You'll get through it traducir francés
154 traducción paralela
When I get through with you, you'll go back to your packing case on the city dump and relish it.
Après ça, vous retrouverez votre carton avec joie.
You're going through a rough time, but you'll get over it.
Ce que t'as, c'est très dur, très pénible, mais ça passe...
Sure, and you'll get it, right through your skull.
Bien sûr, et vous l'aurez, à travers le crâne.
Maybe when I get through, you'll... you'll understand why I decided to do it last night...
Quand j'aurai fini, tu comprendras peut-être ce que je faisais hier soir.
You'll get it soon enough... right through your head just before we knock it off.
Il est avec eux, ce rat de la Gestapo! Je ne comprends pas.
You're going to before you're through. You know I'll get around you in the end. Why can't you just be human now and get it over with?
Tu capituleras, alors à quoi bon être désagréable?
- Don't rub it in. Come on, now, or you'll get it through a tube.
- Buvez ou c'est la sonde.
Someday I'll get it through my head you always get back. - Beck get in alright?
Je finirai par me mettre en tête que vous revenez toujours!
You help us get these supplies to the settlement, I'll see to it that each one of you gets a grubstake worth 200, 300, 400 dollars - enough food to send you through the winter.
Vous nous aidez à monter ces provisions à la colonie, et je veille à ce que vous ayez chacun une avance de 200, 300, 400 $ et la nourriture pour l'hiver.
Before I get through with you you'll be sorry you hit it at all.
Quand j'en aurai fini avec toi, tu seras désolé d'y être venu.
You get some of the other fellows, Will, and I'll still go through with it.
Trouves-en d'autres et je viens.
But if you ever put me through anything like that again, so help me, I'll get you, if it's the last thing I ever do.
Si tu me mets encore dans une telle situation, j'aurai ta peau.
If we get through this, you'll have to go along way down the river before I'll ever cross it.
Si nous obtenons grâce à cela, vous aurez avoir à aller un long chemin sur la rivière avant que je ne le serai jamais franchir.
You won't know the old wine cellar when we get through with it. We'll have it filled with equipment.
Tu ne reconnaîtras pas la cave à vin, remplie de matériel.
You better hope they'll get through it and spot us.
Vous n'avez pas assez de jouer les oiseaux de malheur?
So why get us to do it? Also, you'll notice they remain outside this door, looking at us all the time through the door.
Et aussi, ils restent toujours à l'extérieur, à nous observer à travers la porte.
You'll get through of it.
Cela n'est rien.
You'll have, at the most, a minute to get through it.
Tu as une minute pour le traverser.
Harmon, if I get you through this, it'll be for the department, not for you.
Si je te tire de là, je ne le ferai pas pour toi.
You better hope they'll get through it and spot us.
Espérerons qu'ils y arriveront, et nous trouveront.
You'll get two packets so you can make it through the day.
Tu auras deux paquets qui te permettront de tenir le choc.
On Sunday you'll get four packets so you can make it through Tuesday.
Le dimanche tu auras quatre paquets, comme ça tu tiendras jusqu'au mardi.
- Could you make it eight? I must get a message to a man who'll be travelling through Marwar Junction... on the Bombay Mail on the night of the 24th.
J'ai un message pour quelqu'un... qui passera par Marwar la nuit du 24.
I'll get through it and so will you.
J'y survivrai, et toi aussi.
Seki, why don't you ask the young master's mother to stay over at your place? It'll help you get through the night.
Demande à ta maîtresse de venir dormir chez toi, si tu as tellement peur.
I promise you I will find some way to get through and let you know. I'll wear it always, always.
Je promets que je vais trouver un moyen de vous avertir... je vais l'utiliser pour toujours...
It'll be okay, you'll get through this, don't worry.
Ca va aller, tu t'en sortiras, ne t'inquiètes pas.
It'll just confuse you. When you get through here, you take out the trash.
Quand tu auras fini, tu sortiras les déchets.
I know you're nervous, but I'll get you through it.
Je vais tout vous indiquer.
Execute these orders, you'll get through it without a snag.
Suivez les instructions. Tout se passera bien.
- We'll do it. - You can't get through that.
Je peux pas passer par là!
I'll get you through it.
Je vous soutiendrai.
Stockholm is a very nice place. The summer lasts a bit more than a week... but it's very warm. All through winter it's dark all day... but you'll get used to it.
l'été dure à peu près 6 semaines mais... il fait nuit toute la journée... c'est très intime.
