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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ Y ] / You're staying here

You're staying here traducir francés

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You're staying here?
Alors, tu restes?
Good evening, Mr. Preysing. You're staying here, too?
Vous êtes descendu ici, M. Preysing?
You're staying here, Valentine. What you need is more of the simple life, young woman.
Je te veux ici, Valentine...
You can't. You're staying here permanently.
Tu resteras ici.
I changed my mind about your staying here, you're going back to Glendale.
J'ai changé d'idée. Tu ne restes pas. Tu rentres à Glendale.
- Staying here you're taking chances.
- Traîne pas dans le coin, c'est malsain.
You're staying here for gold.
Vous restez ici pour l'or.
- You're staying here.
- Dans sa chambre.
- You're staying here!
Tu restas ici!
- You're not staying here. If you stay here, I'll tell Aunty that your name is Dr. David Huxley.
Venez, ou je dis à ma tante qui vous êtes.
- You're staying here till —
- Non. - Vous restez ici jusqu'à —
No, someone staying here will see you're given all the help you need.
Non. Je laisse ici quelqu'un qui vous apportera toute l'aide nécessaire.
And you're staying here? Why?
Alors vous restez ici, pourquoi?
You're staying here until I throw you out.
Tu restes ici jusqu'à ce que je te chasse.
- You're staying here.
- Vous, vous restez ici.
Go on, you're not staying here.
Je ne veux plus te voir.
You're not doing me any favor by staying here.
Je ne cherche pas à te faire rester.
You're staying here tonight. - Take her away.
- C'est un revolver de la PJ.
You're staying here till the real law comes.
Vous restez ici jusqu'à l'arrivée des vrais juristes.
You're staying here with Jessica tonight, Betsy?
Vous restez avec Jessica ce soir?
But you're not staying here, now that I know.
Mais tu ne vas pas rester ici.
You're staying here with me.
Tu loges ici avec moi.
You're staying here and carrying out Ecuyer's orders.
Reste ici et accomplis les ordres d'Ecuyer.
Well you're not staying here.
Ne restez pas ici.
You're staying right here.
Je vous laisse ici.
You wouldn't be here if you could've made a better deal anywhere else and you're staying until the end of the ride.
M. Hardy, vous ne seriez pas ici si vous aviez mieux ailleurs.
Let the Lady and the girl go. You're staying here.
Faites sortir madame et sa fille.
Do anything you like but you're not staying here.
Tu ne restes pas ici.
You're staying here.
Toi, reste ici, en tous cas.
I think you're being headstrong about staying here.
Tu es bien têtue de vouloir rester ici.
You're staying here.
Vous restez ici.
You're staying... you're actually staying here?
Vous demeurez... tu demeures ici?
You're staying here with me.
Tu restes avec moi.
Staying here, what you're trying to prove, is not worth our son's life.
La vie de Jamy passe avant tout le reste.
Sorry, chamaca, you're staying here.
Désolé, chamaca, tu restes ici.
You're staying here. Off you go, the rest of you.
Tu restes ici, Ies autres, mettez les voiles.
They do, you do, and yet you're staying here?
ils Ie veulent, tu Ie veux, et tu restes quand même ici?
- That's impossible. You're staying here.
Mais c'est impossible... tu vas restez ici...
You're staying here, for better or worse.
Tu resteras ici, de gré ou de force.
You can't do this. No? You're staying here, Karswell.
Vous allez rester là.
I'm telling you for the last time, you're staying here.
C'est la dernière fois que je vous le dis. Restez ici.
You're staying here alone?
- Vous restez seule?
You're staying right here with me.
Vous restez ici avec moi.
You're staying here, but I'm going to gunnery school a thousand miles away.
Tu restes ici, mais je vais à l'école d'artillerie à 1600 km d'ici.
You're staying out here?
Tu es toujours dehors.
If you're staying here a while, ask for a different cell.
Si vous comptez rester longtemps, faites-vous changer de cellule.
Jones? You're staying here tonight.
Jones, vous restez ici ce soir.
You're staying here.
Tu restes ici.
No, you're staying here.
Non, tu restes ici.
If you're staying, you're sleeping in here.
Vous dormirez ici, au besoin.
Your family in Higo are deeply concerned that you're staying here in Osaka Castle.
Princesse Kobue, votre famille de Kumamoto est inquiète de vous voir demeurer au château d'Ôsaka.

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