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What's going to happen to us traducir francés

83 traducción paralela
That's what's going to happen to all of us.
On va tous finir par connaître le même sort.
What's going to happen to us?
Qu'est-ce que on va devenir?
Against the nearest wall, that's what's going to happen happen to all of us.
Le dos au mur, voilà ce qui nous attend, tous autant que nous sommes.
I don't know what's going to happen to us, Oliver.
Je ne sais pas ce que nous allons devenir.
Sam, I never had a son until you married Jenny, and I don't know where this war's going to take us or what'll happen.
Je n'avais pas de fils jusqu'à ce que vous épousiez Jenny. J'ignore où va nous mener cette guerre et ce qui va se passer, mais mon vœu le plus cher est que vous vous en sortiez vivant.
But chasing around for work and worrying about what's going to happen to us... it can drive you crazy.
Mais tu sais, ces courses incessantes et l'inquiétude de l'avenir... Il y a de quoi perdre la tête.
What's going to happen to us tomorrow?
Que va-t-il nous arriver, demain?
How is it you never asked about what's going to happen to us?
Pourquoi n'as-tu jamais demandé comment on allait s'organiser?
What's going to happen to us?
Que va-t-il nous arriver?
Davy, que nous arrivera-t-il?
- What's going to happen to us?
- Et nous alors?
Jim, what's going to happen to us?
Que va-t-il nous arriver?
- Well, what's going to happen to us?
Mais que va-t-il nous arriver?
What's going to happen to us
On ne peut plus vous suivre.
Doctor, what's going to happen to us?
Docteur, que va-t-il nous arriver?
I don't know what's going to happen... to any of us.
Je ne sais pas ce qui arrivera.. à l'un ou l'autre de nous.
We're crying when we're born. We don't know what's going to happen to us.
L'homme naît en criant, mais il ne sait pas ce qui l'attend.
What's going to happen if you report us to the Deputy?
À l'administrateur ou à qui tu veux!
What's going to happen to us if you don't get what you want?
Que se passera-t-il si vous n'obtenez pas ce que vous voulez?
What's going to happen? They'll reach us in... 6 min and 10 seconds.
Ils seront là dans... 6 minutes et 10 secondes.
Tell us what's going to happen.
Dis-nous ce qui va se passer.
What's going to happen to us?
Qu'est-ce qu'on va devenir, Renato?
A few times. He's okay. He's sure to know something that will help us out of this state of never knowing what's going to happen.
Il est réglo, il a sans doute une idée, il en a sûrement une, pour qu'on n'ait plus à se demander aujourd'hui de quoi sera fait demain.
Actually we see threats coming from all angles, the internal and external, and we wonder what's going to happen to us individually and as a nation.
Nous nous sentons menacés de partout. Nous nous demandons ce qui va nous arriver, ainsi qu'à la nation.
What's going to happen to us?
Qu'est-ce qui va nous arriver?
What's going to happen to us?
Que va-t-on devenir, nous, dans tout ça?
But what's going to happen to us about this?
- Mais, qu'est ce qu'on va devenir avec "ça"?
I know it's kind of a weird time, but I was just wondering, what is going to happen to us on Monday, when we're all together again?
ce qui va nous arriver quand on va se revoir lundi?
What's going to happen to us?
Que nous arrivera-t-il?
To show us what's going to happen.
Nous montrer ce qui va arriver.
If I could travel into the future just before the destruction of DS9, I could find out what's going to happen, then return to the present in time for us to prevent it from happening.
Si je pouvais aller dans le futur juste avant la destruction de DS9, je pourrais découvrir ce qui s'est produit, et, une fois de retour dans le présent, je pourrais l'éviter.
Who knows what's going to happen when that ring hits us?
- Qui sait ce qui va se passer.
What's going to happen when they don't need us any more?
Qu'est-ce qui va se passer quand ils n'aurons plus besoin de nous?
That's what's going to happen to all of us.
Voilà ce qui nous arrivera à tous.
Is he also obsessed, tortured... going from one sleepless night to the next... wondering what's gonna happen between us?
Passe-t-il lui aussi ses nuits hanté, torturé... se demandant ce qui va se passer entre nous?
What's going to happen to us, is unthinkable!
Ce qui va nous arriver, est impensable!
What's going to happen here in the next few days, neither of us can change.
Ce qui va arriver ici ces prochains jours, aucun d'entre nous ne peut rien y changer.
I'm the one who got us into this, and I'm as responsible for what's going to happen as anyone.
C'est moi qui nous ai mis la dedans et je suis aussi responsable de ce qui va arriver à nous tous.
I'd really hate for what's going on between you and Grandpa to happen to us.
Je ne voudrais pas que ce qui est arrivé entre grand-père et moi nous arrive.
I know that's what I'm supposed to say but the truth is I don't know what's going to happen to us.
C'est ce qu'on doit dire dans un cas pareil, mais honnétement, j'ai aucune idée de ce que ça va donner.
What's going to happen to us?
- Qu'allez-vous faire de nous?
What's going to happen to us?
Qu'allons-nous devenir?
- What's going to happen to us?
Que va-t-on devenir?
Like take Ephram and I for example, I don't know what's going to happen with us, maybe we'll get married, maybe we won't, who knows.
Prends Ephram et moi pour exemple, je ne sais pas ce qu'il va nous arriver, peut-être qu'on se mariera, peut-être pas, qui sait.
What's going to happen to us, Dwight?
Que va-t-il nous arriver?
This isn't good for us, so see what it is you want... because if the worst suddenly comes to the worst... and you're in here with us, they'll come looking for you... and then what's going to happen?
Tu vois? C'est pas bon pour nous. Décide-toi, mec!
What's going to happen to us?
Qu'est-ce qu'il va advenir de nous?
I'm too worried about what's going to happen with us.
Je m'inquiète de ce qui va nous arriver.
Of course, if they'd have known what was going to happen... they never would have let us make it.
Bien sûr, s'ils avaient su ce qui allait se passer... ils ne nous auraient pas laissés le tourner. "
Meanwhile, no one knows which side brother Daniel is going to fall on, which brings us to the all-important question- - what's going to happen at "Mode"?
En attendant, personne ne sait aux côtés de qui Daniel va se tenir, ce qui nous amène à la principale question : que va-t-il arriver à Mode?
We don't know what's going to happen to us who will take over leadership.
On ignore ce qui va nous arriver, qui prendra notre direction.

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