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What's his motive traducir francés

31 traducción paralela
What's his real motive?
À quoi pense-t-il?
What's his motive?
Quel est son motif?
What's his motive?
Quel est son mobile?
- What's his motive?
- Quels sont ses motifs?
I know a burglar's gonna fence what he stole'cause his motive is cash money.
Un cambrioleur fourguerait son butin, car sa motivation est l'argent.
- What are you trying to hide? - A man, a dead man, put you in his will, and you would think there's some ulterior motive.
- Un homme mort vous a mis dans son testament, et vous imaginez qu'il avait une arrière-pensée.
Look, if we find out what's driving him, we get into his head.
Si on découvre ce qui le motive, on sera dans son esprit.
What's his motive?
- Son mobile? - L'argent.
What's his motive?
- Son mobile?
Now I'm looking into Jenson's situation toigure out what possible motive he might have for changing his story.
J'étudie la situation de Jenson pour découvrir qu'est-ce qui a pu le pousser à changer son histoire.
What's his motive?
Quel était son mobile?
What's his motive?
Son mobile?
What's his motive?
What's his motive?
Et le mobile?
What's his motive?
- Alors?
- I'd like that, but what's his motive?
- Ça me plairait, mais pourquoi?
- Bobby's very driven with what = = and very passionate about his music and that's good But I have a feeling that over the years that's been you know = = one of Bobby's main problems is the freedom of Bobby doing nothing except sex drugs rock and roll
- Bobby était vraiment motivé avec ça = = et vraiment passionné par sa musique et c'était une bonne chose mais j'ai le sentiment qu'au fil des années ça a été, tu vois = = l'un des principaux problèmes de Bobby ça a été
What's his motive? Hmm.
Alors, pourquoi?
What's his motive?
- Bien. Et le mobile?
He's got motive, he's got his own personal acid bath! What more do you want?
Il a un mobile et son bain d'acide personnel!
What's his motive?
Quelles sont ses motivations?
He's just a murderer. Well, then, what was his motive for murder, Detective Esposito?
Il réalise que si un Westie se fait tuer avec un sac rempli de têtes de jamaïcains, la guerre sera déclarée entre les deux gangs.
What's his fucking motive?
C'est quoi son mobile?
I mean, what's his motive?
Quelles sont ses motivations?
If the husband did it, what's his motive?
Si le mari l'a tuée, quel est son mobile?
What do you mean, "what's his motive?" They were married.
Son mobile? Ils sont mariés.
I mean, what's his motive?
Je veux dire, quel est son mobile?
What's his motive.
Pourquoi fait-il ça?
- What's his motive?
- C'est quoi sa motivation?

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