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Xavi traducir francés

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The gang gets too wild on those. The other day, Xavi took one and...
Xavi en a pris un l'autre jour et...
Xavi drops down from the roof and heads for cell 225.
Xavi descendra du toit et se dirigera vers la cellule 225.
Messi, Iniesta, Xavi...
Messi, Iniesta, Xavi...
I bet he hired Xavi to shake things up, and you and Xavi were the world's most famous Latino couple.
Je parie qu'il a embauché Xavi pour bouger les choses, et vous êtes le couple Latino le plus célèbre.
I've worked with Xavi plenty of times before.
J'ai déjà travaillé avec Xavi pas mal de fois.
Xavi and I just had a little disagreement.
Xavi et moi avons juste eu un petit désaccord.
They put Xavi here'cause I'm not enough?
Ils envoient Xavi car je ne suffis pas?
Xavi is just here because some stupid network president is trying to make his mark.
Xavi est ici car le directeur de la chaîne tente de laisser sa marque.
A lot of money to make sure I never have to see Xavi again, and now you want me to make love to him on camera?
Beaucoup d'argent pour m'assurer de ne plus jamais revoir Xavi, et je dois lui faire l'amour devant la caméra?
Look, it's Xavi! Xavi!
Regardez, c'est Xavi!
Damn it, Xavi, you were supposed to be Enrique Iglesias!
Bon sang, Xavi, tu devais être Enrique Iglesias!
This is all Xavi's fault.
Tout est la faute de Xavi.
All people are talking about is Ana and Xavi, Ana and Xavi- -
On ne parle que d'Ana et Xavi, de Xavi et d'Ana.
Look, I don't love that Xavi cheated, but once he finally admitted it, I felt like we could move past it.
Je n'aime pas que Xavi m'ait trompée, mais une fois qu'il l'a admis, j'ai senti qu'on pouvait tourner la page.
I mean, come on, Xavi is the hottest guy I know.
Xavi est le plus sexy.
Hey, Xavi, you psyched to rehearse for our big scene tomorrow?
Xavi, tu es excité de répéter notre scène de demain?
I want to talk to you about what Xavi said.
Je veux te parler de ce qu'a dit Xavi.
Hey, I want to talk to you about what Xavi said.
Je veux te parler de ce qu'a dit Xavi.
So you never joked to Xavi about it?
Tu n'as jamais blagué sur ça avec Xavi?
Xavi, you were supposed to come over to rehearse.
Xavi, tu étais censé venir répéter.
And Xavi, if you learned how to cry on cue, we would have gotten out before the hurricane!
Et Xavi, si tu savais comment pleurer sur commande, on serait sortis bien avant la tempête!
Xavi and Rodrigo are already mid-slap fight.
- Vraiment? Xavi et Rodigo se battent encore à coups de gifles.
Hit him, Xavi. - [blows whistle] Hit him again.
Frappe-le, frappe-le.
Xavi and Isabela, I need you to- - Can't! Too sweaty.
Xavi and Isabela, vous devez...
Xavi, you're crying. I can't help it.
Xavi, tu pleures.
Xavi's in my spot!
Xavi est garé à ma place!
I'll show you, Xavi.
Je vais te montrer, Xavi.
Look at Xavi, eating cereal.
Regarde Xavi, mangeant des céréales.
Oh, by the way, Xavi and I had dinner last night, and he had some excellent ideas for the show.
Au fait, Xavi et moi avons diné hier, et il a eu d'excellentes idées pour le show.
Ana... Xavi is getting under your skin.
Xavi te pousse à bout.
I don't like that you went to dinner with Xavi.
Je n'aime pas que vous ayez diné avec Xavi.
You know, he did the same thing with Xavi.
Il a fait pareil avec Xavi.
Xavi, that's you.
Xavi, c'est toi.
[laughs] Take that, Xavi.
Prends ça, Xavi.
xavier 106

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