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Undertaker's traducir francés

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That's what the undertaker said.
C'est ce que le croque-mort a dit, lui aussi.
Undertaker school in town sends a student up to work on our corpses for the practise.
Des élèves viennent s'entraîner sur nos cadavres.
Surrett's the undertaker's best friend.
Quatre ou cinq par jour.
- The undertaker's.
- Au funérarium.
The undertaker's?
Au funérarium?
Say, I got an uncle who's an undertaker and with business like it is, he's always got an extra slab.
Mon oncle est dans les pompes funèbres. Il aura de la place.
- He's now an undertaker in Des Moines.
- II est dans les pompes funêbres.
- He's an undertaker?
"Le monsieur des pompes funèbres"?
An undertaker's business can always wait.
Ces affaires-là peuvent attendre!
There's only one person in this town who does anybody a real favor, that's the undertaker.
Le seul qui nous rende service dans cette ville, c'est le croque-mort.
You should've known Ben Arno's no guy to settle down as an undertaker.
Tu savais bien que Ben Arno ne se contenterait pas d'être croque-mort!
Where's the undertaker?
Où sont les pompes funèbres?
He's over at the undertaker's.
Il est chez l'entrepreneur de pompes funèbres.
My uncle's got him in the other room until they can get the undertaker up here in the morning from Larken.
Mon oncle l'a mis à côté en attendant l'arrivée du fossoyeur de Larken, demain matin.
- There's a talkative undertaker in Larken. We saw the body.
Le fossoyeur de Larken est bavard.
That's where the hospital is, and the undertaker!
Il y a un hôpital et des pompes funèbres!
Great Scott, there's the undertaker.
I've just been at the undertaker's with him.
Je viens de chez le croque-mort.
One day, a man's gonna walk up to the undertaker and ask :
Un jour, quelqu'un demandera à un croque-mort :
And Mr. Thompson, he's our undertaker, also runs a furniture store, very highly respected.
M. Thompson, entrepreneur des Pompes funèbres... Un homme très estimé.
Better call undertaker's.
Autant appeler les pompes funèbres.
Look, I'm an undertaker, and girls wouldn't go out with me.
Je travaille dans les pompes funèbres. Les filles ne s'intéressaient pas à moi.
An undertaker's in Carling Street, Pringby.
Pompes funèbres de Carling St.
My uncle's an undertaker. He'll do it for you wholesale.
J'aurai pour toi un prix de gros.
Morris, I beg of you - let's have done with this. Let's get an undertaker.
Je t'en prie, Morris, oublions cette idée.
Apparently last night he broke into an undertaker's and stole his mother's dead body, and a hearse too.
Il est entré chez l'entrepreneur de pompes funèbres pour voler le corps de sa mère et un corbillard.
- I got them at the undertaker's.
- Aux pompes funèbres.
Slaughter, slaughter Undertaker's daughter
Massacre, massacre Fille des pompes funèbres ATTENTION AUX ENFANTS morts
Undertaker's daughter
Fille des pompes funèbres
One of you take Corman to the undertaker's and the rest of you go on about your business.
Emmenez Corman aux pompes funèbres, et les autres, vaquez à vos affaires.
He's earned himself a funeral, undertaker. Bury him proper.
Il a mérité des funérailles, enterrez-le comme il se doit.
He's sure to win, he's the undertaker.
II est sûr de gagner, lui. C'est le croque-mort.
He's the town undertaker.
C'est le croque-mort de la ville.
Cook's son died. Vigers was the undertaker...
Le fils de Cook est mort, Vigers était le croque-mort...
Of course, if you're lying... the undertaker's going to visit your relatives.
Bien sûr, si vous mentez, le croque-mort rendra visite à vos proches.
What would that superman of yours want with undertaker's wax, Captain?
Qu'est-ce que votre surhomme peut bien vouloir faire avec de la cire d'entrepreneur de pompes funèbres, capitaine?
Not long ago, only a few miles from right here, some guy single-handedly... canceled the insurance policy of the Glengarry Mortuary - all for some undertaker's putty and a little rouge.
Not long ago, only a few miles from right here, some guy single-handedly... canceled the insurance policy of the Glengarry Mortuary - all for some undertaker's putty and a little rouge.
Chuckles? That's our friendly undertaker.
Notre ami croque-mort.
Well look who it is, it's the undertaker.
Voilà le croque-mort.
He's an undertaker.
Il est croque-mort.
After the coroner's investigation, the bodies were taken to the mortuary... where the undertaker took one look at them... and said their bodies couldn't be reconstructed for the burial... without six days of steady work.
Après l'enquête du coroner, les corps ont été emmenés à la morgue... où l'entrepreneur de pompes funèbres les a examinés... et a dit que pour que leurs corps soient reconstitués... pour l'enterrement, il fallait 6 jours de travail continu.
Lionel, The town undertaker, Robbing his own coffin s to feed billy his flesh,
Lionel, le croque-mort de la ville, volant ses propres cercueils pour donner de la chair à manger à Billy, la chair humaine dont Billy avait besoin pour vivre.
- No. I s? I said, "Two bits," undertaker.
J'ai dit, "Vingt-cinq cents", croque-mort.
He's an Undertaker.
C'est un croque-mort.
I don't know if Bennington's an undertaker or one of the stiffs he embalmed.
J'ignore encore si Bennington est croque-mort, ou si c'est lui qu'on embaume.
But she keeps going. She says there's this father who's an undertaker. She has a brother who liked to lock her in coffins.
Et elle raconte qu'elle a un pere croque-mort et un frere qui joue a la boucler dans les cercueils.
He has an undertaker's soul.
Il a une âme de croque-mort.
♪ For he's a jolly good... ♪ Undertaker
Car c'est un bon... croque-mort
♪ For he's a jolly good undertaker
Car c'est un bon croque-mort
♪ For he's a jolly good undertaker ♪ This no one who dies can deny
Aucun défunt ne peut le nier
He's an undertaker and will never be out of work.
" Il est croque-mort, et ne sera jamais au chômage.

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