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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ W ] / We have to find her

We have to find her traducir francés

344 traducción paralela
We have to find her in 5 hours.
On doit la trouver en 5 heures.
We have to find her.
Nous devons la trouver.
- We have to find her a man.
- Il faut lui trouver un homme.
We have to find her.
On doit la retrouver.
We have to find her before he gets here. Or she'll be in big trouble.
Ils ont quelque chose dans la bouche.
I think Mrs. Clements is out there. And we have to find her.
On doit trouver Mme Clements.
We have to find her and get her back into it.
Nous devons la retrouver et la ramener là-bas.
So... we have to find her?
Il faut la retrouver.
We have to find her somehow.
- Nous devons la retrouver.
- We have to find her.
- On doit la retrouver.
Go, we have to find her!
Il faut la trouver!
We have to find her, Xena.
Il faut la trouver.
We have to find her quickly.
Nous devons la retrouver rapidement.
We have to find her.
On doit la trouver.
- Well, we have to find her.
- II faut la retrouver.
We have to find her.
Il faut la trouver.
- We have to find her.
- Il faut la trouver.
We have to find her.
Nous devons la retrouver. Et vite.
We still have to find her.
Nous devons toujours la trouver.
We'll still find her. She'll have to land sometime, and our connections extend all over the world.
Il faudra bien qu'elle débarque, nous avons des contacts dans le monde entier.
We have to find out her secrets for him.
C'est à nous de découvrir le pot aux roses.
We enjoyed her as long as she was with us, and now, somehow, we have to find a way to live without her.
Nous l'avons aimée quand elle était avec nous, nous devons maintenant apprendre à vivre sans elle.
We have to find another husband for her and you are the obvious choice
Nous devons lui trouver un autre époux et vous êtes tout désigné.
Well, I think we have to respect her desire to find something new even if we... even if we don't agree with the subject.
Je crois que nous devons accepter son désir de faire des recherches, même si nous ne sommes pas d'accord sur leurs objets.
If they find her, we'll have to run away.
Si on la trouve, nous devrons fuir.
- We have to find her a man.
- Toujours.
We'll have to find her a nice quiet corner and leave her tied up, ok?
Il va falloir lui trouver un coin bien tranquille et la laisser attachée, tu sais.
And as soon as we find the monkey, you have to change her back.
Et dès que nous trouvons le singe, tu dois la changer.
We'll have to hide her in the cellar, and no-one will ever find her...
Il faut la cacher dans un mur de la cave personne ne la trouvera jamais.
And since Puntiglio wants her to find a job, I thought we could have her tutor your son, Franco.
Et comme Puntiglio voudrait qu'elle travaille, j'ai pensé qu'on pourrait la mettre en rapport avec Franco.
We have to go out and find her, get her to this concert, and forget these other goddamn commitments.
Il faut la trouver et l'amener au concert. Oublie tout le reste.
We'll have to find some for her.
Il va falloir en trouver.
I have to know who the girl is and where we can find her.
Je veux savoir qui est la fille et où on peut la trouver.
we'll have to find her before night
Il faut la trouver avant la nuit.
We have a responsibility to find her husband's dead body and put her mind at ease.
On doit trouver le corps de son défunt mari pour la tranquilliser.
We have to find a woman he can love be his friend, share her life with him while he shares his with her.
On doit trouver la femme qu'il aimera, sera son amie, sa complice pour la vie.
We got to find her. - We have to check this address.
Il faut voir si elle est à cette adresse
We have to find where she died to release her soul.
À l'endroit de sa mort, elle sera libérée.
We have to find a boarding school for her.
On va la mettre en pension.
That bitch... we have to find her and get the tape back.
Cette salope...
And if we can find her, she might have the ability to send us home.
Il se peut qu'elle ait les moyens de nous renvoyer chez nous.
He could have taken her anyplace. How we going to find her?
Comment on va la retrouver?
And all we have to do is find her first.
Il suffit de la trouver avant les autres.
We have to find a way to calm her down.
Il faut trouver un moyen de la calmer.
That's what she says, but I think we have to find a way to verify her story.
Il faut trouver un moyen de vérifier son histoire.
Now we just have to find her.
On doit juste la retrouver.
We have to go find her.
Il faut la trouver.
See, every Sunday, when she didn't have to work she would make breakfast. I would find my way down the hallway and stand next to her by the stove and we would talk about school and boys.
Le dimanche, quand elle ne travaillait pas, elle préparait le petit-déj'. Je descendais lui tenir compagnie au fourneau et on parlait de l'école, des garçons.
Zhaan, we have to find a way to take her with us somehow, some way.
Zhaan, il faut trouver un moyen de l'emmener.
Hope you don't have one before we find Cordelia because if something happens to her, I might just have an epiphany.
J'espère que tu n'en auras pas une avant d'arriver. Parce que s'il lui arrive quoi que ce soit... c'est moi qui en aurai une.
We have to find a way to stop her.
Il faut trouver un moyen de l'arrêter.

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