You've been shot traducir francés
227 traducción paralela
He was shot up pretty bad. He's only been out of the hospital for a few months. You've gotta have patience.
Il a été grièvement blessé, père, et a quitté l'hôpital il y a peu.
If there were any reasonable chance for me to help you, it'd be different. But, during this quiet little weekend in the country... my family's been threatened... I've had a knife thrown at me, I've been shot at, I've been suspected of murder.
Si je pouvais vous aider j'agirais autrement mais durant ce calme week-end à la campagne ma famille a été menacée, j'ai servi de cible et on m'a suspecté de meurtre.
Let me see. You've been shot.
- Vous avez reçu une balle.
- My dear captain... when you've been shot down in a British plane by a German destroyer... 300 miles off the coast of England... latitude 45... and have been hanging on to a half-submerged wing for hours... waiting to drown with half a dozen other stricken human beings... you're liable to forget you're a newspaperman for a moment.
- Mon cher capitaine, attaqué à bord d'un avion anglais par un destroyer allemand, à 500 km des côtes anglaises, latitude 45, ayant passé des heures sur une aile à moitié submergée, attendant la noyade avec d'autres personnes blessées,
Que s'est-il passé?
You've been sapped twice, choked, beaten silly with a gun... shot in the arm until you're as crazy as a couple of waltzing mice.
Assommé, étranglé, drogué jusqu'à la folie.
I thought it was rather a wild shot. After all, I've been assisting you.
Je me suis dit que ce n'était pas gagné vu que j'étais ton assistant.
I don't suppose you've forgotten but, just in case it's been two weeks since Sergeant Edmunds was shot to death in the gas station at 103rd and Craig Streets.
Je ne pense pas que vous ayez oublié, mais au cas où... Il y a 15 jours, le brigadier Edmunds a été abattu à la station essence de Craig Street.
You know, I've been on the force for 20 years, almost time for me to retire, and I haven't shot a gun once, except on the range, of course.
Je suis policier depuis vingt ans, je vais bientôt prendre ma retraite. Je n'ai jamais tiré un coup de feu, sauf à l'entraînement.
If you'd shot me, Everybody around here might've been dead in 24 hours.
Si vous m'aviez tué, tout le monde serait mort en 24 h.
You could've been maybe shot or something.
On vous en veut toujours, hein?
I've been shot 11 times, broke out of more jails than you can count, had a rope around my neck twice, so... don't worry about me.
Je ne compte plus le nombre de fois où je me suis évadé, ne t'inquiète pas pour moi.
You can have me shot like you've been doing in the Congo!
- Comme vous l'avez fait au Congo.
I've just been thinking seeing how you control all the gambling in this town and I get 10 percent of the take what would happen to my livelihood if you went out and got yourself shot?
J'ai réfléchi... Puisque c'est vous qui gérez le jeu dans cette ville et que je touche 10 pour cent des profits... De quoi vivrai-je si on vous tire dessus?
You wrote the mother of the boy you slapped, "The rat should've been shot."
Vous avez écrit à la mère du soldat : "Cette vermine aurait dû mourir."
Sir, you've been shot.
On vous a tiré dessus.
You knowed damn well I've been shot there twice before.
Et tu sais très bien que j'ai déjà été blessé deux fois au même endroit.
I just wanted to tell you that we checked out those two guns in your office and Ballistics says they've never been shot.
Je voulais vous dire qu'on a vérifié vos deux armes.
I could've shot you down when you landed but that would've been ridiculously easy.
J'aurais pu vous tuer quand vous avez atterri, mais c'était trop facile.
"'You've been shot full of hop "'until you're as crazy as two waltzing mice.
On t'as chargé comme une mule jusqu'à ce que tu sois aussi dingue que 2 souris qui valsent
Since 5 : 00 this afternoon, you've been getting shot at... stabbed at, yelled at.
Depuis 17 heures, on t'a tiré dessus... on t'a piqué, on t'a crié après.
But I tell you, we in Harlan County... all of our life we've been kicked around... we've been put in jail... we've been shot at, we've had dynamite throwed at us... and then you don't want us to have nothin'.
Moi je vous le dis, nous à Harlan County... on nous a traités comme des chiens toute notre vie, on nous a jetés en prison, on nous a tiré dessus, on nous a jeté de la dynamite... et vous, vous voulez qu'on ait plus rien.
