With that in mind traducir francés
409 traducción paralela
With that in mind, perhaps we can proceed with a few questions and answers that...
Ceci bien établi, nous pourrions peut-être passer á quelques questions et réponses...
Now, with that in mind, I'm not against collecting stuff.
Et cette pensée une fois admise, je ne suis pas contre la collection.
♪ Armed with that in mind I had to stalk my prey
♪ Ayant ça à l'esprit, j'ai dû chercher ma proie
With that in mind, plus all you have said, it seems to us that Megas-Tu is safe.
Sachant cela et ce que vous avez dit, nous pensons que Mega 2 ne craint rien.
Have you been mooning around with that nonsense in your mind?
Depuis combien de temps avez-vous ces sottises en tête?
With your provinces in the deal and you commanding, they'll get what they lack now. Never mind that.
Aucune importance.
Is your whole life so filled with filthy drunkenness... brawling and lust, that here now... perhaps close to your death... the only thing left for you to do is to live it all over again in your mind?
Toute ton existence est-elle si remplie d'ignobles beuveries, de bagarres, de péchés de la chair, qu'ici, maintenant, alors que ta mort est peut-être proche, la seule chose qui te reste à faire soit de... la revivre par la pensée?
Since you were born, he's been coming here with that one hope in mind.
Depuis ta naissance, il avait cette seule idée en tête quand il quittait le village.
That fits in perfectly with an idea I have in mind.
C'est parfait pour ce que j'ai en tête.
In the talk I had with him the other day, he said some things that absolutely convinced me he's not in his right mind.
Quand je lui ai parlé l'autre jour, il a dit des choses qui m'ont convaincu de sa folie.
My dear Fran, dismiss that idea from your mind at once... and come and have lunch with me in London tomorrow.
Ma chère Fran, chassez cette idée de votre esprit sur-le-champ... et venez déjeuner avec moi à Londres demain.
Well now, I'll tell you, Dick, I'd always had it in my mind that Ceddie would come in with me someday.
Tu sais Dick, j'ai toujours pensé qu'il s'installerait avec moi, un jour.
In your frame of mind at that time you would've fallen in love with any doctor.
Dans l'état où vous étiez, ça aurait pu être n'importe quel docteur.
But bear in mind, Mr. Leland, that such extraordinary procedure doesn't dispose me towards further dealings with you.
Mais sachez qu'un tel procédé ne m'incitera pas à traiter de nouveau avec vous.
In her mind it's tied up with all the disasters that have befallen Hurlstone.
Dans son esprit, il est associé à tous ces drames qui ont eu lieu à Hurlstone.
With your consuming interest in the game I'm surprised that you've changed your mind about running up to Lord's cricket grounds this afternoon.
Je m'étonne que vous ayez renoncé à aller au match, cet après-midi.
It so happens that I have a mind of my own and I'm in love with Dave.
Je suis en mesure de prendre mes décisions et je suis amoureuse de Dave.
If you don't mind, Latour, I should like to go over that night with you again, in case any small incidents have slipped your memory.
Si vous permettez, nous allons revoir les événements de la soirée. Au cas ou certains détails vous auraient échappé.
In your civilization, open mind means that one must agree with what you yourself say.
Vous voulez dire que l'on doit être d'accord avec vous.
In a while she recovered herself and brightened up what with the things I told her to get her mind off the scare and to set her thinking as well of the brave fella that had rescued her.
Elle se remit, et retrouva le sourire... grâce à ce que je lui racontai pour lui faire oublier sa peur... et pour qu'elle ait une haute opinion de son sauveur.
I suppose from that day on I began to- - to compromise... always with the one hope in the back of my mind that somehow, someday...
Je suppose que depuis ce jour, j'ai commencé... à faire des compromis. Toujours avec l'espoir, qu'un jour...
- Never mind that. Tell her the count begs forgiveness, but he's in hiding. He's in trouble with Richelieu.
Et que le comte regrette, mais qu'il se cache, fâché avec Richelieu.
Now, if any man here can't buy that... if he rates himself as special with a special hide to be saved... he'd better make up his mind about it now. Because I don't want him in this group.
