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You're older traducir francés

856 traducción paralela
It's not because you're older...
" Et pourtant, je ne suis pas comme tout le monde.
You're also growing older and older.
Et vous, vous devenez plus ridée.
But now you're growing older and we must trust and help one another, without asking any questions.
Tu es grand maintenant. Nous devons nous faire confiance.
Fauntleroy, make the most of your time. When you're older, you'll not have the courage to say that!
Profitez de votre jeunesse, après vous n'oserez plus le dire.
- I'll bet you're not much older than I am.
- On doit être à peu prês du même âge.
That's right. When they get older and you can't give them as much as other children, they're ashamed of you.
Plus tard, quand vous leur donnez moins qu'aux autres, ils ont honte de vous.
Laurel, your mother, your father, all of us who love you... feel that now that you're getting older... there are many advantages that we can give you.
Laurel, ta mère, ton père, nous tous qui t'aimons pensons que maintenant que tu grandis il y a beaucoup d'avantages que nous pouvons te donner.
You're older, you ought to know better.
Tu es adulte toi.
You're the older brother, it's up to you.
Vous êtes l'aîné, à vous de décider.
When you're older, I'll take you to Kentucky and Virginia. You'll be the best horsewoman in the South.
Quand tu seras grande... tu seras la meilleure écuyère du Sud!
Darling, I can't explain quite, but when you're older, I know you'll understand and you'll forgive me.
Je ne peux pas très bien t'expliquer, mais... quand tu seras grande, tu comprendras et tu me pardonneras.
She said you're getting older and I shouldn't say "petticoats" to you... I should say "underskirts," or else keep still.
Elle dit que tu grandis et que je devrais parler de jupon... au lieu de cotillon ou ne rien dire du tout.
Ben, when you're older you shall know the whole story.
Ben, plus tard tu sauras toute l'histoire.
We're a couple of years older but there's things about the Army you never forget.
On a un peu vieilli, mais iI y a des choses qu'on n'oublie pas.
You can find out about that some other time, when you ´ re a little older.
Tu l " apprendras plus tard, quand tu seras un peu plus âgée.
You're older, and more beautiful.
Tu es devenue plus âgée et plus jolie.
Someday, when you're older you'll understand that one can give all one's heart to more than one person and still remain sincere and loyal.
Quand vous serez plus grand, vous comprendrez qu'on peut donner tout son cœur à plus d'une personne, et rester sincère et loyal.
You're older than that.
Vous êtes plus vieux que ça.
And put you in a real office in a real business To pay you back for everything Because you're my older brother.
Je viens te tirer de ce trou et te donner un vrai travail, parce que tu es mon frère aîné.
You're older.
Tu as mûri.
Don't laugh. You're not a lot older.
Vous n'etes pas beaucoup plus âge vous-meme.
How life is when you're older.
Et la vie, quand on est adultes.
You're getting older.
Tu vieillis.
You're older and you should be more careful!
Et toi qui est l'aînée, tu pourrais faire attention.
When you're older, you'll find that's the only way.
En grandissant, tu verras qu'on ne peut pas faire autrement.
You're one war older, that's all.
Tu es plus vieux d'une guerre...
When you're older, you'll look back at this and you'll laugh at yourself for thinking that this is so important.
Plus tard, en y songeant, tu riras de toi d'avoir trouvé ça si important.
You'll learn! When you're older, Jim.
Tu apprendras en vieillissant.
- You're not much older than my wife.
Anne est à peine plus jeune.
You're much older than she.
Tu es beaucoup plus âgé!
I swear you're getting older all the time, Billy.
Tu vieillis, Billy. Pas vrai, Frank?
You're not his wife. Never have been. You're years older than he is.
Vous n'êtes pas sa femme, vous êtes plus vieille que lui.
When you're older, maybe we'll talk about it.
Quand tu seras plus grand, nous en reparlerons peut-être.
I mean, you're older than any of us.
Tu es plus âgé que nous tous.
It's merely a short way of saying you're still young enough to pattern your behaviour after people older than you.
C'est une façon rapide de dire... que vous êtes encore assez jeune pour copier la conduite de vos aînés.
You're a year older than me.
Tu as un an de plus que moi.
- I'll tell you when you're older.
- Je te le dirai quand tu seras grand.
Mais là encore, pas toujours.
When they're older, they like other things, best of all if you're rich.
En prenant de l'âge, elles prennent goût à l'argent.
- You're welcome. Do you have an older, grateful sister at home?
Tu aurais une sœur reconnaissante?
When you're older you'll realize how unfair you've been.
Quand tu seras grand, tu comprendras que tu as été injuste.
You're so cruel. I thought an older man might be kinder.
Tu es si cruel, je pensais qu'un homme plus âgé serait plus gentil.
You're not a day older.
Pas vieilli d'un jour!
You're older ; you wouldn't understand
Vous ne pouvez pas comprendre.
Oh, I think they're divine on older women, but I don't think they'd be right for me. You do understand?
Je les trouve absolument divins sur des femmes plus âgées, mais ce n'est pas ce qu'il me faut, vous comprenez.
I will, when you're a little older.
Quand tu seras plus grande.
Especially if you're older. - Zoe!
Les sous bien-aimés parce que... si on a des sous, on vit comme...
I'm afraid until you're a little older, that's... I'm sorry. All right now.
Oui, il faudra attendre d'être plus grande.
There are many things which you'll only understand when you're older.
Vous ne comprendrez certaines choses que lorsque vous serez plus âgés.
is it because you're so much older?
Parce que vous êtes bien plus âgé?
You're getting older.
Vous êtes âgé.

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