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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ W ] / What's there to talk about

What's there to talk about traducir francés

175 traducción paralela
Get Ken. What's there to talk about?
Parler de quoi?
Oh, you already got me strapped in the chair, so what's there to talk about?
Vous m'avez déjà condamné, à quoi bon parler?
- What's there to talk about?
- Mais de quoi?
Well, what's there to talk about?
Alors, de quoi tu veux me parler?
- What's there to talk about?
De quoi voulez-vous parler?
What's there to talk about?
Parler de quoi?
Oh, well, what's there to talk about?
Pourquoi? Il n'y a rien à dire.
What's there to talk about?
Rien à dire?
I've heard people talk about it, but I don't know what it is. There's always something to do :
L'ennui, j'en ai entendu parler, je sais qu'il y a des gens qui s'ennuient, mais moi, je ne sais pas ce que c'est que l'ennui.
What's there to talk about, you old fart?
Et de quoi tu veux discuter? Tu ferais mieux de te tirer, vieille merde.
What's there to talk about, Steven?
De quoi parlerait-on, Steven?
What's there to talk about?
De quoi avez-vous parlé?
That's nuts. What's there to talk about?
Discuter de quoi?
Oh, there's nothing to talk about. I already know what both of you are gonna say.
C'est pas la peine, je sais ce que vous allez dire.
What's There To Talk About?
De quoi?
Then what's there to talk about?
Alors on n'a rien à se dire.
Oh, from what I understand, there's nothing to talk about.
Je crois qu'il n'y a rien à dire.
What's there to talk about?
Discuter de quoi?
Now, I know you don't want to talk about what happened, but there are times when it's best to let things out.
Je sais que tu ne veux pas parler de ce qui s'est passé, mais parfois, il est bon de se laisser aller.
Listen, Christina, if there's... if there's ever anything you want to talk about, about what might be going on at home or whatever, you know that I'm here, okay?
Écoute, Christina... si tu as envie de parler... de ce qui se passe chez toi, tu sais que je suis là, OK?
If I don't kill you what's there to talk about?
Si je ne te tue pas... qu'est-ce qu'il y a à raconter?
- What's there to talk about?
- Y a rien à dire.
So don't talk to him about what's in there without a warrant... or until you get his consent to open it.
Bien. Ne lui en parlez pas. Obtenez un mandat de perquisition.
Dad, there's something I need to talk to you about. What is it?
Il faut que je te parle de quelque chose.
What's there to talk about?
Pour dire quoi?
Your Highness, talk to me about the gift shop. What's up with those people down there? They don't have any manners?
Votre Altesse, vous pourriez dire un mot aux gars de la boutique?
And it's really sad, but I don't know what there is to talk about.
C'est vraiment triste mais qu'est-ce qu'on peut en dire?
If there's nothing to be done, what is there to talk about?
S'il n'y a rien à faire, de quoi voulez-vous parler?
- Fairfield taking bids next week. - What's there to talk about?
- L'appel d'offres de Fairfield.
So what's there to talk about?
Donc vous parliez de quoi?
What's there to talk about between a teacher and gangster?
Qu'est-ce qu'un professeur et un gangster peuvent se dire?
When I can, I put Emmanuel or Bernie S., or anybody else on there... to talk about the state of what's going on, because nobody else will cover it.
Quand je peux, j'invite Emmanuel ou Bernie S., ou n'importe qui d'autre... pour parler de l'état des choses présentes, car personne d'autre ne couvre ces sujets.
I mean, what is there to talk about?
On s'en fout!
What's there to talk about?
Que veux-tu que je te dise?
- Yeah what's there to talk about?
- On n'a pas grand-chose à se dire.
- What issues do you wanna talk about? - There's the plan to cut the arts budget the appalling nutritional value of cafeteria meals, the dress code and not to mention the student privacy issues with the locker searches.
- La réduction du budget culturel... les repas malsains, les règles vestimentaires... le fait qu'on se permette de fouiller nos casiers.
Right, that's what I came over to talk about. I saw Rachel kissing some guy on your balcony, even though there were no lights!
Voilà ce dont je voulais parler. J'ai vu Rachel embrasser un mec sur le balcon, malgré l'obscurité!
What's there to talk about?
De quoi devrions-nous parler?
- What's there to talk about?
- Qu'y a-t-il à dire?
What's there to talk about?
Qu'est-ce que je peux raconter?
I guess it's kind of cool to know somebody or be able to listen to somebody talk about actually being where I am right now and it's kind of hard because I can't afford to go there every single day and buy a sandwich two times a day and that's what he's talking about like that's the only solution.
C'est cool de rencontrer quelqu'un... ou d'écouter quelqu'un parler... de ce que je traverse actuellement. Je n'ai pas les moyens d'aller chez Subway et d'acheter un sandwich deux fois par jour. Pourtant, il dit que c'est la seule solution.
What's there to talk about?
De quoi?
What's there to talk about?
Qu'est-ce que tu veux en dire?
There's something else I wanted to talk to you about. What was it?
Il y a une chose dont je voulais te parler, c'était quoi déjà?
And if I were to sit down with the DA there's no telling what we might talk about.
Et si je devais voir le procureur il y a plein de choses que je pourrais dire.
- What's there to talk about?
De quoi?
What's there to talk about?
Il n'y a pas grand-chose à dire.
If you're so sure that I'm the carver, what's there to talk about? Hmm?
Si tu es si sûre que je suis le Carver, qu'est-ce qu'on peut dire de plus...
What's there to talk about?
A quoi bon?
What's there to talk about?
Qu'il y a-t-il à dire?
What's there to talk about?
Il n'y a rien à dire.

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