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Wilcox traducir francés

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Wilcox 3400.
Wilcox 3400.
Mr. Cooper, Mr. Wilcox, Mr. Drake.
Mlle Winters. M. Cooper, M. Wilcox, M. Drake.
Wilcox, down here!
Wilcox, vient ici!
Wouldn't make any difference, Admiral Wilcox... whether they reached a shelter or not.
Amiral Wilcox ça ne changera rien... même s'il atteignent un abri.
I didn't say nothing about Buford or Tropp or Wilcox or nobody.
Je n'ai rien dit à propos de Buford, de Tropp ou de Wilcox.
Yes. sir. Mr. Wilcox.
Oui, M. Wilcox?
Three thousand. Mr. Wilcox.
Trois mille, M. Wilcox.
You're an expert on the rules. Mr. Wilcox.
Vous êtes le spécialiste, M. Wilcox.
And the same goes for Mr. Tropp. Mr. Buford and Mr. Wilcox.
Tout comme M. Tropp, M. Buford et M. Wilcox.
Oh. Mr. Habershaw. Mr. Drummond.
Oh, M. Habershaw, M. Drummond, M. Wilcox, comment allez-vous?
- Yes. sir. Mr. Wilcox.
- Bien, M. Wilcox.
Well, I think that if Ken keeps his right up, gets in with the left jab and takes the fight to his man, well, he should go for a cut eye in the 3rd and put Wilcox on the canvas by 6th.
Maureen Spencer. Je pense que si Ken garde sa droite bien haute, travaille son jab du gauche et avance sur son adversaire, il lui pétera l'arcade dans le 3éme et enverra Wilcox au tapis au 6éme
Ken's opponent in Tuesday's fight is Petula Wilcox, the Birmingham girl who was a shorthand typist before turning pro in 1968.
Mardi soir, en effet, Ken affronte Petula Wilcox la petite sténo de Birmingham, passée professionnelle récemment.
- Wilcox, Mr Brimmer.
- Wilcox, M. Brimmer.
But first, those not invited will be under the supervision of Matron Wilcox.
Mais tout d'abord, ceux qui ne sont pas invités seront sous la surveillance de l'infirmière Wilcox.
WILCOX : Here on business, no doubt.
Venus pour affaires?
Mr. Wilcox will stop at nothing to get money in his bank.
M. Wilcox fait tout pour attirer l'argent.
Mr. Wilcox has stopped at nothing to get depositors for his bank. And do you know why? So that he can get the money, so that he can enter into every wildcat scheme in this area.
M. Wilcox veut des dépôts à tout prix pour prendre l'argent et pouvoir se livrer à de folles entreprises.
Your bank wouldn't have a farm we might use, would it, Mr. Wilcox?
Votre banque n'aurait pas une ferme que nous utiliserions?
You understand, of course. Oh, I understand, Mr. Wilcox.
Compris, M. Wilcox.
No? You got no goldin your bank, Wilcox. Money's got no security there.
L'argent n'y est pas en sécurité.
What's going on here, Wilcox?
- Que se passe-t-il?
Don't worry about it, Heywood. Mr. Wilcox and I will take care of that.
M. Wilcox et moi, on s'en occupera.
We're gonna walk into that bank, make a withdrawal from my partner, Mr. Wilcox, and walk out without a shot or a shout.
On va entrer dans la banque, faire un petit retrait sur M. Wilcox et on s'en ira sans un coup de feu!
You can't call me a fool, Mr. Wilcox!
Je ne suis pas un idiot!
I told you it was the safest place in town. Can't you get that vault open, Wilcox?
Je vous l'avais bien dit.
Damn it, Wilcox, you open that safe.
Ouvrez cette chambre forte.
WILCOX : Now, get him out of there.
WOMAN : Ja, you saved our money, Wilcox. You saved it.
Vous avez sauvé notre argent, Wilcox!
His name was Frank "The Mule" Wilcox.
Il s'appelait Frank "La mule" Wilcox.
- Hotel Lido, on Wilcox.
- Hôtel Lido, sur Wilcox.
Wilcox had two married daughters.
Wilcox a 2 filles qui sont mariées.
And now this year's Miss Amity, Tina Wilcox, will cut the ribbon, officially opening this luxurious new hotel.
Et maintenant, la Miss Amity de cette annee, Tiina Wilcox, va couper le ruban marquant l'ouverture de cet hôtel luxueux.
Biff Wilcox is Looking for you.
Biff Wilcox te cherche.
Shit, I gotta fight Biff Wilcox at 10.
Merde! Je dois me battre contre Bill Wilcox à 10 heures!
This is Andrea Wilcox.
C'est Andrea Wilcox.
Were there any calls received within the last 24 hours... for an Andrea Wilcox?
Y a-t-il eu des appels, au cours des dernières 24 heures, pour Andrea Wilcox?
Andrea Wilcox.
Andrea Wilcox.
We discovered a hidden camera behind the mirror in Neville's apartment... which he used to photograph the murder of Andrea Wilcox.
On a découvert une caméra cachée derrière un miroir, dans l'appartement de Neville, dont il s'est servi pour filmer le meurtre d'Andrea Wilcox.
I'll sit anywhere you want as long as it's not near Arthur Wilcox.
Je m'assois où tu veux, mais pas à côté d'Arthur Wilcox.
- Arthur Wilcox! - Arthur Wilcox!
Arthur Wilcox!
Who's Arthur Wilcox?
C'est qui, Arthur Wilcox?
He's got an apartment on wilcox.
Il a un appartement sur Wilcox.
Sounds like Harry Wilcox, more usually of Soho Square than the East End.
Ça ressemble à Barry Wilcox, plus souvent à Soho Square qu'au East End. - Autre chose? - Pas vraiment.
- Hambury and wilcox.
- Hambury-Wilcox.
... and on my left, Miss Petula Wilcox.
et à ma gauche, Melle Petula Wilcox.
Brooks and Wilcox are in court on the Monzio divorce - should be no problem.
Brooks et Wilcox sont au tribunal.
Mr. Wilcox, will you come and open the bank?
Ouvrez la banque.
Tina Wilcox.
- Tiina Wilcox.

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