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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ W ] / We have to talk about this

We have to talk about this traducir francés

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We have to talk about this.
Nous devons en parler.
Why do we have to talk about this? Do we have to?
A quoi bon parler de ça?
Mama, we have to talk about this.
Maman, il faut qu'on parle.
- Do we have to talk about this right now?
- Tu es sûr que c'est le moment?
We have to talk about this.
Il faut qu'on parle.
- Do we have to talk about this?
- On est obligées d'en parler?
Ares, we have to talk about this cult.
Arès, il faut parler de ce culte.
- We have to talk about this.
- Il faut qu'on en parle.
"Well, tough shit," because we have to talk about this.
Eh bien, dommage. Parce qu'il faut qu'on en parle.
Do we have to talk about this?
On doit vraiment parler de ça? Je me sentais bizarre.
- Do we have to talk about this?
On est obligés de parler de ça? Pourquoi pas?
- Do we have to talk more about this? - No, we'll never talk about it again.
- Faut-il encore en parler?
If we can get together on this deal, we'll have lots to talk about.
De futurs associés ont des choses à se dire.
Eve, there are some things we've got to talk about. Father wanted you to have this watch.
Eve, j'aimerais que nous parlions.
We have a lot to talk about... but let's not do it this way, shout at each other.
Il faut qu'on parle. Ne crions pas.
Now I admit I was a little provoked about not being consulted then I got to thinking maybe we ought to come to this port so as you and me could have a talk.
J'admets être froissé de ne pas avoir été consulté, mais j'ai réfléchi et cette escale est nécessaire. Alors bavardons-en.
We'll talk about this later. We have other problems to deal with.
- On parlera de ça un peu plus tard, on a d'autres problèmes à régler.
In that case, leave this book here... otherwise we'd have to talk about pornography!
Alors, laissons là ce livre. Là, nous devons parler de pornographie!
We're gonna have to talk about this So, what are we gonna do?
Il faut en discuter Comment fait-on?
- We have to talk about this stuff.
- On doit parler.
Think of it this way - When we do, we'll have everything to talk about.
Quand nous nous reverrons, nous aurons tant de choses à nous dire.
We have to talk about this.
We have a lot of things to talk about, don't we, J.R.? I'm sorry, Mama, for all the things I said to you this morning.
Mais si je te comprend bien, il manque toujours une certaine sorte de clé
We have to have a little talk about this here.
Il faut qu'on parle de ce problème.
We have to talk to you about this evaluation thing.
Nous devons discuter des méthodes d'évaluation.
We'll have plenty to talk about once I get this information.
On aura plein de choses à se dire quand j'aurai ces infos.
Look, we don't have to talk about this now.
On n'est pas obligés d'en parler maintenant.
This winter we have many things to talk about in Ferrara.
Cette hiver, on va en avoir des choses à raconter à Ferrare.
- We have to talk about this seriously.
Il faut qu'on parle sérieusement.
But we'll have to talk about this later.
Je ne peux pas parler maintenant.
In an effort to salvage what little time we have left, let me smear this goo on you, and then I will build us a cosy little fire and we'll snuggle up with a blanket and talk about New York and all the great times we've had over the years,
Pour essayer de sauver le peu de temps qu'il nous reste, laisse-moi t'enduire, et ensuite je nous ferai un petit feu et on se blottira dans une couverture et on parlera de New York et du bon temps qu'on a passé toutes ces années
We'll have to talk about this some more, privately.
Il faut qu'on en parle en privé.
Lieutenant, we don't have time to talk about this now.
Lieutenant, on n'a pas le temps de parler de ça.
Now, look, we're going to have to talk about this in private.
On va avoir une petite discussion en privé.
We're gonna have to talk about this later.
On en reparlera.
I still have to talk about this to Mr. De Granmont but barring any unforeseen developments gentlemen, I think we're sitting on a winner.
Il faut que j'en parle à M. De Granmont. Mais sauf imprévus, messieurs, on tient le filon!
It's just that up on this hill, The only thing we have to talk about... is each other.
C'est juste que sur cette colline, on ne peut parler que de nous-mêmes.
Suppose, after all of this... we have nothing to talk about.
Imagine qu'après tout ça... on n'ait rien à se dire.
I have to go out, and when I come back we " lI talk about this and get to know each other.
Il faut que je parte. Quand je reviendrai... nous parlerons de tout ça, et nous ferons connaissance.
We don't have to talk about this now.
- N'en parlons pas maintenant.
I don't have to hear this now. We don't need to talk about it.
On en reparlera plus tard.
- We have to talk about this. - I know.
- Il faut en discuter.
I think we're gonna have to talk about how this might compromise our goals.
Il faut discuter du fait que ça puisse compromettre nos objectifs.
We don't have to talk about this now.
On n'est pas obligés de parler de ça maintenant.
If you'll excuse me, I have to cross this border and school some of my compadres, you know on things we like to talk about.
Excusez-moi, je dois passer la frontière et informer mes compadres, vous comprenez faut qu'on discute. Gardez le moral.
You know, we don't have to talk about this.
- N'en parlons plus.
If we're gonna talk about this now you have to promise you will not say one word until I'm done!
Je veux bien en parler, mais tu dois promettre de ne pas m'interrompre.
That's all you have to do. We'll talk about the rest of it when we put this one away.
On parlera du reste quand on aura réglé ça.
I have to do this thing right now. Can we talk about it later?
J'ai un travail urgent à faire, on peut en parler plus tard?
OK, because I have some very, very important news... to talk about... and if you're not feeling well, we can do this some other time.
J'ai une nouvelle très importante à t'annoncer. Si tu ne te sens pas bien, j'attendrai.
Let's us speak no more of this business. We have many other things to talk about.
Oublions le business et parlons d'autres choses.

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