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You're afraid of him traducir francés

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You " re still afraid of him because he used to roar at you like a brass bull.
Tu as encore peur de lui parce qu "il te criait dessus comme un taureau d" airain.
I'd be glad to. But does he carry a gun? You're not afraid of him?
Je ne demande pas mieux, mais... a-t-il un revolver?
- You're not afraid of him?
- Monter.
You're not afraid of him at all, are you, Peter?
Tu n'as pas du tout peur de lui, hein?
The thing about a dog is... you must never let him know you ´ re afraid of him.
Un chien, il ne faut jamais lui faire sentir votre peur. Ça le rend méchant.
Come ahead, Chris. Show the horse you're not afraid of him.
Montre au cheval que tu n'as pas peur!
Let him know you're not afraid of him.
Fais-lui savoir qu'il ne te fait pas peur.
You're not afraid of him, are you?
Vous avez peur de lui?
The police want him but you're all afraid of him but I'm not.
Vous avez peur de lui et de ses amis.
Jeff, I'm glad you're not afraid of him.
Ça me plaît que tu n'aies pas peur de lui.
- You're afraid of him.
- Vous avez peur de lui.
Stanley, I believe you're afraid of him.
Tu as peur de lui.
If you're afraid of him, I'm not.
À moi, il ne me fait pas peur.
You're afraid of him. You don't want to confess it, but you're afraid of him.
Tu en as peur... avoue-le... il te fait peur.
And you're not afraid of him. No!
Et toi, tu n'as pas peur?
Yeah, I guess I am. You're not afraid of him.
Vous n'avez pas peur de lui.
You're afraid of him.
Tu as peur de lui?
You're afraid of him?
Tu as peur de lui?
You're afraid of him.
Tu as peur de lui.
You're afraid of him too. That's what's the matter. Why?
Vous avez peur de lui aussi!
Well, he need never know. If you're afraid of him, of what he might do.
Il ne le saura jamais.
You're afraid of him, aren't you?
Vous avez peur de lui, n'est-ce pas?
You're still afraid of him because he used to roar at you like a brass bull.
Tu as encore peur de lui parce qu'il te criait dessus comme un taureau d'airain.
You don't think of him, you're afraid of him.
Tu ne penses pas à lui, tu as peur de lui!
Looks like you're all afraid of him!
On dirait que vous avez tous peur de lui.
I'm just afraid that sooner or later you're going to tell him, simply out of vanity.
J'ai juste peur qu'un jour tu ailles tout lui dire. Comme ça, par vanité.
- Because you're afraid of him.
- Parce que tu as peur de lui.
You're not afraid of him?
Tu n'as pas peur de lui?
Because you're only afraid of him. Only his love frightens you.
Car tu n'as peur que de lui, seul son amour t'épouvante.
Look, don't ever let a dragon know you're... you're afraid of him.
Il ne faut pas montrer à un dragon qu'on a peur de lui.
You're not afraid to do it in front of him?
Tu n'as pas peur de le faire devant lui?
If you're so afraid of him...
Si tu as tellement peur de lui...
The only way he can harm you is if you're afraid of him.
Il ne peut vous faire du mal que si vous avez peur de lui.
You're afraid of him, aren't you?
Tu as peur de lui, pas vrai?
He knows you're not afraid of him and he's worried.
Il sait que tu n'as pas peur et il balise.
You're not afraid of him. He doesn't even exist!
Tu n'as pas peur, il n'existe pas!
You're afraid of him?
As-tu peur de lui?
If he can show the judge you're afraid of your own baby terrified of him, despite all we say in his defense, then he's won.
S'il peut montrer au juge que vous avez peur de votre propre fils, que vous en êtes terrifié malgré tout ce qu'on a dit, alors il a gagné.
You're not afraid of HIM, you're afraid of YOU.
C'est pas de lui que tu as peur, c'est de toi.
You're afraid of the bogeyman, but you can't live without him.
Vous avez peur du croque-mitaine, mais ne pouvez pas vivre sans lui.
Him, you're afraid of the goddamn oven.
Tu as peur du four.
A man is lying here unconscious and you're afraid of him?
Tu as peur d'un homme inconscient?
You're afraid of him, Wanda.
Tu as peur de lui, Wanda.
But if that's what you're afraid of, why don't you ask him?
Mais si c'est ce qui vous fait peur, pourquoi ne pas lui poser la question?
You're afraid of him?
Vous avez peur de lui?
You're afraid of Bud because you can't figure out how to play him.
Bud vous fait peur parce qu'il vous échappe.
You're obviously not afraid of this guy, so why won't you help me put him away?
Vous n'avez pas peur de lui. Pourquoi ne pas m'aider?
- Because you're afraid of him,'cause he's - -
Tu as peur de lui...
You keep on saying he's dangerous. You never explain to me... why you're so afraid of him.
Tu répètes ça sans cesse, explique-moi pourquoi il te fait si peur.
- You're not afraid of hurting him?
- Tu n'as pas peur de lui faire mal? - Si, en fait.
Bet a part of you even dug him when he went psycho. - You need me to toe the line because you're afraid you'll go over it. - No.
Je suis sûre que ça t'a excitée quand il est devenu dingue.

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