Which one's that traducir francés
540 traducción paralela
but the women are not going crazy because of his fine six-pack. The central reason is Hallyu - because Korean Dramas exist, he is receiving love. As per one book which is written by one expert of the Korean broadcasting system, even if young people in Vietnam don't know the name of their Chief Secretary of the Communist party, it's said that there is nothing they don't know about Hallyu star Jang Dong Geon.
54 ) } 시원 24 ) } THE FRENCH
Manuel Peña Rodríguez preserved one copy, which was given in the late 60's to the National Arts Fund. In 1971, technician Fernando Vigévano made a 16 mm. Internegative from that 35 mm.
Une copie en fut conservée plusieurs dizaines d'années par le collectionneur Manuel Peña Rodríguez, pour être ensuite transférée à la fin des années 60 au Fond National des Arts.
You must forgive this "sentimentalish" old German to say... the one thing that consoles me... is the coming marriage of my other boy, Fritz... with Jeanne, the sister of Henri - the marriage to which you will all come, of course, this spring in Düsseldorf.
Excusez ce vieil Allemand pour sa "sentimentalité"... mais ce qui me console... c'est le prochain mariage de mon autre fils, Fritz... avec Jeanne, la sœur d'Henri... mariage auquel vous êtes tous conviés, bien sûr, ce printemps à Düsseldorf.
Now, the one composition of Tchaikovsky's that he really detested was his Nutcracker Suite, which is probably the most popular thing he ever wrote.
Ainsi Tchaïkovski n'aimait-il guère son Casse-Noisette, qui est sa composition la plus célèbre.
If they knew which one was in the apartment that night...
S'ils apprennent qui était chez lui, tu sais bien que...
In case someone born with the title is hidden away somewhere, he has one year in which to make himself known or enter his objection. After that it's too late.
Si un tenant du titre est en vie, quelque part, il a un an pour se manifester, ensuite ce sera trop tard.
- Incidentally... how's that television projector, the one which will reflect a 12-foot image?
- Au fait... et ce projecteur de télévision qui réfléchit une image de 3,60 m?
But the Montgomery Trust. That's the bank in which McDonald is one of the chief stockholders, can't see it.
Mais c'est toujours l'argent qui décide et il devra accepter
And I'm gonna tell them that there's only one government which is capable of handling the atomic control, world disarmament, world employment, world peace, and that's a world government.
Et je leur dirai qu'il n'y a qu'un gouvernement capable de contrôler l'énergie nucléaire, le désarmement, l'emploi et la paix du monde : un gouvernement mondial.
An attachment was formed between her and the deceased, in which she committed herself so completely that she belonged to him and could, with honour, belong to no-one else.
Une relation existait entre elle et le défunt dans laquelle elle s'est tant investie qu'elle s'était donnée à lui et ne pouvait se donner à un autre.
Mr. Aoe claims that plaintiffs are innocent and that that's the one thing of which he's certain.
Par ailleurs, le plaignant en personne a pris la parole pour dire qu'il était dans son bon droit et qu'il le savait mieux que quiconque.
Ptolemy says that Trolius's ship, which was carrying the war booty of the Phoenicians, consisting of gold sesterces, packed as usual in stoneware pots called amphoras, sank in this very spot... and that no one
Ptolemee relate que la galere amirale de Trolius qui contenait dans ses flancs le tresor de guerre des Pheniciens, constitue par des sesterces d'or, enfermes selon la coutume dans des jarres de gres denommees amphores, coula a cet endroit precis... et que nul, jamais, depuis, ne sut ce qu'etait devenu le tresor de Trolius.
Of all directions, why should I have chosen one leading to that parade ground of vulgarity which lies between Nice and Cannes?
Pourquoi ai-je choisi celle qui mène à cette terre de vulgarité s'étalant entre Nice et Cannes?
Which is too bad in a way... because Arthur's the one that really knows.
Dommage, car c'est Arthur qui s'y connaît.
He's full of opinions, one of which is that he can write good music on a time schedule.
Il est plein d'opinions, dont l'une est qu'il peut écrire de la bonne musique en temps planifié.
Now, here's one in which you propose that the government... build an academy like West Point for airmen. What do you have against West Point?
