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Sunbae traducir francés

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Like me, I thought Writer Lee also wished sunbae's business to be ruined, but I was wrong about that too.
je pense qu'elle voulait voir le business de sunbae être ruiné mais j'avais tort.
Therefore, please just stay broken quietly. If you still want to get that tiny bit of respect as sunbae.
Tu ne peux pas me battre. S'il te reste encore assez de respect en tant que sunbae.
Hello, Sunbae-nim!
Drinking? Sunbae-nim, I'm sure your project's going well.
Il a bu? Je suis sûr que votre projet ira bien.
Well, with your recommendation, I know they must be good, Sunbae.
I'm going to meet up with a sunbae * from my hometown.
Je vais rencontrer un sunbae de ma ville natale.
She's an employee at the company of my hometown Sunbae.
C'est une employée de la compagnie de Sunbae.
He is a senior back at my old hometown.
C'est un sunbae revenu de ma ville natale.
Yes. Sunbae.
Ma Sang Tae is my senior back at my hometown.
Ma Sang Tae est mon sunbae de ma ville natale.
As long as Sunbae is happy, I'm happy.
Didn't Sunbae mention it the previous time?
Sunbaenim n'en a pas parlé l'autre fois?
The case that Sunbae is in charge of?
Le cas dont Sunbaenim se charge?
Then what about with Yoon Sunbae?
Et avec Yoon Sunbae?
If you are only playing around with Yoon Sunbae, then please let go.
Don't hurt Yoon Sunbae.
Ne faites pas de mal à Yoon Sunbae.
I won't let you off. If Sunbae can say this in front of me, why can't you tell Yoon Sunbae that you like him?
Je ne vous laisserai pas faire. pourquoi vous ne pouvez pas dire à Yoon Sunbae que vous l'aimez?
I thought that you really liked Yoon Sunbae, and was wondering how deep your liking was for him.
Je pensais que vous aimiez vraiment Yoon Sunbae et je me demandais à quel point c'était le cas.
All this time, I thought that Yoon Sunbae was not yet ready.
je pensais que Yoon Sunbae n'était pas encore prêt.
Don't think that your love is right just because Yoon Sunbae held your hand.
Ne pensez pas que votre amour est juste uniquement parce que Yoon Sunbae a tenu votre main.
When did I say that? Why would you remember something like that? Sunbae, really.
vraiment. tu as commencé à devenir une adulte.
Maybe because recently you seem to be out of sorts, Prosecutor Ma, so Sunbae chose not to tell you.
alors j'ai appelé. Je vois.
If you're just playing around with Yoon sunbae, stop it.
Ne faites pas de mal à Yoon Sunbae.
What? Sunbae, I came here but... I can't bring myself to go in.
mais... je ne peux pas rentrer. alors...
Sunbae, it's because you're too handsome as you walked over.
Vous vouliez me voir pour me dire que je suis très beau?
Definite and clear are similar adjectives. Yes. But Sunbae, you're clearly very handsome, definitely so.
Oui. sans aucun doute.
If I find out that you were hiding something from me - Ask for a divorce or something.
Pourquoi je devrais aller voir une femme que Sunbae va rencontrer?
You have a boyfriend.
Tu es son Sunbae. Mais ce...
Sunbae, you go by yourself.
Elle a dit qu'elle ne pourrait pas venir pendant deux ou trois jours.
Aren't you worried about her? You're her Sunbae.
C'est inquiétant.
Sunbae, since when were you so philosophical?
Et ce que veulent dire la date et l'heure.
Prosecutor Ma and I decided to become Sunbae-Hoobae again.
vous êtes si inflexible. Laissez-moi voir.
During the time Sunbae has been a prosecutor, have you ever done anything that went against your conscience?
Laissez ça aux choix personnels de quelqu'un. Et si c'était vous? Si c'était moi...
But Sunbae, those photos...
Je dois parler à la victime.
I wanted to ask a favor from Sunbae Yoon at the Prosecution Office, but Lawyer Seo you...
Même les photos de la scène du crime.
After having tested them all, Yoo Myung Woo stepped on this soju box and fell.
Sunbae et moi avons discuté de la possibilité qu'il ait glissé.
Sunbae, are you leaving now?
je n'ai pas encore acheté le cadeau de Bin.
Yes, Sunbaenim?
La fille de Yoon sunbae fête son anniversaire?
Sunbae Yoon's daughter is having her birthday?
Sunbae a choisi de ne pas vous le dire.
You know where that is, right?
discutez-en avec Yoon sunbae.
I feel bad about Yoon sunbae,
Taisez-vous maintenant.
I feel like she sent me someone who looks like her to let her go ; to get my act together and look around.
Le Procureur Ma et moi avons décidé de redevenir des Sunbae-Hoobae.
If it were Sunbae, what would you do?
il n'y a pas à parler de rupture.
How can a prosecutor wear jeans to the office? I'm not Prosecutor Ma, you know.
Sunbae, how about you go ahead to the office first?
Oh, was that how I walked? Sunbae, why don't you get in the car first? Alright.
J'ai des choses à vous transmettre. qu'est-ce que je dois faire?
Wow, you're not worried about me, but the house? Why do I have to worry about you, Sunbae? The house is first.
Que tu étais mignonne? et je suppose que c'en est un à toi aussi.

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