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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ W ] / What were you looking for

What were you looking for traducir francés

491 traducción paralela
What were you looking for in the Machine-Halls, Freder?
Que faisais-tu dans la salle des machines, Freder?
Well, what were you looking for, a stamp?
Que cherchais-tu? Un timbre?
What were you looking for so hard just now?
Que cherchiez-vous si fort? Vos caleçons?
Elga, please. What were you looking for in my husband's room?
Que cherchiez-vous dans la chambre de mon mari?
- And what were you looking for there? The solution.
Et vous cherchiez quoi, dans les coulisses?
What were you looking for in Adobe Flat?
Vous cherchiez quoi, à Adobe Flat?
But what were you looking for here?
Mais que vas-tu chercher là?
- What were you looking for? - I don't think -
Qu'est-ce que tu cherches?
What were you looking for?
Que cherchiez-vous?
What were you looking for?
Voilà. Que cherchiez-vous?
So that's what you were looking for.
Alors, c'est que vous cherchiez...
Well, what color were you looking for?
Bon, quelle couleur désirez-vous?
I know what you were thinking. You thought I was looking for a poker.
Vous pensez que je cherchais un tisonnier.
Find what you were looking for?
- Trouvé quelque chose?
I beg pardon, sir, but did you ever find what you were looking for, sir?
Je vous demande pardon, mais avez-vous trouvé ce que vous cherchiez, monsieur?
Oommissar, I think I know what those two were looking for. - Thank you! I think I do, too...
Je suppose que ces deux là cherchaient de l'argent.
Did you find what you were looking for?
Vous avez trouvé ce que vous cherchez?
- What were you doing up the Amazon? - Looking for snakes.
- Que faisiez-vous en Amazonie?
Did you find what you were looking for Mr. Holmes?
Avez-vous trouvé?
- What were you looking for?
- Que cherchais-tu?
Sometimes, I felt when you were playing that... Go on. That... you haven't quite found I don't know what it is... what you're looking for.
En vous écoutant jouer, il m'a semblé que vous n'aviez pas vraiment trouvé ce que vous cherchez.
Well Adams, you found what you were looking for.
Eh bien, vous avez trouvé ce que vous cherchiez.
As soon as I learned what you were doing, I went looking for you.
Dès que j'ai appris que tu faisais ce métier, je suis partie à ta recherche.
What information were you looking for?
- Lequel?
Mr. Harry, is this what you were looking for?
M. Harry, ce que vous recherchez?
Is this what you were looking for?
C " est ça que vous cherchiez?
You bitch, did you know what you were doing, shoving off like that just when I was looking for another match for him?
petite vache... tu te rencontres, se tirer comme ça... au moment où je vais lui chercher un autre combat! Et alors, c'est ton boulot...
Say, Hooker, before you became an idiot looking for gold, what were you?
Qui étais-tu avant d'être un chercheur d'or idiot?
You didn't find what you were looking for, so why don't you let me go to bed?
Vous n'avez pas trouvé ce que vous cherchiez alors laissez-moi aller dormir.
I'll bet, M. Profundity, that you don't know what you were looking for there.
Suivre de plus près et ranger au mieux vos affaires. Et aussi aller chercher cette croix.
You were looking for what, Mr. Macreedy?
Vous cherchez quoi?
Did you find what you were looking for? Not exactly.
Alors, vous avez trouvé?
Of course you didn't know exactly what you were looking for.
Vous ignoriez ce que vous cherchiez.
And then there's a war... and you find what you were looking for, just swimming around in the ocean.
Et puis une guerre éclate, et on trouve ce qu'on cherchait au milieu de l'océan.
Que cherchez-vous exactement?
Vous avez trouvé ce que vous cherchiez?
You know, if we just knew what we were looking for.
Si on savait seulement à quoi il ressemble...
Now, did you find what you were looking for?
Is this what you were looking for?
C'est ça que tu voulais.
Now tell me whom or what, you were you looking for?
Maintenant, dites-moi, qui ou que, euh... cherchiez-vous?
Isn't that what you were looking for in our apartment?
N'est-ce pas ce que vous cherchiez dans notre appartement?
And what about the person you were looking for?
Sur l'assassin, vous avez une piste?
What happened with the one you were looking for?
Que s'était-il passé avec celui que vous recherchiez?
Exactly what recording were you looking for?
Quel disque recherchez-vous exactement?
You know, Doctor, it would help if we knew what we were looking for.
Vous savez, ça aiderait si on savait ce qu'on cherche. SARA :
- Find what you were looking for?
- Avez-vous trouvé votre bonheur?
Is this what you were looking for?
Vous cherchiez ceci?
Did you find what you were looking for?
T'as trouvé ce que tu cherchais?
Marcus here. I think I've found what you were looking for.
Ici Marcus, j'ai trouvé ce que vous cherchiez.
Because that's what you were looking for.
C'est ce que vous cherchiez.
Then what were you looking at me that way for?
Alors pourquoi me regardiez-vous comme ça?

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