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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ W ] / Who did that to you

Who did that to you traducir francés

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- Who did that to you?
Qui t'as fait ça?
Who did that to you?
Mais qu'est-ce que tu t'es fait?
Who did that to you?
Qui t'a fait ça?
Who did that to you?
Qui vous a fait ça?
Why did you decide to leave with that barbarian who was killed by her?
Pourquoi avoir décidé de partir avec le barbare qu'elle a tué?
Today you'll see what happens to those who forget... that my friend King James did you all a favor... in saving you from your just fate on the gallows.
Voyez ce qu'on fait à ceux qui oublient que mon ami le Roi leur a épargné le gibet!
I used to know bigger people than you who did business with him. That's all he ever gave them.
Je connais des gars plus importants que vous, et il n'ont pas davantage.
- That man who spoke to you, did you know him?
- Cet homme, là, vous le connaissez?
Golly, I guess you think you own this town. There were people grown people they were who expressed themselves longingly. They did hope to live to see the day, they said when that boy would get his comeuppance.
Certaines gens, des gens d'expérience, exprimaient le souhait de voir enfin le jour où ce garçon serait maté!
Did it never occur to you that some of the people who work for you may also be friends of mine?
Ne crois-tu pas que certaines personnes qui travaillent pour toi pourraient être des amis à moi?
Who did you think it was? Who could it be? Who used to sit at that piano?
Qui jouait autrefois ce morceau?
Did you not finally succeed in your objective and induce this unfortunate man, who worshipped his master, to be false to his trust and betray that master?
N'êtes-vous pas arrivée à vos fins en poussant cet homme qui vénérait son maître à le trahir?
Would those people who shall be nameless be apt to have additional copies of that which I did you know what with this morning?
Ces individus anonymes auraient-ils un double de vous-savez-quoi?
Dr. Wharton coming after you with his hat in his hand. Do you think that's his job? And who did he come begging to?
C'est son boulot de se pointer chez toi, son chapeau à la main?
That wasn't cute what you did to that poor young man who didn't do anything to you.
Ce que vous avez fait n'est pas drôle. Ce pauvre jeune homme ne vous avait rien fait.
Did you hear me? That's to find someone who'll take the rap for me.
Elles te serviront à trouver le pigeon qui se sacrifiera pour moi.
All I know is that I want you to find whoever it was, who did that thing to my uncle before it happens again.
Mais je veux que vous trouviez qui a fait cela à mon oncle, avant que ça ne se reproduise.
Je ne suis pas alitée.
Aren't you taking my plaster off so you can release that bastard of Tagliabue, who did it to me, out of punishemnt cell?
J'aimerais mieux garder ce plâtre et laisser au cachot ce voyou de Tagliabue qui m'a fait ça.
However, I would be failing in my duty if I did not admit to you that there are many others who believe it could have been.
Toutefois, je manquerais à mon devoir en refusant de reconnaître que d'autres scientifiques prônent cette théorie.
- in which the metals could have been known. - My dear boy. It's not enough to show what might have happened, you've got to prove that it did, and who can?
Le capitaine sera furieux.
I hope you have understood and that according to the rules of society. I do not know who did this, but I know one thing.
Moi, je ne sais pas qui a fait ça, mais je suis sûr d'une chose, c'est qu'il y aura pas un seul de ces sales nègres qui aura assez de cran pour remettre les pieds au lycée.
Well, we did have a little chat about you one day... nothing serious... and I told him that, like many couples who'd been married for a long time... you and I had come to a certain understanding... the understanding being that if I ever caught you with another man...
On a parlé de toi, un jour. Rien de bien important. Je lui ai dit que, comme bien des vieux couples heureux, nous étions arrivés à un accord tacite :
You still believe that it's possible to unite mankind when already you see how the few idealists who did join together in the name of harmony are now out of tune and would like to kill each other over trifles?
Vous croyez qu'il est encore possible d'unir l'humanité mais voyez déjà que les quelques idéalistes, réunis au nom de l'harmonie, sont à prèsent en désaccord, et s'ètriperaient pour des broutilles?
Sylvia leaves in tears and Sébastien who cannot understand, demands vehemently to his father : but why did you treat her like that, she's done nothing to you, Sylvia?
Sylvia repart en larmes et Sébastien qui ne peut pas comprendre demande violemment à son père : mais pourquoi tu la traites comme cela, elle t'a rien fait Sylvia?
