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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ T ] / Take a look at that

Take a look at that traducir francés

1,207 traducción paralela
Take a look at that map.
Jetons un oeil sur la carte, Sergent.
- Let us take a look at that letter.
- Voyons cette lettre.
look at the nose on my car. Take a look at that.
Regardez le nez de ma voiture.
Take a look at that.
Regarde ça.
Wow, hey, take a look at that.
Whoah! He, regardez ca.
- Let's take a look at that right now.
- Jetons-y un coup d'œil.
I will take a look at that, don't worry.
J'y veille. Allez, va.
Could I take a look at that?
Je peux la regarder?
Would you take a look at that, ma'am?
- Maybe I'd better take a look at that first.
- Je ferais bien d'y jeter un œil.
Take a look at that.
Regarde un peu ça.
- Hey, killer. - Hey. - Take a look at that.
Jette un coup d'œil là-dessus.
- Take a look at that. - Okay.
- Jète un oeil là-dessus.
Just take a look at that hand.
Regardez cette main.
- I can take a look at that for you.
- Je peux vous examiner.
We will take a look at that tomorrow.
On verra asile. Demain.
Guess we're gonna go and take a look at that girl that crawled down the railroad tracks off the mountain.
On va aller voir la fille qui errait sur la voie ferrée.
OK, let's take a look at that realignment procedure.
Je crois que tout est dit. Mettons-nous au travail maintenant.
Here, take a look at that.
Tiens, regarde ça.
Take a look at that.
Regarde-moi ça.
Take a look at that model, Julie.
Regardez cette maquette.
Miss Deer, take a look at that for me. Thank you.
MIle Deer, vous me direz ce qu'il y a dedans.
Take a look at that piece of shit.
Regardez cette ordure.
Take a look at that!
Un flic!
Do you mind? Could I take a look at that?
Montre-moi la photo?
Eddie, let me take a look at that blotter.
Fais voir ta main courante.
Let me take a look at that.
Je vais vérifier ça.
Better let me take a look at that finger for you.
Laisse-moi examiner ce doigt.
If you can read, take a look at that wall.
Si vous savez lire, regardez ce mur.
You Want To Take A Powder Every Time I Look At You Slant-Wise, That's Fine.
Si tu veux décamper dés que je te regarde de travers, OK.
Take a look at this. lsn't that beautiful?
Regarde ça. Il n'est pas merveilleux?
Take off that hat so I can get a look at you.
Enlève ce chapeau que je te regarde.
Take a look at the germs that have ravaged your system.
Regardez les microbes qui ont ravagé votre organisme.
Guys, why don't you take a look at my forehead? Do you see a sign that says "information"?
Les gars, vous voyez écrit "Information" sur mon front?
Take a look at this that our friend left laying on the floor last night.
Regardez ça. Ce que notre ami a laissé tomber par terre, hier soir.
You think that's something, take a look at this.
Vous n'avez encore rien vu... Regardez ça!
If you think that's interesting, take a look at this.
Si tu trouves que c'est intéressant, alors jette un œil à ça.
You should take a look at my check. That'll make you feel better.
Si vous jetiez un œil à ma paie, vous tomberiez raide.
What do you think? I think that you should take a look at this!
Que tu devrais jeter un coup d'oeil à ça!
We'll take a good look at that room, OK?
On passera cette pièce au peigne fin, OK?
Erm, ladies and whatsits, take a good look at that object sitting there at the back, morning coat, trousers as worn, rose in buttonhole, you can't miss him.
Erm, Mesdames et whatsits, prendre un bon coup d'œ il à cet objet assis à l'arrière, Jaquette, pantalon comme porté, augmenté en boutonnière, vous ne pouvez pas le manquer.
Is that it? Take a look at the map, Crockett.
Pour protéger des dictateurs et laisser filer des dealers?
Take that chip out of your pocket and a look at it.
Sortez le jeton de votre poche et regardez-le.
Please take a look at the satellite image of that area.
Je vous présente le diagnostic d'hier.
And if we are at that point in this country where we kill something because at the moment it's worth more dead than alive well take a look around.
Si notre pays en est au point où l'on tue une chose parce qu'elle est plus rentable, morte que vive... Eh bien... Regardez autour de vous.
I don't know anything about that. Sorry. We'd just like to take a look at the kitchen.
Cul de sac. ils avaient tous au moins une carte verte.
Yeah. Now, take a look at this map that Willis faxed to me.
Et, maintenant, regardez la carte que Willis m'a faxée.
Just take a look at that figure.
C'est plus que probable.
There's a... a kind of fish over here that I think you might wanna take a look at.
Il y a un... type de poisson ici que je crois que vous voudrez voir.
Your job is to find that little black box. Let us take a look at it.
Vous devrez trouver cette petite boîte, pour qu'on la voie de plus près.
Better take a good look at that gun. You might see it again soon.
Regardez bien ce revolver, vous pourriez le revoir bientôt.

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