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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ V ] / Vidocq

Vidocq traducir francés

46 traducción paralela
Such a senseless crime, Inspector Vidocq.
Un crime tellement absurde, inspecteur Vidocq.
And Inspector Vidocq confirms it.
Et l'inspecteur Vidocq le confirme.
I expect we'll be hearing from Inspector Vidocq again.
On va encore entendre parler de l'inspecteur Vidocq.
I write about Vidocq. I am his official biographer.
je suis le biographe officiel de Vidocq!
Vidocq wrote me.
Vidocq m'avait écrit.
Vidocq is dead.
Vidocq est mor.
The murderer of Vidocq.
- L'assassin de Vidocq...
You're hiding your talents.
Vous gachez vos talents, Vidocq.
Vidocq went on with it alone.
Vidocq a continué tout seul.
They saw Vidocq arrive. They don't know why.
Ils ont vu arriver Vidocq mais ils ignorent pourquoi il est venu.
Why exactly did he go there?
Pourquoi Vidocq y est-il allé?
And talk about Vidocq, is that possible?
Pour parler de Vidocq, c'est le moment?
I investigate the dead of Vidocq.
j'enquete sur la mor de Vidocq.
Did you meet Vidocq?
- Vidocq, tu l'as déjà rencontré?
This is how I can avenge Vidocq.
je vengerai Vidocq! - Tu l'admires tant que ça?
Vidocq wanted to catch gangsters, using every means if necessary. He thought differently.
- Il ne pensait pas ça.
And Vidocq, our best researcher, as well.
.. puis Vidocq, notre meilleur enqueteur.
The holy virgin Maria.
- Santa Maria. Vidocq... Paix à son ame.
The death of Vidocq.
- Sur la mor de Vidocq.
The death of Vidocq surprised me. Otherwise it would've been arranged.
Sans la mor de Vidocq, ce serait déjà réglé.
Vidocq and I were on the same track.
Nous étions sur la meme piste.
I went there when he died.
j'y allais quand Vidocq s'est fait buter.
I am a reporter. I investigate the murder of Vidocq.
j'enquete sur la mor de Vidocq.
Vidocq was killed...
- Vidocq a été tué?
When did you see Vidocq? - Two day's ago.
- Il y a deux jours.
You said that to Vidocq?
- Vous l'avez dit à Vidocq?
What did Vidocq? What did he do?
- Qu'a fait Vidocq?
Etienne Boisset. Biograph of Vidocq. I'm investigating his death.
Je suis le biographe de Vidocq, j'enquete sur sa mor.
What did I told you? Vidocq researched the alchemist.
- Vidocq enquetait sur l'Alchimiste.
Vidocq chased the alchemist... and the alchemist pushed him in the pit.
Vidocq a poursuivi l'Alchimiste dans la soufflerie.. - Peut-etre.
And that the alchemist is Vidocq himself.
.. et derrière l'Alchimiste, Vidocq?
And Vidocq himself fell in the pit?
- Vidocq serait tombé dans le puits tout seul?
Vidocq and the alchemist are two different persons.
Vidocq n'est pas l'Alchimiste.
Vidocq battled with the alchemist when Laffite died.
- Vidocq et l'Alchimiste se sont battus aux Invalides.
- Vidocq is a scientist. He worked on a paper formula.
- Il était chimiste et travaillait sur des formules.
I know why Vidocq was in the blazery. I know who he was chasing.
Je sais pourquoi Vidocq est allé à la soufflerie..
He was there when Vidocq died.
Il a vu Vidocq canner. - Quoi?
Also I want to revenge Vidocq.
je veux venger Vidocq.
Vidocq dying voluntary? Impossible.
- Vidocq ne s'est pas tué volontairement.
The corpse? The corpse of Vidocq.
- Le corps de Vidocq.
That's what Vidocq thought.
Vidocq pensait..
Where did he went to? Vidocq.
je veux dire, Vidocq.
I'm investigating the death of Vidocq.
j'enquete sur la mor de Vidocq.
Maybe that creature has something to do with the murders, with Vidocq.
A Vidocq.
Vidocq and the other monster.
.. l'autre monstre.
Arras. Population : 42,000. Its belfry...
Arras, 42 000 habitants, son beffroi, une plaque, rue du Miroir-de-Venise, qui indique qu'ici est né Eugène-François Vidocq, le 24 juillet 1775.

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