Si certains s'estiment possesseurs... d'une peau exceptionnelle à sauvegarder... qu'ils demandent leur mutation tout de suite... car je ne veux pas d'eux dans ce groupe.
Must be dreadful to sing and dance with that horrible picture still burning in one's mind.
Chanter, rire, avec cette horrible vision.
I came to the Indies with one thought in mind to find the rest of that map.
Je suis venu aux Antilles dans un seul but : Retrouver le reste de la carte.
I'd suggest that the kindest thing that can be said of Mr. Honey... Is that his is an unstable mind... With an obsession that can carry him to great extremes, as we have well seen in Gander.
Je dirais que la chose la plus aimable qui puisse être dite de M. Honey... c'est qu'il est d'un esprit instable... avec une obsession qui peut le conduire à de grands extrêmes, comme nous l'avons vu à Gander.
You see, what I need to know is... could a man actually be in one place doing one thing... and still in his mind be elsewhere... doing something else, but so vividly, with such detail... that this is the real, the living part of his life to him?
Vous voyez, je voudrais savoir si un homme peut faire quelque chose, quelque part tout en étant "ailleurs" en train de faire autre chose mais avec un tel renfort de détails que ça devient la réalité, la partie vécue de sa vie?
- Go ahead. While we're living in that barn with all that money going out... while we're waiting for that hundred grand... would you mind telling me what we're gonna eat on?
Pendant qu'on dépense une fortune à entretenir cette baraque et en attendant les 100.000 $, qui paiera l'épicier?
Obviously, there would have been no point in prolonging the discussion with her any further. For while I had no intention of descending to her level and bickering about anything as sordid as money, it was at that moment I made up my mind.
De toute évidence, ce n'était nécessaire de prolonger la discussion je n'avais pas l'intention de m'abaisser à me chamailler pour quelque chose de sordide comme l'argent,
We had in mind the pleasant thought that your invitation might have something to do with the explosive you used against Nicholl.
Nous avons tous espoir d'apprendre du nouveau. Vous avez peut-être une communication à nous faire, à propos de cet explosif, qui vous a opposé à Mr Nicholl?
But you knew in your own mind that your marriage was stained with blood and damned from the very beginning.
Mais tu savais, au fond de toi, que ton mariage était souillé de sang et maudit depuis Ie début.
I know that sir but would you mind if I drew your attention to one other point all these murders are connected in some way with the castle of Blackmoor
Je sais, Monsieur. Mais j'aimerais attirer votre attention sur un autre point. Tous ces meurtres sont liés d'une façon ou d'une autre au château de Blackmoor.
But keep in mind that a nation which for 500 years has been fighting for freedom, a nation that amazed the world with its heroism cannot be defeated!
Mais sachez aussi ceci : Un peuple qui, durant 500 ans... a lutté pour sa liberté, ne peut être vaincu!
Bearing in mind that the accused came here with the expressed purpose of recovering the micro-key and remembering the evidence against him, his guilt becomes even more obvious.
En considérant le fait que l'accusé est venu ici dans le but avoué de retrouver la micro-clef et au vu des preuves accumulées contre lui, sa culpabilité devient plus qu'évidente.
Naturally, in what you are about to see... any similarity with the truth or with real life will be purely coincidental. Do bear that in mind.
Toute ressemblance avec des faits de la vie réelle serait purement fortuite.
To take that mind, the mind of the best agent we ever had, and with this, to transfuse it, to infuse his will, his thoughts, his ego into another man's brain, into that part of the mind that remains dormant in all of us,
Prendre cet esprit, celui du meilleur agent de notre histoire, et grâce à ceci... en faire la transfusion. Instiller sa volonté, ses pensées, son ego, dans le cerveau d'un autre.
That punk shacked up in some pad, tee-veeing it with a couple of broads to take his mind of the commercials.
Ce voyou crèche dans une piaule où il est pris en sandwich entre deux gonzesses.
Keep in mind that no one mess with Leandro, You came here to work!
N'oublie pas qu'on ne se moque pas de Leandro. Tu es là pour travailler!
Please Andres, don't keep torturing yourself with those absurd ideas about things that exist only in your mind.
