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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ W ] / We are done

We are done traducir francés

1,731 traducción paralela
Yeah, uh, so we are done, yeah?
Ouai, uh, donc on est bon, hein?
Once we are done, what shall we do?
- Et quand on a fini? - On va faire l'interview.
Mr. St-Fonelli, are we done?
Ah, l'essayage est terminé?
Are we done here?
- Alors, on a fini?
Sam, I know it may not look like it, but we are just so, so proud of you and what all you done with yourself.
tu finiras en lopette. mais on est très fiers de toi et de ce que t'es devenu.
Are we done here?
On a terminé?
Hmm? We are almost done.
C'est presque fini.
Are we almost done?
C'est pas encore fini?
Because this rock we are hiding under is not that big, and if people start poking around, we're done.
- Reprends-toi! Car le rocher qui nous cache n'est pas si gros, et si les gens commencent à fouiner, on est foutus.
Are we done?
C'est fini?
Are we done?
Ce sera tout?
- C'mon! Are we done here?
- Il faut encore attendre?
And we are only a third of the way done.
Et on n'en a vu que le tiers. - Safar?
We are not in the know about the way things are done here.
On ne sait pas comment les choses se passent ici.
So we're not gonna get any work done tonight, are we?
Donc on va pas travailler ce soir?
Are we done here?
On a bientôt fini?
Are we done?
A-t-on fini?
Are we done here?
Vous avez fini?
- Are we done here?
- Vous avez fini?
And we are very grateful for all you have done.
Nous te remercions pour tout ce que tu as fait.
If you two are done playing around, we need to get that spear.
Quand vous aurez fini, il faudra penser à récupérer la lance.
Are we done now?
C'est bon?
Are we done?
On a fini?
- Are we done sharing?
- On a fini de se confier?
Excuse me would anyone like anything, Or maybe... maybe are we done here?
Voulez-vous autre chose ou vous en avez terminé là?
Okay, are we done here, do you think?
- On a fini là, tu crois?
Yeah, yeah, we are almost done.
- Oui. On a presque fini.
- Are we done?
On a fini? Bien.
Whatever. We are done here.
Peu importe.
I'm definitely not taking your ex-husband's money. - Are we done here?
Je prendrai pas l'argent de ton ex-mari.
We are done!
- Ça suffit!
we're full. Are you done with your puttanesca?
Vous avez fini votre puttanesca?
Look, are we done?
On a fini?
We are starving. Done.
Entendu, chefs.
We know who you are. My family--we're very grateful for everything that you've done.
Ma famille est vraiment reconnaissante pour ce que vous avez fait.
- Are we done?
- C'est terminé?
- Are we done?
- On a fini?
We let Tactical do their job, and when it's done, we buy them a drink and tell them their biceps are sexy. Done?
Ensuite, on paie un pot à la section d'assaut en leur disant que leurs biceps sont sexy.
I'm sorry, Chief, but the nurses are asking if we have any idea of when we'll be done with this guy's body.
Désolé, chef, mais les infirmiers demandent quand on aura fini avec le corps.
Are we done yet?
- C'est fini?
Meg and her little posse are dead the second we're done.
Meg et sa clique seront morts dès qu'on aura fini.
All we've done is ascertain that the remains are not those of Logan Bartlett.
On n'a fait que certifier que les restes n'étaient pas ceux de Logan Bartlett.
Are we done yet?
On a fini?
- Are we done talking now?
On peut arrêter de parler?
We are very grateful for what he's done.
Nous sommes très reconnaissants pour ce qu'il a fait.
No, we are not done... as long as Pete has the drugs and thinks Kevin's still alive.
Non, pas encore... tant que Pete a la drogue et croit Kevin vivant.
Oh, are we done acting like a child?
Tu obéis comme une enfant?
- Are we done?
- Ça y est?
The fact that you and i are now talking like this, we're done already.
Le fait que toi et moi nous parlons de ca nous sommes déjà faits.
We've done some calculations, certain areas of the ship are better protected than others because of their location within the hull.
On a fait des calculs. Certaines parties du vaisseau sont mieux protégées en raison de leur emplacement dans le sas.
- What? What are you doing? - We're not done yet.
- Qu'est-ce que vous faites?

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