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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ W ] / Who do you think did it

Who do you think did it traducir francés

56 traducción paralela
- Who do you think did it?
- Qui l'a tuée, d'après toi?
Who do you think did it?
Qui soupçonnes-tu?
- À ton avis?
Who do you think did it?
Qui a fait ça à votre avis?
Who do you think did it?
Qui l'a fait tu penses?
Who do you think did it?
Savez-vous qui sont ses meurtriers?
Who do you think did it?
Qui aurait pu faire ce coup?
- Who do you think did it?
Qui d'après toi?
Then who do you think did it?
A qui pensez-vous? qui l'a fait?
- Who do you think did it?
- Qui est coupable selon toi?
- Who do you think did it?
- Vous pensez que c'est qui?
- So, who do you think did it?
- Et selon toi, qui est-ce?
So who do you think did it? What about Sidney's father? Has he been ruled out as a suspect?
Le père de Sidney est hors du coup?
Well, who do you think did it?
Vous avez idée de qui a pu faire ça?
- Who do you think did it?
- Qui a fait ça, selon toi?
Who do you think did it? Did Logan do it?
Qui a volé l'argent, à ton avis?
Who do you think did it?
Qui a pu faire ça?
Who do you think did it, Mother?
Qui crois-tu qui l'ait commis, mère?
- Who do you think did it?
- Tu crois que c'est qui?
Who do you think did it?
- Dis-moi juste qui.
- So who do you think did it?
- Tu sais qui a pu faire ça?
If we're throwing due process out the window, who do you think did it?
Si on oublie la procédure, qui est le responsable?
I'm sorry. Who do you think did it?
Attendez, qui serait le coupable?
Well, then who do you think did it?
Alors, qui est coupable?
Who do you think did it?
- Qui a fait le coup?
So, who do you think did it?
Bon, qui a fait ça alors?
Uh, who do you think did it?
Qui pensez vous aurait pu faire cela?
Who do you think did it?
A qui vous pensez?
So, who do you think did it?
Alors, qui d'après toi a pu faire ça?
Who do you think did it?
Qui a fait ça, selon toi?
Who do you think did it?
Tu penses que c'est qui?
Who do you think did it?
Tu sais qui a pu faire ça?
Just tell me, who do you think did it?
Dites-moi qui vous soupçonnez.
So who do you think did it, Robert Frost?
Qui l'a fait? Robert Frost?
Who do you think did it?
Vous pensiez que c'était qui?
You say you don't know who did it, but who do you think?
Vous dites ne pas connaître le coupable. Mais qui soupçonnez-vous?
- Who do you think did it?
- Tu as une idιe du tueur?
Who do you think I did it for?
Et pourquoi croyez-vous que j'ai fait ça?
Why do you think it is us who did it?
Pourquoi vous croyez que c'est nous qui avons fait ça?
And I was sort of wondering, you know, if something, God forbid, were to happen to my nephew Wyatt, what do you think the police might do to try to figure out who did it?
Et je me demandais, s'il devait arriver quelque chose, et Dieu nous en garde, à mon neveu Wyatt, que ferait la police pour découvrir le responsable?
Who do you think the police are gonna believe if I tell them that you did it, huh?
- Il y a eu des complications? - Non. On l'a envoyée au centre de rétablissement.
Do you think they'll find the man who did it?
Est-ce que tu penses qu'ils vont trouver celui qui a fait ça?
The surgeon who did agree to do it, did a pretty good job, don't you think?
Le chirurgien qui a accepté de le faire a fait un super bon boulot, tu ne crois pas?
- Look who did it! Why do you think i tum around?
J'ai rien fait, c'est eux.
If crews was set up And found the person who did it, What do you think he would do?
Si Crews s'est fait piégé et trouve la personne qui a fait ça, vous pensez qu'il ferait quoi?
Now, if Kristina and Sarah did mix it up, who do you think wins that fight?
Si Kristina et Sarah en venaient aux mains, qui gagnerait, tu crois? Car Kristina a de l'allonge, mais Sarah est combative.
Do you think it's fair that the guy who did that to her is running around free?
Penses-tu que c'est juste qu'un homme, qui lui a fait ça, court encore?
So if I didn't do it, who do you think did?
Alors si je ne l'ai pas fait, qui aurait pu l'avoir fait selon toi?
I don't think you did it, but I do think you know who did.
Je ne pense pas que tu l'ai fait, mais je pense que tu connais la personne.
Who do you think did it?
Qui a fait ça, d'après vous?
If you think Mueller didn't do it, who do you think did?
Si Mueller n'a rien fait, c'est qui à ton avis?

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