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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ W ] / What did you do to it

What did you do to it traducir francés

400 traducción paralela
Charly, what did you do to it?
Qu'est-ce que t'as fait?
What did you do to it?
Que s'est-il passé?
What did Joseph Wilson do with it when you gave it to him?
Qu'en a-t-il fait?
What did you do when it was brought to your attention?
Qu'avez-vous fait lorsque cela fut porté à votre connaissance?
What do you care what he did? Why do you have to know all about it?
Que t'importe, ce qu'il a fait?
If Helen could send me that message, and she did send it then there must be a way to establish controlled and scientific... Do you really believe what you say?
Si Helen a pu m'envoyer ce message... il y a alors un moyen d'établir scientifiquement une communication... entre les vivants et ceux que l'on appelle les morts.
What did you do with it, give it back to her tonight?
Qu'en avez-vous fait?
Even if you did tell the cops, I was in on it with you what could they do to me?
Si tu dis aux flics que j'étais dans le coup, qu'est-ce qu'ils me feront?
You phone the cops and do'em a favor, where to find a dead cop and the guy that did it, and what happens...
S'il appelle la police pour leur dire où le flic a été tué et le type qui l'a fait qu'arrivera-t-il?
I don't know what you're father did or didn't do. I couldn't possibly know. But you've got to realise, even if it's very hard to... that that really doesn't matter.
J'ignore ce que ton père a fait ou pas fait, mais tu dois comprendre que c'est sans importance.
What do you want me to say? That I did it?
Vous voulez des aveux?
What do you have to know? You do what you always did. You just add talking to it.
Il suffit de jouer comme avant et d'ajouter des paroles!
What did you do to it?
- Qu'as-tu fait?
Failed, do you realize what you tried to do was impossible, yet you almost did it?
- C'était impossible et tu as presque réussi. - Mais j'ai échoué!
What you did to Aron tonight, I don't know what it will do to him.
Qu'as-tu fait à Aron? Que va-t-il lui arriver?
I know what you've done, how you did it and how you expect to do it.
Je connais bien vos méthodes.
What you're trying to do for us now is one thing but it doesn't make up for the bad you did before.
Ce que vous faites est une chose, mais ça ne répare pas le mal que vous avez fait.
What do I do to get this, what did you call it, stake?
Que dois-je faire pour gagner cette... mise de départ?
- What did you do to your hair? - I cut it.
- Qu'avez-vous fait à vos cheveux?
When Paquito arrived they'd already taken it to the notary. What did you do?
ils l'avaient déjà porté chez le notaire.
Do you know what happened to it? - His luggage, monsieur? - He did have some, didn't he?
Elle contient des papiers très importants pour moi.
- What did you do? - It was the only thing to do.
- La seule chose à faire.
What did you expect me to think? Why did you do it?
Ne me dis pas que c'est ton idée, il doit y avoir quelqu'un d'autre.
You did what you had to do and if you didn't like it you liked it anyway.
Moi, par exemple. J'ai rencontré ton père
What did you think I was going to do? Take a bath in it?
Vous pensiez que c'était pour prendre un bain?
It's been 3 or 4 months that you smiled at me when I've seen you to tell me that you're ready to do with me what you did with Balestrieri.
ça fait 3 ou 4 mois que vous me souriez en me voyant... que vous êtes prête à faire avec moi ce que vous avez fait avec Balestrieri.
You remember what we were talking about, about wanting someone to do something and then wondering what it would be like if he did it?
Vous savez, quand on parlait de vouloir que quelqu'un fasse une chose et de se demander comment ce serait qu'il le fasse?
What exactly did you do with that film? Well, let me see if I can explain it to you accurately...
Voyons si je m'en souviens encore...
I don't care what you meant to do, it's what you did that I don't like.
Peu importe ce que vous comptiez faire.
And what did you ask uncle Francesco? How to do it.
qu'avez vous demandé à Francesco?
It might be that people around you cornered you in to do what you did.
C'est peut-être votre entourage qui vous a amenée à faire ce que vous avez fait.
- It's all right. You did what you had to do.
Tu as fait ce qu'il fallait.
You have reason to be angry us by what we did, but now we promise not to do it again...
Tu as raison d'être en colère car c'était mal ce qu'on a fait, mais si on promet de ne plus recommencer...
You knew what I was going to do before I did it.
Vous saviez ce que j'allais faire avant que je le fasse.
What, did he think you had something to do with it?
Il croit que tu y es pour quelque chose?
It was someone they called Faggio, who drove like a god... and do you know what they did to that guy, do you know it, you little cunt?
Il s'appelait Fangio, et conduisait comme un dieu. Tu sais ce qu'ils lui ont fait, connasse?
You were a Judas in 1 907 and what good did it do to you?
Tu as trahi déjà en 1907. Qu'est-ce que ça t'a rapporté?
Did you ever see what it can do to a woman's pussy?
Et vous avez vu ce que ça peut faire à un con?
I'm sorry I have to do this. I'm also sorry for what I did to you with them. It wasn't my idea.
Je m'excuse d'avoir fait ça avec eux... mais c'était pas mon idée.
Goddamn it, what did you do to my wife?
Bon sang, qu'avez-vous fait à ma femme?
I think I do know what really disturbs me about the work you've described... and I don't even know if I can express it. But somehow it seems that the whole point of the work that you did in those workshops... when you get right down to it and you ask what was it really about... The whole point, really, I think... was to enable the people in the workshops, including yourself... to somehow sort of strip away every scrap of purposefulness... from certain selected moments.
Ce qui me gêne, dans le travail que tu faisais avec ces ateliers de comédiens, si on regarde les choses en face, c'est que ça visait à permettre aux participants et à toi-même... d'éliminer toute utilité positive de votre travail... afin d'expérimenter une sorte d'apesanteur de l'être.
I'm not saying that the Army will be able to do for you what it did for me.
L'armée ne fera pas forcément pour vous ce qu'elle a fait pour moi.
If you don't like what it did to him, you're gonna hate what it'll do to you.
Si vous n'aimez pas ce que ça lui a fait, vous allez détester ce que ça va vous faire.
Just don't make a book out of it and do to me what I did to you.
Mais n'en faites pas un livre pour vous venger de moi.
It's just one big let down. As far as I'm concerned, nothing we could do to Chipper Dove would be as awful as what he did to you.
Si vous me demandez mon avis... il n'y a rien qu'on puisse faire à Chipper... pouvant égaler le mal qu'il t'a fait.
I just asked you to do one thing... just stay awake and watch me... just wake me up if it looked like I was having a bad dream... and what did you do?
- Je t'avais demandé un truc! De pas dormir, de me surveiller et de me réveiller si j'avais un cauchemar! Au lieu de ça, enfoiré...
- What did it do to you, Freddy?
- Ça t'a fait quoi, Freddy?
Do you have any idea what it did to me watching them lower your coffin into a grave?
Tu imagines ce que j'ai ressenti en les voyant descendre ton cercueil sous terre?
She calls me later to tell me that she did like your style... or whatever's left of it, and you know what you do?
Elle me rappelle et me dit qu'elle aime ton look, ou ce qu'il en reste, et tu sais ce que tu fais?
Listen, I don't know what my... acquaintance did to upset you, but it's nothing to do with me.
Ecoutez, je ne sais pas ce que mon am – ma connaissance a fait pour vous déplaire, mais ça n'a rien à voir avec moi.
You did whatever you had to do to get D.J. what she wanted even if it meant lying and hurting other people.
Tu as fait tout ce qu'il fallait pour satisfaire D.J., même si pour cela il a fallu mentir et blesser des gens.

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