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What were you gonna do traducir francés

271 traducción paralela
What were you gonna do?
What were you gonna do tonight?
Que ferez-vous ce soir?
What were you gonna do, Sheriff?
Qu'auriez-vous fait?
What were you gonna do?
Que comptais-tu faire?
What were you gonna do?
Qu'alliez-vous faire?
What were you gonna do, sailor boy?
Qu'avais-tu en tête, matelot?
What were you gonna do?
Que faire?
What were you gonna do after you dropped it? Ollie.
Où te serais-tu caché, Stan?
What were you gonna do?
Qu'est-ce que t'allais foutre?
What were you gonna do with that stuff?
Qu'est-ce que tu allais en faire?
- What were you gonna do?
- Qu'alliez-vous faire?
What were you gonna do to my wife?
Et tu voulais lui faire quoi à ma femme?
- What were you gonna do?
- Vous alliez faire quoi?
What were you gonna do with it?
Tu comptais faire quoi avec ça?
So, Ben, what were you gonna do before they brought you here?
Alors, Ben, que faisais-tu avant qu'on ne t'amène ici?
What were you gonna do to'em?
Qu'allais-tu leur faire?
What were you gonna do? !
Qu'allais-tu faire?
What were you gonna do with the VCR and TV? Tell me!
Ça, le magnétoscope et la vieille télé pourrie, qu'est-ce que vous allez en faire?
- Wh-What were you gonna do with this?
- Tu voulais faire quoi?
What were you gonna do, Willy Jack?
Pourquoi? Qu'est-ce que t'allais faire?
What were you gonna do, save trees or something?
Que devais tu faire, sauver des arbres?
What were you gonna do?
Qu'allez-vous faire? La frapper?
What were you gonna do, just have him show up?
Donc tu comptais attendre qu'il se pointe?
What were you gonna do, Clark?
Et comment tu comptes t'y prendre?
What were you gonna do, Ray- - dump the doll's body in Jersey?
Qu'est-ce que t'allais faire, jeter le corps dans le fleuve?
What were you gonna do?
Qu'allais-tu faire?
Atsuko, what were you gonna do?
Atsuko, tu avais quelque chose de prévu?
I didn't know what he was gonna do till he told me you were with the police again.
C'est après que j'ai su que vous retravailliez pour la police.
They did. If you were gonna be smart, I'll tell you what you'd do.
Tu sais ce que tu devrais faire si tu avais un peu de jugeote?
You had to choose, right? You had to. - What were we gonna do?
Il faut choisir.
Is that what you were gonna do?
C'est ça que tu voulais?
That's not what we were gonna do, Marty. No. We were actually havin a big argument about you.
En fait, on se disputait à propos de vous.
I'm gonna ask you one more time. do you know what they were looking for?
Je vais vous le demander une dernière fois. Savez-vous ce qu'ils cherchaient?
I can't believe you were gonna do what you were gonna do.
Je ne vous aurais jamais cru capable de faire ça.
By the way what were you really gonna do with the bat?
A propos, tu voulais faire quoi, avec ta batte?
That letter we both signed. You know, your insurance policy, telling what we were gonna do with your lottery ticket. Oh, that.
La lettre qu'on a signée garantissant ton billet de loto.
You know exactly what you were gonna do. Kill your wife and child!
Vous le savez : vous alliez tuer votre femme et votre fille!
What were you gonna do? Shoot me?
Qu'allez-vous faire?
What the hell did you think you were gonna do when you transferred to Vice?
Qu'est-ce que tu pensais faire à la brigade des moeurs?
What the hell were you gonna do with the videos? Huh?
Et les cassettes vidéos c'est pour quoi faire?
Oh, I was just wondering what you were gonna do this year.
Je me demandais ce que tu allais faire cette année.
He realized who you were and what you were gonna have to do.
Il a réalisé qui vous étiez et ce que vous alliez devoir faire.
What the fuck were you gonna do, laugh the last three to death, funny man?
T'espérais quoi pour les 3 derniers, les faire mourir de rire, le comique?
It seems to me there was an indication... that you were gonna do what you wanted, when you wanted... because you feel because of your celebrity... somehow you can do things without consequences.
Mais il me semble pourtant que vous faites selon votre bon vouloir, quand bon vous semble, parce que vous êtes connu et que vous pensez pouvoir agir sans penser aux conséquences.
- I had to see what you were gonna do.
- Je voulais voir ca. ç
What did you think you were gonna do?
Qu'est-ce que vous alliez faire?
I mean, when you picked up that phone, what did you think they were gonna do?
Quand tu les as appelés pour le dénoncer, tu t'attendais à quoi?
It's not like you knew what they were gonna do.
Vous ignoriez ce qu'ils allaient faire.
Okay... now can you do what you said you were gonna do?
Bon, maintenant peux-tu faire ce que tu as dis que tu ferais?
When you left us, we weren't sure what we were gonna do.
Après votre départ, nous étions perdus.
What do you think you were gonna do, have sex with her here on my couch?
Tu voulais faire l'amour avec elle sur mon canapé?

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