Ici, vous recommandez au gouvernement de fonder une académie pour former des pilotes.
It's just that one look at your kindly face, which is so full of fun, good fellowship...
Mais quand on regarde ton visage plein de bonté... qui est toujours prêt à rire... et qui est si amical...
That's a question for your husband, if you ever get one, which I doubt.
C'est ton mari qui répondra à cette question, si jamais tu auras la chance d'en avoir un, ce que je doute.
I've collected precedents and arguments that have a bearing on the basis of the case, which is the conflict between allegiance to international law and to the laws of one's own country.
J'ai trouvé des précédents en rapport avec l'élément qui sous-tend ce dossier, à savoir le conflit entre le respect de la loi internationale et de la loi nationale.
" What man having 100 sheep, if he lose one of them does not leave the 99 in the wilderness and go after that which is lost, until he find it?
''Quel homme, s'il a cent brebis et vient à en perdre une,''n'abandonne les 99 autres pour s'en aller''après celle qui est perdue jusqu'à ce qu'il la retrouve?
- Which one was that? - Susan.
- Comment elle s'appelait, celle-là?
Illegible letters that would offend the dignity of this courtroom. Blunt and concise, like this one, which in one word renders poor Mariannina's fate :
Leur lecture offenseraient la dignité de cette salle mais Mariannina les a reçues!
An assumption that one associates with minds oftheir calibre... and which is, in itself, gentlemen, a lie.
Une hypothèse selon laquelle "qui se ressemble s'assemble"... et qui, messieurs, est en soi un mensonge.
Which gives you a clue as to the proceedings that will begin in just a moment when one mr. Rance mcgrew, a 3,000-buck-a-week phony baloney, discovers that this week's current edition of make-believe is being shot on location and that location is the twilight zone.
Ce qui vous donne une idée des évènements qui vont commencer dans un instant, quand un certain Rance McGrew, un acteur à la manque à 3 000 $ la semaine, découvrira que l'histoire de cette semaine est tournée en extérieur.
Which is the cause of that attraction for one particular person or object, since there are so many similar?
Quelle est la cause de cette attraction par une personne particulière ou l'objet, S'il y a beaucoup d'autres gens semblables? .
Herbie said that there's one sequence in which they split the screen about 32 times.
Herbie dit qu'il y a une séquence où l'écran est séparé en 32 cases.
Edward, I must tell you, as your family lawyer and as your friend that there's one thing which Florence will not and cannot tolerate.
- Edward, je dois te dire, en tant qu'avocat de la famille et en tant qu'ami qu'il y a une chose que Florence ne tolérera pas...
Small sums, it's true, but I would like that one says clearly which manages its finances.
De petites sommes, c'est vrai, mais j'aimerais que l'on dise clairement qui gère ses finances.
Stringfellow's behaviour as parapsychologist suggests that perhaps his foremost post-operative research objective was to intuit which among his Category-A subjects was the one most capable of assuming the role of psychic dominant.
L'attitude de Stringfellow en tant que parapsychologue suggère que l'objectif, peut-être le plus important, de ses recherches était de savoir intuitivement lequel des sujets de la catégorie A conviendrait le mieux pour jouer le rôle de télépathe dominant.
- Which one? - The one that's all lathered up.
- Celui qui écume.
It occurred to him that if it's possible to identify one's previous incarnations, it might also be possible to determine one's future ones, in which case Mr Stratton could leave his money to himself.
Il pense que s'il est possible d'identifier une vie antérieure, il est sûrement possible de déterminer les réincarnations futures. De ce fait, M. Stratton pourrait se léguer son argent.
They also fail to realise that before Columbus discovered your country, he stopped in San Marcos and contracted a disease which can today be cured with one shot of penicillin.
Ils oublient aussi qu'avant de découvrir votre pays, Christophe Colomb s'est arrêté au San Marcos et a attrapé une maladie qu'on soigne aujourd'hui avec une dose de pénicilline.
I'm missing the brooch... - Which one's that?
- Ma broche...
There's one thing which is not clear. You said you stayed part of the night in that apartment.
Vous avez passé une partie de la nuit dans cet appartement.
