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You're amazing traducir francés

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* And stares for a while * *'Cause, girl, you're amazing * * You're amazing *
And stares for a while you re amazing
* The way you are... * * Girl, you're amazing * * You're amazing *
The way you are you re amazing
*'Cause you're amazing * * You're amazing *
'Cause you re amazing
* The whole world stops and stares for a while * *'Cause, girl, you're amazing * * You're amazing *
The whole world stops and stares for a while you re amazing
And you know what? One day, you will have what I have. Because you're an amazing, strong, intelligent woman.
Un jour, tu auras ce que j'ai parce que tu es géniale, forte et intelligente comme Hilary du Prince de Bel-Air.
That was amazing! You think you're ready to go solo?
C'était incroyable.
'Cause you're already such an amazing person and a great friend and an incredible mother.
Parce que tu es déjà une personne et une amie incroyable, et une mère extraordinaire.
You know, and-and now you're taking Anita, who you barely know, on this amazing date, when I never got treated that way.
Et maintenant, tu emmènes Anita, que tu connais à peine, à un super-rencard, alors que je n'y ai pas eu le droit.
You're amazing.
Tu es incroyable.
What? Are you kidding? You're gonna be amazing.
C'est un peu intimidant, dit comme ça.
You're going to be amazing. No, I'm sorry.
Tu vas être géniale.
You're amazing.
- T'es géniale.
This is amazing that you're doing this.
- C'est incroyable que tu fasses ça.
But you're this amazing-looking guy,
Mais tu es tellement beau.
You're gonna be amazing, okay?
Tu seras parfait, tu m'entends?
And you're always so amazing with Ben.
Tu as toujours été génial avec Ben.
Do you know what's amazing? You don't actually buy a word you're saying.
Le plus incroyable, c'est que tu n'y crois pas.
I think you are so amazing. You're brilliant and so much fun.
Tu es vraiment super, tu es brillante, et si drôle.
You're amazing.
Tu es géniale.
You're amazing.
Vous êtes génial.
*'Cause you're amazing *
'Cause you re amazing
Gee, Lily, you're amazing.
T'es super, Lily.
I'm kidding. You're gonna be amazing.
Tu seras géniale.
You're amazing, P.D.
C'est l'éclate.
You're an amazing mom.
Tu es une maman incroyable.
You're amazing. Who could not love you?
Qui pourrait ne pas t'aimer?
Well, you're amazing, honey.
- Tu es génial, chéri.
You're an amazing woman.
T'es géniale.
You're really amazing actually.
Tu es vraiment incroyable.
Am I now supposed to think you're this amazing guy for not allowing someone to get murdered in a hospital?
Je dois dire que vous êtes super, que vous avez empêché un crime?
That's why you're so amazing, because you just do all this stuff for me, and you never ask for anything in return.
Tu es vraiment incroyable. Tu fais tellement pour moi et tu ne demandes rien en retour.
Keep it up, you're gonna have an amazing career.
Continue, et ta carrière est assurée.
Yeah, I know, it's amazing,'cause I'm good at math, so it's easy to do Blackjack if you're good at math.
- Je suis sûr. - C'est fou. Je suis bon en maths.
You're an amazing chef and superspy.
Tu es un chef et une espionne géniale.
Nick, you're amazing.
Tu es extraordinaire.
Honey, you're the most amazing woman I've ever met.
Chérie, tu es la femme la plus extraordinaire que j'ai connue.
So, Bree, I hear you're an amazing cook.
Bree, on m'a vanté vos talents de cordon bleu.
You're amazing!
Ça, c'est fort!
You're an amazing aunt.
Tu es une super tante.
You're amazing.
- Tu es sensass.
Look, radon, I think you're amazing.
Écoute Radon. T'es vraiment incroyable.
You're amazing.
Vous êtes épatant.
You're in love with a dog? Yes, and she's called Destiny and she's amazing.
Voilà pourquoi l'Occident doit être détruit!
Oh, you're amazing.
Tu es merveilleux.
You're this smart, amazing, educated woman.
Tu es une femme intelligente, brillante et cultivée.
You're just amazing, and you're so beautiful.
Vous êtes géniale, et tellement belle.
You're amazing.
S'ils nous attrapent, il sera difficile de s'échapper.
You're amazing.
Tu m'épates.
You're amazing, my love. You've earned your place in heaven.
À présent, mon amour, il a gagné le ciel.
You're my best friend, and it's an amazing opportunity.
T'es ma meilleure amie et c'est une super opportunité.
You're the same ridiculously smart, amazing, goofy person that you were before.
Tu es toujours la personne aussi intelligente, géniale et bizarre que tu as toujours été.

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