Could it be that the man who did the killing is trying to kill you, too?
Est-il possible que l'assassin essaie aussi de vous tuer?
That's right. But who wants him now after what you did to him?
- Mais qui en veut, maintenant... après ce que tu lui as fait?
It was someone they called Faggio, who drove like a god... and do you know what they did to that guy, do you know it, you little cunt?
Il s'appelait Fangio, et conduisait comme un dieu. Tu sais ce qu'ils lui ont fait, connasse?
Then how did you know, sir, that there were only four people who knew where Claire Daley was going to be that night and how did you know that you were one of them?
Comment avez-vous su que seulement 4 personnes savaient où Claire Daley serait ce soir et que vous étiez l'une d'elles?
Did you happen to see a show last August that had to do with a man who was being blackmailed by a woman?
Avez-vous vu l'épisode où une femme faisait chanter un homme?
I want you to know, you, who are purer than the angels, that nothing of what i told you is true. My soul is so corrupt that such innocence as radiates from your person, did not seem possible.
Comprends donc, ô toi plus pure que les anges, que rien de ce que je t'ai dit n'est vrai, que par mon âme corrompue, une innocence telle que celle qui rayonne de toi était incompréhensible
You've withheld clues and information... that made it impossible for us to guess who did it.
Vous avez retenu des indices et des renseignements... sans lesquels il nous était impossible de trouver le coupable.
I was the one who had to comfort him, to keep repeating that you did love him just the same, that you were sure to come back.
Moi qui ai dû le consoler. Moi qui ai dû lui répéter que tu l'aimais et que tu reviendrais.
Did you ever think about the fact that... maybe two people who snap at each other for no reason are doing it to avoid their real feelings?
Est-ce que tu as déjà réfléchi au fait que deux personnes qui s'attaquent sans raison le font peut-être pour se cacher leurs vrais sentiments?
Who did this to you? Is that what you want?
Qui t'a fait ça?
Who did that to you?
Qui t'as fait ça?
I noticed, as did my uncle, who remarked on it that Clayton's become attached to you, in a somewhat puppy-ish sort of way.
J'ai remarqué, tout comme mon oncle... que Clayton s'est pris pour vous d'un attachement de jeune chien. C'est compréhensible.
We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong but we think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are.
Nous acceptons d'avoir dû passer notre samedi en retenue pour ce que nous avons fait de mal, mais vous êtes fou de nous demander un essai sur qui nous croyons être.
What it did to everyone at that funeral who loved and cared about you?
Ce qu'ont éprouvé les gens présents qui t'aimaient?
You know, it just occurred to me that bebop was invented by the cats who did get out of the army.
Je viens de penser que... le be-bop a été inventé par les types... qui ont pu se tirer de l'armée.
You know, in the ten years that I coached, I never met anybody who wanted to win as badly as I did.
En 10 ans d'entraînement, j'ai rencontré personne qui voulait gagner autant que moi.
You know, that's amazing. I used to date a guy who did that.
Je suis sortie avec un gars qui faisait ça.
Now that was just an innocent window, and you saw what I did to that. You know who you're dealing with?
Ce n'était qu'une fenêtre, et vous avez vu ce que j'en ai fait.
Who the hell did that to you! What the...
- Qui c'est qui t'a fait ça?
After you die, who's gonna prove that you did not sell your land to Everest?
Après ta mort, qui prouvera que tu n'as pas vendu à Everest?
Did you reveal that risk to the men who volunteered for service?
Avez-vous informé ces hommes de ces risques?
That old lady who came to visit you today, what did she come here for?
La vieille dame qui est venue te voir aujourd'hui, pourquoi est-elle venue?
Because she caught me? You know, if everyone who did that had to go see a psychiatrist...
Si tous ceux qui le font devaient consulter un psy...
I'll tell you who's going to win... but it will just validate my theory... that you cared more about winning money... than you did about me.
Ecoute. Si tu veux que je te dise qui va gagner, je te le dirai. Mais ça confirmera ma théorie que l'argent compte plus pour toi que moi.
You know in Japan, the one who confesses to the murder doesn't have to be the one that did it.
Vous savez, au Japon, celui qui confesse un meurtre n'est pas toujours le coupable.
The person who did this, I promise you, I will see that he's brought to justice, however long it takes, however much it costs.
Je te promets que la personne qui a fait ça sera amenée devant un tribunal. Quel qu'en soit le prix.

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