S'il te plaît, Andres, arrête de te torturer avec ces idées absurdes sur des choses qui n'existent que dans ta tête.
Are you sure that the captain will comply with your order in his present state of mind?
Pensez-vous que le capitaine acceptera dans son état actuel?
Come with me I'm getting a few things in town, that'll get your mind off it.
Viens avec moi je vais chercher quelques bricoles en ville, ça te changera les idées.
Well, you tell your sister-in-law that she will love it at the beach if she doesn't mind that problem with the salt air on the chrome.
Votre belle-sœur va adorer la plage si la corrosion ne la dérange pas.
I didn't mind that Dolores was in love with Nicola, but my rival distributed drugs in his own way, into his own pockets.
Ça ne me dérangeait pas que Dolores soit amoureuse de Nicola, mais mon rival distribuait de la drogue de son côté, et se remplissait les poches.
I want you to tell me that you know for a fact that there's nothing wrong with my daughter except in her mind!
Je veux que vous m'affirmiez être certain que chez ma fille, seul l'esprit est dérangé!
Bearing in mind that fabulous magazine article reminding us that we are in a happy home that we must not soil with emotional rubbish.
Remercions notre hôtesse et considérons que nous sommes, selon un récent article, ce qu'on appelle "un foyer heureux". Nous aurions mauvaise grâce de l'éclabousser de notre merde.
And whatever I do... she go right along with me and do it at the same time... with no doubts in her mind... because she know that I'm positive, and that I'm out to get over... and that I'm going to try to get a piece of this country.
Et quoi que je fasse, elle m'accompagnera et le fera en même temps, et elle n'aura aucun doute, car elle sait que je suis positif, et que je vais tout surmonter, et que j'essaierai d'obtenir ma part du gâteau américain.
Charles lives with his family here in Chicago, and I told him how you were talking about the Diablero, and - well, now, mind you, I don't believe any of this - but Charles insisted that I get in touch with you.
Charles vit avec sa famille ici, à Chicago, je lui ai dit que vous m'aviez parlé du Diablero, et, maintenant, notez bien que je n'y crois pas, mais Charles a insisté pour que je vous contacte.
A mild irony had gone through my mind... as I stood in the library, staring at the Books for the Blind - that I was working blind, but that somehow, with her taped cassettes,
Une ironie douce avait traversé mon esprit... alors que je me trouvais à la bibliothèque, staring at the Books for the Blind... que je travaillais à l'aveuglette, mais que d'une façon ou d'une autre, with her taped cassettes,
Together with beseech thee.. .. in the way of righteousness and peace that loving and serving thee with one heart and mind all the days of their life they may be abundantly enriched the tokens of thy everlasting favor
Ensemble nous te supplions dans la voie de la droiture et de la paix que... l'amour... et te servir avec un coeur pur et un esprit sain tous les jours de leurs vie.
Now you came here with one thought in mind, and that was attach yourself to me so the target would know who I am and what I am.
Ta seule intention en venant ici était de me coller aux fesses pour que la cible me repère.
"and I didn't much mind the day I first fell in love, " but seeing the sky with the Great Waldo Pepper, that beats'em all! "
Mon premier amour, ça allait aussi, mais parcourir Le ciel avec Le grand Waldo Pepper, c'est mieux que tout! "
with that said 19
with that 162
with that attitude 21
with you 1138
with me 1243
with all due respect 1080
with you by my side 17
with all my heart 134
with your family 23
with your permission 239
with that 162
with that attitude 21
with you 1138
with me 1243
with all due respect 1080
with you by my side 17
with all my heart 134
with your family 23
with your permission 239
with men 23
with your mother 23
with your 48
with this ring 42
with your dad 25
with your wife 28
with your help 124
with pleasure 453
with your father 34
with her 211
with your mother 23
with your 48
with this ring 42
with your dad 25
with your wife 28
with your help 124
with pleasure 453
with your father 34
with her 211
with whom 203
with us 243
with good reason 53
with your life 24
with your hands 23
with it 82
with a knife 24
with a twist 22
with what 706
with a 297
with us 243
with good reason 53
with your life 24
with your hands 23
with it 82
with a knife 24
with a twist 22
with what 706
with a 297