That's gross traducir francés
617 traducción paralela
Ugh, that's gross.
C'est dégueu.
That pig # 39 ; s aquarium, this cynical, that gross dangerous, insane...
Ce porc de l'aquarium, ce cynique, cette brute dangereuse, un fou...
only stupid people toll and sweat. That's pretty gross. It's unsanitary.
seules Ies idiots mangent Ie pain avec Ia sueur ce qui est une terrible cochonnerie.
O fie! 'Tis an unweeded garden that grows to seed. Things rank and gross in nature possess it merely.
C'est un jardin négligé où toutes les plantes montent en graine, où des herbes sauvages et grossières s'installent.
Oliver, that's a gross exaggeration.
- Oliver, c'est une grossière exagération.
Yes, that's right. As I mentioned before, Miss Gross... whenever possible, give the names.
Il est vrai, Mlle Gross, que j'ai plusieurs fois précisé qu'il ne faut pas hésiter à citer les noms.
- As to the martian woman, provided of glass boobs, we find that she's a masked girl from the town, having no papers and refusing to take off... her glass helmet to let her identify... she will enter the provincial prisons... and she will answer for resisting arrest and gross indecency.
En ce qui concerne la Martienne, exhibant ses seins... nous recherchons une fille du village, qui portait un masque... circulait sans papiers, et a refusé d'enlever son casque en verre lors de l'interpellation, elle sera emprisonnée pour refus d'obtempérer et sera poursuivie pour atteinte à la moralité.
That's not a gross exaggeration.
Je n'exagère pas!
That gross diamond ring of Muzzy's took my breath away.
Le diamant de la bague de Muzzy est à en couper le souffle.
Well, "the biggest thing since Harry Gross". That's what you said.
Eh bien, "la plus grosse affaire depuis Harry Gross." Voilà ce que tu as dit.
You gotta understand that she's a middle-class broad... and you a gross son of a bitch.
Faut que tu comprennes que c'est une nana classe... et toi, un gros naze.
- God, that's gross!
- Bon Dieu, c'est dégueulasse!
That's gross!
C'est dégueulasse!
Really, that's so gross.
C'est vraiment dégueulasse.
The worst aspect of the Velikovsky affair is not that many of his ideas were wrong or silly or in gross contradiction to the facts. Rather, the worst aspect is that some scientists attempted to suppress Velikovsky's ideas.
Le pire dans l'affaire Velikovsky... n'est pas qu'il ait eu des idées fausses... ou en contradiction avec les faits... mais que certains scientifiques... ont tenté de faire disparaître les idées de Velikovsky.
Yeah, that's what they say. War is gross.
Oui, il paraît que la guerre, c'est dégueu!
That's gross.
C'est dégoûtant.
That's gross.
C'est dégueu.
But he smells so much. He smells like incense, he smells old. That disgusts me, that's so gross!
Mais il est vraiment trop vieux, il est sale, et je supporte plus cette odeur d'encens!
That's gross.
C'est dégueulasse.
Gary Wallace, that's absolutely gross. That's sick.
Gary Wallace, c'est vraiment dégoûtant, c'est malade.
Vincent, that's gross. Next time, kid.
Vincent, c'est ignoble.
- ( girl ) That's gross.
C'est horrible!
Uh, that's gross!
C'est dégueu.
Oh, that's gross!
Oh, c'est trop.
That's gross.
- That's gross.
- C'est grossier!
- Gross. God, that's gross!
that's for sure... They'll be peppered with sting wounds and the ass isn't that clean that's gross
{ \ 3cH026A00 } C'est certain... { \ 3cH026A00 } elles vont être parsemées de blessures
- That's completely gross.
- Complètement dégueu.
No! - That's gross.
- Y a des veaux à 2 têtes!
Look, I'm gonna do something that's totally gross. Turn around.
Ecoute, je vais faire quelque chose de vraiment crade, tourne toi.
- Yaah! - Bart, that's gross!
Bart, c'est dégoûtant!
- Ew, that's gross.
C'est dégoûtant.
C'est dégueulasse.
So in the third quarter we saw no signs of weakening. We're up 1 8 % over last year's third-quarter gross and that, needless to say, is a new record.
Le bénéfice brut a augmenté de 18 % en un an, c'est évidemment un nouveau record.
That's... very gross Ortiz.
C'est... très grossier, Ortiz!
28 %! That's gross!
- 28 %, c'est dégueulasse.
That's gross!
- Écœurant!
That is so gross. What's your name, anyway
C'est dégueulasse t'appelles comment?
Gross! What's that supposed to mean?
C'est sensé vouloir dire quoi?
It's like when you hear about those so-called normal families, and then you find out that they're into incest and Satanic ritual abuse and gross stuff like that.
C'est comme quand tu entends parler de ces familles dîtes'normales', et là tu découvres qu'il y a de l'inceste ou des rituels sataniques ou d'autres choses pires encore.
That guy punched Amanda Gross's mother after she called him "low class".
Tu as cogné la mère d'Amanda Gross quand elle t'a insulté.
But you'll have my piss on you, and that's gross.
Mais tu auras ma pisse sur toi et ça, c'est dégoûtant.
Erik, that's gross dereliction of duty.
Erik, c'est une grave faute professionnelle.
That's gross!
- c'est devenu un travelo!
That's net, not gross.
Ça sera net, pas brut.
That's gross, bitch!
C'est dégueulasse, sale pute!
Man, that's gross.
C'est dégoûtant.
That's too gross for me.
C'est dégoûtant.
Yeah, that's what I thought, and it's absolutely gross.
Ouais, c'est ce que je pensais, et c'est absolument dégoutant.
gross 1124
grossman 31
that's nice 2129
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
grossman 31
that's nice 2129
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that'll be me 20
that's true 2989
that's what i meant 145
that's my husband 82
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that'll be me 20
that's true 2989
that's what i meant 145
that's my husband 82