You've also been shot and drugged...
On a aussi tiré sur toi et on t'a drogué.
You've been shot at
On t'a envoyé sur le champ de tir.
If what you say is true, he could've been shot before Freddy went on the stage.
Si c'est vrai, il aurait pu être tué avant que Freddy passe en scène.
Think I found the shot you've been looking for.
Je crois que j'ai trouvé le bout de film que tu cherchais.
But before the gas has had a chance to work, you've already been shot by a gun.
Mais le temps que le gaz fasse effet, on s'est déjà fait canarder.
All we know is that somebody shot your car up. It's probably the same silly son ofa bitch you've been talking to on that radio.
Si ça se trouve, votre voiture a très bien pu être bousillée par l'interlocuteur avec qui vous avez parlé à la radio.
Since I met you, I've nearly been incinerated, drowned, shot at, and chopped into fish bait.
Avec vous, j'ai failli être incinéré, noyé et découpé en morceaux.
What I'm trying to tell you is that I've been shot at twice today.
J'essaie de vous dire qu'on m'a tiré dessus deux fois aujourd'hui.
I've been thinking since Willie Red's, what if you got shot?
J'y pense depuis l'histoire de Willie Red : et si tu te fais tirer dessus?
You don't know what hurt's about till you've been shot in the toe.
Et je peux te dire, ça fait mal.
Since I have taken this job, I've been shouted at, I've been bribed, I've even been shot for you people!
Depuis que j'ai pris ce travail on m'a crié après, on a essayé de me corrompre et je me suis fait tirer dessus pour vous!
Please, Mr. Getz. You've been shot in the arm?
- M. Getz, je vous en prie.
You've been shot!
Ils t'ont tiré dessus.
My God, you've been shot!
Mon Dieu, vous êtes blessé!
You've been playing dumb so you can get a shot at me.
Vous faites l'idiot pour pouvoir mieux me duper.
You've been shot, stabbed, run over : "Have a seat."
On vous a tiré dessus, on vous a poignardé, on vous a renversé, asseyez-vous!
You've been shot.
On t'a tiré dessus.
Don't worry, you've just been shot with a fun gun.
T'inquiète pas. C'était un pistolet d'enfant.
You've been shot but you're doing fine.
Vous êtes blessé.
It's just that ever since you started being'my partner... I've been beat up, blown up... shot, kicked out a window... all my worldly possessions burnt to a crisp. Basically, I'm homeless.
C'est juste que depuis qu'on fait équipe, on m'a tabassé... fait sauter... tiré dessus, balancé par la fenêtre... on a brûlé tout ce que je possédais... en gros, je suis un SDF.
Ever since you shot me with that tranq, I've been having these cramps.
Depuis le tranquillisant, j'ai des crampes terribles.
That was the money shot you've all been waiting for.
C'était le scoop du siècle.
Mr Fenigor, you've been shot.
Vous avez reçu une balle.
You've been shot.
Vous avez reçu une balle.
Miss Parker, you've been shot.
Vous êtes touchée!
You've been shot!
Ah, merde!
I deserve to sit and watch a movie that isn't about someone having trouble saying "l love you" unless it's because they've been shot in the face.
J'ai besoin de regarder un film dans lequel si le personnage principal a du mal à dire "je t'aime", c'est parce qu'il s'est pris un coup de poing dans la mâchoire.
You've been shot twice. You shouldn't be out of bed.
Tu es blessé, reste allongé.
That ´ s because you ´ ve been shot.
C'est à cause de ta blessure.
you've been served 82
you've been there before 25
you've been 70
you've been chosen 18
you've been avoiding me 36
you've been lying to me 28
you've been warned 45
you've been busy 87
you've been up all night 20
you've been through so much 17
you've been there before 25
you've been 70
you've been chosen 18
you've been avoiding me 36
you've been lying to me 28
you've been warned 45
you've been busy 87
you've been up all night 20
you've been through so much 17
you've been working out 16
you've been through a lot 72
you've been gone a long time 22
you've been a great help 19
you've been here before 48
you've been following me 21
you've been very helpful 80
you've been drinking 88
you've been crying 25
you've been very kind 36
you've been through a lot 72
you've been gone a long time 22
you've been a great help 19
you've been here before 48
you've been following me 21
you've been very helpful 80
you've been drinking 88
you've been crying 25
you've been very kind 36