That doesn't bother you traducir francés
332 traducción paralela
Doesn't it bother you your husband's a parasite? That's what I am.
Ça ne te gêne pas que ton mari soit un parasite?
But it doesn't bother you, I can see that.
Mais ça ne vous gêne pas, je le vois bien.
That doesn't bother you, does it?
Ça ne t'ennuie pas?
If you want my opinion, I also dislike pianos, it's nothing to do with the noise that doesn't bother me, but, when you move, pianos and cupboards always damage the staircases and scratch the walls.
Si vous voulez que je vous dise, Ies pianos m'agacent aussi, pas à cause du bruit, c'est pas ça qui m'agace, mais, pendant Ies déménagements, Ies pianos et Ies buffets c'est ce qui abîme Ie plus Ies escaliers et Ies murs.
Doesn't it bother you at all that you're married?
Ça ne t'ennuie pas du tout, d'être mariée?
Doesn't your conscience bother you, crossing a nice guy like that?
Ça ne vous gêne pas de doubler un chic type?
That is, if your head doesn't bother you too much.
Enfin, si ta tête ne te fait pas trop mal.
If that doesn't bother you.
Si ça vous embête pas.
And it doesn't bother you that he married you for your expectations?
Mais il ne vous a épousée que par intérêt!
The fact that I'm married to Darrin doesn't bother you?
Le fait que je sois mariée à Darrin ne vous dérange pas?
Doesn't it bother you that every time I go out I am fair game for any playboy that has a roving eye?
Ça ne te gêne pas que chaque fois que je sors, je suis la proie de tout play-boy porté sur la chose?
Doesn't that bother you?
Tu l'aimais! Comment peux-tu accepter ça?
Doesn't that bother you?
Ça ne te dérange pas?
And suddenly that doesn't bother you?
Et ça ne te dérange plus?
It doesn't bother you that he observes?
Cela te gêne qu'il t'observe?
Doesn't that bother you?
Tu t'en fous?
I guess that doesn't bother you any, does it?
J'imagine que ça vous est égal.
And that doesn't bother you?
Et ça ne te dérange pas?
You know, I - Th-That doesn't bother me.
Tu sais, je... Ça ne m'ennuie pas.
Doesn't bother you a bit that you've blown my cover, does it?
Ça ne t'embête pas du tout que tout le monde sache qui je suis.
And we're not after you to change your whole lifestyle, but doesn't it ever bother you that the most important organisation in Stepford is sexually archaic?
Et nous ne vous demandons pas de changer de style de vie, mais ça ne vous gêne pas que la principale organisation de Stepford soit archaïque?
Speaking of which, doesn't that nightclub downstairs bother you?
À propos, ça ne vous gêne pas cette boîte de nuit en dessous de chez vous?
After a while it becomes something that doesn't really bother you at all.
On s'y habitue, au bout d'un moment.
Doesn't that bother you?
Ça ne t'inquiète pas?
- Hey, come here. - Well, I hope that doesn't bother you.
Ca te gêne pas, au moins?
" It doesn't bother me that you write the way you do.
" Ca ne me gêne pas que tu m'écrives comme tu le fais.
That doesn't seem to bother you.
Et ca ne semble pas te déranger.
It doesn't bother you that rapists don't travel in pairs?
Vous ne savez pas que les violeurs ne font jamais leur coup 2 par 2?
Doesn't it bother you that in Susan's mind everything I've done as an adult, including marrying you... Is a waste?
Ça ne te dérange pas que, dans l'esprit de Susan, tout ce que j'ai fait en tant qu'adulte, y compris t'épouser... est du gâchis?
I've had time to think this thing through and I can honestly say, it doesn't bother me that you're small.
J'ai bien réfléchi et je peux dire honnêtement que votre taille ne me gêne pas.
So, it doesn't bother you if some people are a little repulsed... and feel that maybe they should issue airsick bags with tickets to your movie?
Donc, ça ne vous dérange pas si certains sont un peu dégoûtés... et croient qu'on devrait distribuer des sacs vomitoires aux spectateurs?
- Doesn't that bother you?
- Ça ne vous dérange pas?
Doesn't it bother you that he watches things like that?
Ça ne te gêne pas qu'il regarde ça?
That doesn't bother you?
Ça ne vous embête pas?
I'm sure it doesn't bother you that to us it sounds just like "ss'ai k'ss", two words in my language which mean "excrement" and "cranium".
Ça ne vous gêne pas qu'il ressemble à "ss ai k ss"? Deux mots qui dans ma langue signifient "nœud" et "crâne".
Doesn't it bother you that another copper is fuckin'your wife?
Ça te dérange pas qu'un autre flic baise ta femme?
Doesn't any of that bother you?
- Y en a-t-il qui te dérangent?
Doesn't that bother you?
Ça vous dérange pas?
- It doesn't bother you that I'm married?
- Ça t'embête pas que je sois mariée? - Non.
That doesn't bother you?
Ça ne te dérange pas?
Doesn't that bother you to see someone stretched out in front of you? Aren't you worried that this is your job, that you do it without question?
ça ne vous ennuie pas de voire quelqu'un souffrir en face de vous ça ne vous ennuie pas que ce soit votre travail et que vous le fassiez sans vous poser de questions
Doesn't that bother you, Father?
Est-ce que cela ne vous gêne pas mon Père?
Doesn't that bother you?
Ça ne vous dérange pas?
You know, your mom doesn't bother me that much either.
Ta mère ne me dérange pas tant que ça non plus.
Doesn't it bother you that he orders you around?
Ça ne vous ennuie pas qu'il vous houspille comme ça?
But if Marutomo uses them for publicity, we'll have broken our promise to them! Doesn't that bother you at all?
Elles sont venues pour parler d'environnement, pas pour servir de mascotte à Marutomo.
- Doesn't that bother you?
- Ça ne te fait rien?
It doesn't bother you that we haven't had sex in five days?
Ca ne te gêne pas qu'on n'ait pas fait l'amour depuis 5 jours?
It, uh — It'd be a pretty cool move to show up and let'em know it doesn't bother you that much.
Ce serait super d'y aller pour leur montrer que ça ne t'ennuie pas tant que ça.
That doesn't bother you so much.
Vous vous compliquez mois la vie.
Doesn't it bother you that an old friend will be executed?
Ca ne vous gêne pas qu'un ancien ami se fasse exécuter?
that doesn't seem fair 27
that doesn't exist 18
that doesn't make any sense 402
that doesn't matter 341
that doesn't sound like you 29
that doesn't sound right 46
that doesn't sound good 109
that doesn't even make sense 56
that doesn't make it right 29
that doesn't mean 35
that doesn't exist 18
that doesn't make any sense 402
that doesn't matter 341
that doesn't sound like you 29
that doesn't sound right 46
that doesn't sound good 109
that doesn't even make sense 56
that doesn't make it right 29
that doesn't mean 35