Would you look at that traducir francés
524 traducción paralela
Would you look at that!
Ça alors!
Well, would you look at that now?
Regarde-moi ça!
My, would you look at that.
Regardez un peu.
Mrs. Lampert, would you look at that photograph and tell me if you recognize anyone?
Mme Lampert, voulez-vous regarder cette photographie et me dire si vous reconnaissez quelqu'un?
Would you look at that steering system.
Admire cette direction.
Would you look at that power plant.
Vise-moi ce moteur d'enfer.
I thought all that old mare could do is stumble and shamble but look at her move now. Would you look at that?
Je croyais que cette vieille jument ne savait que faire des faux pas, mais regardez ses mouvements maintenant.
would you look at that!
Regarde-moi ça!
Hey. Hey, would you look at that?
Hé, regardez-moi ça.
Would you look at that.
Regarde-moi ça.
Doggone, would you look at that motor?
Regardez-moi ce moteur!
Would you look at that.
Regarde-moi ça!
Would you look at that?
- Regarde ça, veux-tu?
Would you look at that?
Tu te vois, là?
Geez, would you look at that!
Bon sang, regardez ça!
Oh, would you look at that?
Ça alors!
Would you look at that!
Regardez ça!
Wow, would you look at that!
Vous avez vu ça!
Would you look at that?
Regarde-moi ça!
Would you look at that? Some idiot carved his initials on my bar.
Un crétin a gravé ses initiales sur mon bar.
I must look funny to you... but maybe if you went to Mandrake Falls you'd look just as funny to us... only nobody would laugh at you and make you feel ridiculous... because that wouldn't be good manners.
Je dois vous sembler drôle... mais à Mandrake Falls vous sembleriez tout aussi drôles... Seulement personne ne rirait de vous et ne vous tournerait en ridicule... parce que ce ne sont pas des manières.
About, uh - about that Jimmy business, I'd, uh - I would be grateful if you'd drop in and have a look at him once in a while.
À propos de Jimmy, je vous serais... reconnaissant de passer le voir.
- Oh, yes, Bark. You wouldn't think, would you, to look at her, that she was a mother of five children?
On ne croirait pas qu'elle a eu cinq enfants.
He would probably take one look at you... and send you right back. But you have to expect that.
Bien sûr, il risque de te renvoyer au premier coup d'oeil.
I want you to take a look at that new ad. Would you come downstairs... No, Roger.
Viens voir le nouvel encart publicitaire.
Do you think after knowing one real man like Jack Stuart, just one... that a girl would even look at a namby-pamby popinjay like you?
Croyez-vous qu'après avoir vu un seul homme vrai comme Jack Stuart, une fille s'intéresserait à un beau-parleur rasoir comme vous?
Now, suppose, for the sake of argument, that you stop to look at this picture. How long would it take...
Supposons, pour le plaisir d'argumenter, que vous preniez le temps de regarder cette photo...
I only did it so that you would look at me in a despising way.
C'était pour que vous me regardiez un peu moins méchamment.
Would you look at that?
Regardez-Moi ça!
Why, to look at you, anyone would say that you were a man of means.
Vous savez, on dirait un homme qui a les moyens
Let me look at that. You mean these doodles would show it?
- Ces dessins l'illustreraient?
Would you just look at that!
- C'est du joli. - Elle est en compote.
Tell her that she should take a look at the rugs, I would ask you to show her but I don't trust you.
Je lui dis de compter les tapis... Avec toi, je me méfie.
Look at this hat. If you hadn't ducked, that's what your head would've looked like. I never would've fired if I knew it was you.
Si tu ne t'étais pas baissé, ta tête aurait reçu la balle!
No manager would look at them, you know that.
Aucun directeur ne leur accorderait un regard, tu le sais.
Well, look, would you mind telling Sheila that if Blake Richards calls, I'm here at the yacht club having dinner and that he's to pick me up here.
Si Blake Richards appelle, Sheila peut-elle lui dire que je dîne au club nautique et qu'il passe me prendre?
The murder, so that you would then be free to marry Emma the letter, so that people would think the dead woman was Martine and look among the family for the killer never at you.
Le meurtre pour être libre d'épouser Emma. La lettre pour qu'on pense que la morte était Martine et qu'on soupçonne un membre de la famille et pas vous.
Would you like to look at that graph for a moment?
Voudriez-vous regarder ces graphiques un instant?
Would you take a look at that.
Non mais, regarde-moi ça!
Would you mind taking a look at that?
Tu veux bien jeter un œil là-dessus?
Look at that, would you?
Regarde ça.
Would you look at that! He's unbelievable.
Regarde-moi ça.
Would you mind if I had a look at that piece?
Montre-moi ton arme. Un pistolet de cavalier?
Look at that mug, would you?
Regarde cette tête.
Would you, uh, would you bring in that ombre chiffon? I'd love to look at it.
Vous pouvez apporter la mousseline de soie?
I walk every morning in the middle of the confusion of a great people with the same freedom and peace that you can find in a country town, and I look at the men I meet as I would look at trees and animals in a forest.
Je me promène tous les jours parmi la confusion d'une grande foule avec les mêmes liberté et paix que dans les villas de campagne. Et je regarde les hommes que je rencontre comme je regarderais les arbres et les animaux d'une forêt.
Would it be possible for you to set these aside so that I can bring in my husband, and he can look at them?
Mettez-les de côté... pour que mon mari vienne les voir.
Look, you better tell me what the hell is going on... because if I'd left that car down at the station like you told me... everybody in the village would've recognized it.
- Tu devrais me dire ce qui se passe parce que si j'avais laissé la voiture à la gare, tout le monde l'aurait reconnue, au village.
Would you take a look at that guy?
T'as vu ce guignol?
Look at those little cons on their barricades today I would simply send the tanks, and you'd see that in no time...
Regarde ce qui se sasse actuellement, ces petits cons sur leurs barricades, moi j'te les enverrais les chars, et tu verrais que...
Would you look at that?
Tu vois ça?