You'll get through this. You'll move past it.
Vous allez reprendre le dessus.
You know, if we get through to just that one little girl... it'll all be worth it.
Même si on n'arrive à toucher qu'une petite fille, ça vaut le coup. Oui.
I'll walk you through it once I get it straightened out.
Je te le passerai quand je l'aurai remis en ordre.
I'll get you through this, Nikita, but we can't do it now.
Je vais t'aider à t'en sortir... mais on peut pas tout de suite.
It's karaoke tonight... so don't give me no aggro... and I'll get you through on time, all right?
C'est soirée karaoké aujourd'hui... Tenez vous à carreaux et, je vous fais rentrer à l'heure, d'accord?
Well, you'll get through it. You're tough.
Tu vas t'en sortir, tu es solide.
No matter who broke your heart or how long it takes to heal you'll never get through it without your friends.
peu importe qui t'a brisé le coeur, ou le temps qu'il faut pour oublier, tu ne t'en sors jamais sans tes amis.
Well, your Mom and I don't get out much, so you'll just have to bear through it!
On ne sort pas souvent, alors tu feras un effort.
Gilles... I've been through your ordeal. You'll get over it.
- Gilles, je veux que tu saches que j'ai vécu ce que tu vis présentement ;
- Why? ! So that it'll get through that infantile skull of his that he cannot go out, that you aren't going to take him out, you're not going to pick him up and translate for him.
Comme ça, j'arriverai à faire comprendre à son cerveau infantile qu'il ne peut s'en sortir, que vous n'allez pas l'en sortir ni l'emmener ni traduire pour lui.
If you make it through... you'll have received one of the finest educations one can get.
Si vous réussissez, vous aurez reçu l'une des meilleures éducations qui soient.
We're taking every precaution. I'm sure you'll get us through it safely.
- Vous nous sortirez de là, c'est sûr.
- We're just going through a rough time. Everyone knows you'll get us through it.
C'est un coup dur mais vous nous sortirez de là.
Sometimes the dialogue itself is just so funny and you'll we'll be rehearsing during the week and you just whatever whatever the joke is it's so funny we can't get through it in rehearsal and just...
Parfois le dialogue est si drole en lui meme On ce prépares toute la semaine Quand la blague est tellement drole qu'on ne peut la placé a la repétition...
You go through it. I'll go get the others.
- Toi tu traverses, je vais chercher les autres.
It'll take them at least a half an hour to find out that I've call-forwarded it through Philadelphia. And let me tell you, this will all be over before they can get a dial tone.
Le temps qu'ils voient que j'ai renvoyé l'appel via Philadelphie... crois-moi, tout sera fini avant qu'ils n'aient la tonalité.
Tell Monte Cristo you'll get his shipment through Customs, but that it will have to stay in port overnight.
Dites à Monte Cristo que sa cargaison passera la douane mais qu'elle devra passer la nuit dans le port.
You'll get it to play, and we'll record the music through your comm link, then you'll destroy it.
Tu la mets en marche, on enregistre la musique et on la détruit.
you'll get over it 77
you'll get used to it 167
you'll get your money 42
you'll get there 74
you'll get the hang of it 36
you'll get through this 24
you'll get your turn 17
you'll get killed 24
you'll get it 131
you'll get yours 23
you'll get used to it 167
you'll get your money 42
you'll get there 74
you'll get the hang of it 36
you'll get through this 24
you'll get your turn 17
you'll get killed 24
you'll get it 131
you'll get yours 23
you'll get sick 17
you'll get hurt 30
you'll get better 25
you'll get your chance 22
you'll get 44
you'll get yourself killed 16
you'll get it back 37
you'll 165
you'll be fine 927
you'll pay 35
you'll get hurt 30
you'll get better 25
you'll get your chance 22
you'll get 44
you'll get yourself killed 16
you'll get it back 37
you'll 165
you'll be fine 927
you'll pay 35
you'll never understand 17
you'll regret it 106
you'll figure it out 157
you'll be okay 222
you'll do great 56
you'll be alright 46
you'll be late for school 19
you'll never know 87
you'll be all right 377
you'll regret this 34
you'll regret it 106
you'll figure it out 157
you'll be okay 222
you'll do great 56
you'll be alright 46
you'll be late for school 19
you'll never know 87
you'll be all right 377
you'll regret this 34