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You're annoying traducir francés

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- You're always annoying that dog.
Tu agaces constamment ce chien. Moi?
And also, you're annoying me.
Et puis, tu me gênes.
You're annoying this lady.
Vous incommodez madame.
I won't recite them to you, they're too long, and my happiness seems to be annoying you.
Rassure-toi... je ne te le réciterai pas... ce serait trop long! et mon bonheur te paraîtrait ennuyeux.
Don't you understand you're annoying the lady? Annoying?
Vous ennuyez une dame.
You're really annoying.
Merde, arrête de m'énerver comme ça.
- You're annoying me very much.
Je ne peux rien dire. - Tu m'agaces.
You're annoying me, you're all annoying me today.
Tu m'embetes, vous m'embetez tous aujourd'hui!
You're so annoying!
Ce que tu peux être fatigant!
- You're so annoying!
- Ce que tu peux être pénible!
- You're annoying me, Gine.
- Vous me sous-estimez, Gine.
- You're annoying us.
- Tu déranges.
- Oh, you're annoying me, go on.
- Oh mais, tu m'ennuies, allez.
But you're annoying others
Mais tu ennuies les autres :
I think you're extremely annoying
Je pense que tu es extrêmement rasoir!
You're annoying me.
Tu m'agaces à la fin.
You're annoying me.
Tu m'énerves assez.
- You're annoying me.
- Tu m'embêtes!
Columbo, you're becoming very annoying, do you know that?
Vous devenez très embêtant.
You're getting annoying.
Tu commences à m'agacer.
You're annoying me.
Tu m'embêtes.
If you're loud and annoying, psychologically, people don't notice you.
On ne remarque pas les gens qui font du bruit.
You're annoying Mr Narboni.
Tu énerves M. Narboni.
You're annoying us.
Tu nous fais chier.
You're annoying!
Vous m'agacez à la fin!
A little annoying, but you're right.
C'est un peu ennuyeux mais tu as raison.
And I say, "Because you're annoying," you know.
Et je dis : "Parce que vous m'énervez!"
You're annoying!
Tu me fatigues.
You're annoying.
Tu m'embêtes.
You're so fucking annoying!
Tu fais chier, merde!
You're annoying as hell.
Ce que t'es chiant!
You're annoying with this number.
Tu nous ennuies avec ce numéro.
- You're starting to get annoying, Caty.
- Tu deviens fatigante, Caty.
You're so annoying!
Ce que vous pouvez être agaçant!
you're really annoying me!
Désolé, mais... Tu vas payer!
- It's because you're bored, isn't it? - That's why you're both annoying me.
Vous vous ennuyez, alors vous m'embêtez.
You're becoming quite annoying!
Vous commencez à m'ennuyer!
And what you're doing is annoying.
Et ce que tu fais est enquiquinant.
- You're getting annoying. - l mean it. Listen, this is very important.
écoute ce que je vais te dire.
We're not even through Connecticut yet, and already you're annoying me.
Arrête. On vient de partir, tu m'embêtes déjà.
You're getting to be an annoying little chore yourself.
Tu es toi-même en train de devenir une corvée.
You're annoying me very much.
La Rumeur 1962 Des choses qu'on ne dit pas. La Rumeur 1962
You're annoying! I know I'm annoying
Tu sais pourquoi je suis fatigant?
Boyi Bolomi You're also very annoying
Toi aussi, tu es fatigant.
You know woman, They're annoying....... But it will be all fine I'll take care of it...
Vous savez les gonzesses, ça soûle....... mais ça va s'arranger parce que je vais lui serrer la vis, alors forcément...
Longevity Monk, I know you're annoying But I don't know you're this annoying
Je savais que tu étais ennuyeux mais pas à ce point-là.
You're becoming annoying.
Tu commences à m'ennuyer.
- Stop, you're annoying our customers.
Vous dérangez nos clients.
I certainly hope you're going to be able to do something about this annoying problem.
J'espère que vous pouvez m'aider.
- Get outta here! - Gosh, you're annoying. Hmm.
Vous amenez les expulsés au pied de la passerelle du bateau, vous les invitez à monter et s'ils refusent, vous les poussez.
You're annoying, you'll know when you grow up.
Tu m'embêtes, tu apprendras ça plus tard.

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