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There's no such thing as traducir francés

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If I'm locked on... there's no such thing as evasive action.
Si je suis enfermé sur... Il n'y a pas une telle chose comme une man œ uvre d'évitement.
There's no such thing as snuff.
Le snuff, ça n'existe pas.
Just like there's no such thing as the perfect marriage, job or child.
Ni de mariage parfait, de boulot parfait, d'enfant parfait.
There's no such thing as laws to enforce in the entertainment field.
Remarquez, le droit dans le show-biz, y en a pas
You know, there's no such thing as a dream girl.
Ça n'existe pas, la fille de rêve.
There's no such thing as miracles.
Les miracles, ca n'existe pas.
"There's no such thing" as ghosts or the other world.'
Je vais tenter de la faire disparaître. Les spectres n'existent pas.
There's no such thing as gay anyway.
Il n'y a jamais eu de gays.
There's no such thing as "more nicely".
'y a pas plus gentil que ça.
There's no such thing as aliens, especially anywhere around here.
Il n'y a pas d'aliens, surtout pas dans le coin.
Besides, there's no such thing as bad publicity.
En plus, il n`y a pas de mauvaise publicite.
There's no such thing as free money! When you sue somebody, you take money away from parks and schools and charities and put it in your own pocket!
C'est bien beau l'argent facile, mais quand vous attaquez quelqu'un, c'est l'argent des écoles et des hôpitaux que vous empochez.
You should know there's no such thing as magic.
Vous devriez savoir que la magie n, existe pas.
Cos there's no such thing as Vince.
Parce que Vinze n'est rien.
There's no such thing as "happily ever after." Not for a real princess.
Il n'y a pas de bonheur pour toujours... pour une vraie princesse.
There's no such thing as a good influence, Mr. Gray.
Il n'existe pas de bonne influence, M. Gray.
And you know how I know there's no such thing as infinity?
Tu sais comment je sais que l'infinité n'existe pas? Comment?
Where I come from, there's no such thing as bad publicity.
Et je suis friand de mauvaise pub.
Besides, as Mr. Dunwitty says... there's no such thing as bad publicity.
Et, comme aime à dire M. Dunwitty, "Rien de tel qu'une mauvaise publicité."
There's no such thing as friends on the golf course, I'm afraid.
Il n'y a pas d'amis sur le terrain de golf, j'en ai peur.
He's a wrestling cheat so there's no such thing as a finishing technique, got it?
C'est un tricheur donc pas de technique de fin O.K.?
There's no such thing as spring, sunshine or joy. "
II n'y a ni printemps, ni soleil, ni bonheur. "
What are you playing, time-share coffins? Uh, there's no such thing as a time-share coffin.
- C'est des cercueils à la journée?
There's no such thing as a...
Ça n'existe pas...
Hello, there's no such thing as homophobia, there's just peoplephobia.
Il n'y a pas d'homophobie, il n'y a que la gens-phobie.
There's really no such thing as love.
Ca n'existe pas, l'amour.
- There's no such thing as a plastic root.
Ca n'existe pas.
There's no such thing as a life long mate.
La vie de couple n'existe pas.
There's no such thing as a secret when it comes to affairs.
Impossible de garder un secret, en amour.
That's ridiculous. There's no such thing as ghosts.
Mais non, ça n'existe pas, tu le sais.
- There's no such thing as a shape-shifter.
- Ça n'existe pas.
There's no such thing as aliens.
Les extraterrestres n'existent pas.
Maybe she loves you now, but there's no such thing as unconditional love.
Elle vous aime maintenant, mais l'amour inconditionnel n'existe pas.
Trust me, on this island, there's no such thing as safe!
Il n'y a rien de sécuritaire sur cette île!
There's no such thing as Kirby Enterprises, is there?
Kirby Enterprises, c'est de la fiction, n'est-ce pas?
There's no such thing as happily married.
Un mariage heureux, ca n'existe pas.
Trust me, my friend. There's no such thing as love.
Croyez-moi, mon ami, l'amour n'existe pas.
Truth is, when you stop to ponder it, there's really no such thing as a lonely place, just lonely people. That's what I believe.
Quand on yréfléchit, iln ypas d'endroitisolé, mais seulement des gens seuls.
There's no such thing as magic.
ça n'existe pas, la magie!
I didn't know love required watching over... that there's no such thing as everlasting peace... nor a goblet without a trace of poison.
Moi qui ne savais pas que l'amour requiert la veille. Il n'y a pas de paix qui n'ait de fin, ni de coupe qui n'ait un fond de poison.
Around here, there's no such thing as heroes.
lci, pas de héros.
There's no such thing as ghosts.
Les fantômes n'existent pas.
Mother, there's no such thing as an Inugami God!
Mère, les Inugami n'existent pas!
He'd ask the actors in for meetings and say, " There's no such thing as a stupid idea in this context.
Il parlait avec les acteurs... et disait qu'il n'y a pas d'idées stupides.
There's no such thing as sorta dead.
A moitié mort, ça n'existe pas.
There's no such thing as an omen.
Les signes, ça n'existe pas.
There's no such thing as a frost monster who eats diamonds.
Il n'y a aucun monstre glacé qui mange des diamants.
There's no such thing as a human torch.
Il n'y a pas de torche humaine.
There's no such thing as evil love.
L'amour démoniaque n'existe pas.
I think what he meant was that there's no such thing as a selfless act to pride.
Je crois qu'il voulait dire qu'il n'y a pas de geste altruiste pour un orgueilleux.
Sir, there's no such thing as bad publicity.
Monsieur, une mauvaise publicité ne tue pas.

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