The time that is to come will be a time of despair if the laws by which we're now governed become established. It's a crippling thought to remember that the world was better at one time.
Si les lois qui nous régissent se perpétuent, nous allons connaître le temps du désespoir.
- He helped with a diffiicult delivery... that added one more precious life to the village - a bouncing baby veal - for which service the doctor received one gallon of mother's milk.
Tu couves peut-être quelque chose. Tu travailles tellement. Regarde ça.
But there's no alarm system and that's the worst because... that means no one's going to get lazy watching, knowing the alarm will pick up... their mistakes, which means the whole thing has got to be a diversion job.
Pas de système d'alarme, et c'est pire parce que... personne ne va relâcher sa surveillance en comptant sur l'alarme pour rattraper ses erreurs, ce qui signifie qu'il faut un boulot de diversion.
Which one's Captain Tuttle? Oh, you know, sir, that new man, Captain Tuttle.
servir notre pays et repousser la horde païenne qui engloutirait notre mode de vie.
You betray us even with a look, and as sure as there's a Devil in Hell... either me, or Brownie, or Struther, or one of our friends... of which there are many, will kill that boy.
Tu nous trahis seulement d'un regard, et aussi sûr qu'il y a un diable en enfer... ou moi, ou Brownie, ou Struther, ou encore un de nos amis... qui sont nombreux, on tuera ce gosse.
"it seems that in my son-in-law's new little art gallery... " there are 22 paintings, every one of which has been acclaimed... " as a masterpiece.
Il paraît que la galerie de mon gendre expose 22 tableaux accueillis comme des chefs-d'œuvre!
That's every sound in the world all pushed together to make one really terrific noise which we're broadcasting to those mounds out there.
Tous les sons du monde, mêlés en un bruit terrifiant, que nous émettons vers ces monticules.
We'll sure miss you on the paper. Well, if I ever come back to the business, which I won't, there's only one man I'd ever work for. You know that.
Si je revenais au journalisme, ce que je ne ferai pas, il n'y a qu'un homme pour qui je travaillerais.
This painting which is called Night makes such demands on one's ability to guess that few people go to the trouble of studying it more closely.
Ce tableau, surnommé "Nuit", est si exigeant quant à notre capacité d'interprétation que peu de gens prennent la peine de l'étudier avec attention.
At $ 20 a bang, out of which you get half, that's one hell of a lot of banging.
A 20 $ le crac-boum moins tes 50 %, ça risque de craquer!
When all of a sudden, one of the parked cars on the clearing turns on the headlights to leave. My sister hears a kind of rrrrr... and that beastly creature jumps from behind a bush looks up, sees my sister and runs after her with a stick which was actually the tube, screaming like a banshee!
Ma sœur a entendu un brrrrrr et d'un arbuste est sortie cette horrible créature qui a poursuivi ma sœur avec un bâton
And then I'm worried, and I listen for that explosion. And I wonder which one's gonna break first.
J'attends l'explosion et je me demande lequel va éclater en premier.
- That's mine there! - Which one ain't took?
- Lequel est libre?
That's the religion he knows very well and the one over which he is the leader.
C'est une religion qu'il connaît très bien... et pour laquelle il est le guide.
... that the sum of all conglomerations of stars forms a close finite system in the shape of a rotation - ellipsoid then one cannot disregardthe idea that it is nothing but one of the molecules from which greater bodies are constructed
Il doit aussi y avoir des peuples et des étoiles que le malheur s'obstine à frapper, de telle sorte qu'il semble que les lois de la nature se retournent pour que tout tende à leur affliction. C'est ainsi que les anciens en sont venus au concept de fatum et nous, à celui du destin.
You know the point about being conventionally unconventional... Is that it provides a mask behind which one's true squalor can rest in peace.
Le non-conformisme conventionnel est un masque sous lequel la crasse repose en paix.
Of all the different kinds of pussy soft, hot, gravel, velvet, cold, wet, big, small there's one I can feel in my blood, and that's silk, which is yours.
Parce que de toutes les chattes du monde... douces, chaudes, rugueuses, humides... c'est la chatte soyeuse qui me rend fou, la tienne!
which one's yours 33
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25