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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ Z ] / Zuba

Zuba traducir francés

49 traducción paralela
Look on the bright side.
Positive, Zuba.
Zuba, look!
Zuba, regarde!
I thought you hated Zuba.
Parfait! Je croyais que tu détestais Zuba.
I'm going to use him to get rid of Zuba once and for all!
Je vais m'en servir pour me débarrasser de Zuba une fois pour toutes!
I hate to be a party pooper, Zuba, but some of the lions were wondering when you plan to banish your son.
Navré de pourrir la nouba, Zuba. Mais certains lions se demandaient quand tu bannirais ton fils.
Zuba, you better give him his foofie.
Zuba, il vaut mieux le lui donner.
Anything for Zuba's boy.
Merci. Tout pour le fils de Zuba.
Who would have ever imagined that today Zuba would have to banish his own son?
Qui aurait imaginé qu'en ce jour, Zuba devrait bannir son propre fils?
Zuba, no.
Zuba, non.
Zuba, yes.
Zuba, oui.
Who could possibly take Zuba's place?
Qui pourrait remplacer Zuba?
- If you were a real lion. - Zuba!
- Si tu étais un vrai lion!
Zuba would know what to do. - Where's Zuba?
Zuba saurait quoi faire.
As an added measure, I will consult with Zuba!
J'irai jusqu'à consulter Zuba.
Listen, Zuba. A miracle happened.
Zuba, il s'est produit un miracle.
We lost him once, Zuba.
On l'a déjà perdu une fois.
- Get out of here!
- Zuba! - Disparais!
Hurry, Zuba!
Vite, Zuba!
You know, Zuba, if I remember correctly, you quit the pride.
Tu sais, Zuba, si je me souviens bien, tu as quitté la tribu.
I thought you hated Zuba.
Je croyais que tu détestais Zuba.
Anything for Zuba's boy.
Tout pour le fils de Zuba.
- Zuba!
- Zuba!
Zuba would know what to do.
Zuba saurait quoi faire.
- Where's Zuba?
- Où est Zuba?
Zuba should be in charge, not you.
Zuba devrait être chef, pas toi.
Yeah, yeah, Zuba.
- Yeah, I said it!
- Zuba! - Je l'ai dit!
- You don't care about us.
- Où est Zuba?
Zuba should be in charge, not you.
- On se fiche de nous. Zuba devrait être chef, pas toi.

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